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 Jun 2010 11
Charles Bukowski
sway with me, everything sad --
madmen in stone houses
without doors,
lepers steaming love and song
frogs trying to figure
the sky;
sway with me, sad things --
fingers split on a forge
old age like breakfast shell
used books, used people
used flowers, used love
I need you
I need you
I need you:
it has run away
like a horse or a dog,
dead or lost
or unforgiving.
 Jun 2010 11
William Butler Yeats
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
 Jun 2010 11
JJ Hutton
shaved scalp,
forehead heavy with ash,
scabs scraped with broken pottery,
all the gods stopped playing fair,
with cold sons and contradictory friends,

for the saints,
for the satans,
for citing both.

at the sound of laughter,
at the touch of neighbors,

for losing my mind,
my maker,
my family,
while everyone else is content
to live in ****** sitcoms
and safety-net salvation.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Jun 2010 11
Carly Two
I want to go home but I don't have a home.

I live in the middle space between where you're driving from
and where you're driving to.
I live on backseats and inside large purses.

I live in vending machines
and beds you used to sleep in all the time
but don't sleep in anymore
because you moved away.

I live on driveways that got redone while you were gone,
and new haircuts you couldn't see because you weren't there.

I live on promises that we'll do something.

I live in those cool new sunglasses you got,
but they broke,
and I never got to see your wear them.

I live in the little space between you and your lover,
the one that feels like "I love you"
but really means
"I love you, but I'm not in love with you."

I live on unsatisfactory naps
and the island your friends put you on when you finally said what you'd been wanting to say.

I live under the rug when you complain about people behind their backs
because no one really knows how to tell someone they don't like them
for who they are...
as a person.

I live in every spare shoebox that isn't filled with notes
and gets jealous of the other shoeboxes that are filled with notes.

I live on the top bunk
and I've never fallen off

but I'm still kind of scared that I will one day.

I live on the laugh that lets me know you're still listening.  

I live where I never wanted to live,
but I live here,
because I choose to live here.
And you live there because you choose to live there,
even if it doesn't seem that way.

I'm here and you're there.
I'm here for you and you're there for me,
even if it doesn't seem that way.

This is where I live.
You should send me a letter some time.
Copyright C. Heiser, 2010
 Jun 2010 11
JJ Hutton
i didn't say a word.

the laughter was wrapping
tight about my neck.

two ex-girls were blushing,
my glance ricocheted off,
then landed on
my clasped hands.

i wasn't in charge of the party.
i only lived where it took place.

nobody had any alcohol,
everybody drank coffee or redbull;
talked with foreign

i wasn't in charge of the music.
i only owned the stereo system.

so we listened to some pop-punkshit.
i started storing excuses,
in case someone asked me to dance.

the boys were all grinning.
the boys were all christians,
while they hunted their prey.

the girls were all grinning.
the girls were all christians,
while they still ran free.

i played priest.
kept my *** on the couch,
swore celibacy with every fired neuron.

lauren was gone,
amie threw a party.
she invited an army of
******* dressed exs
just to remind me i
hadn't outran my guilt.

the laughter started to wane,
people looked to me to stir
the conversation.

i didn't say a word.

i didn't breathe.
the weight of the room
was too heavy for me.

i cut myself from the stares,
someone asked where i was going,
my feet kept moving until
was traded for
was traded for
gas pedal
was traded for
anywhere distant.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Jun 2010 11
John Zeiler
 Jun 2010 11
John Zeiler
As he lays in her arms, the sun falls slowly from the sky.
She smiles at him and kisses his forehead.
He closes his eyes as the last light leaves his face.
She runs her fingers through his hair, and the sun yields to candlelight.
The music fades away until there is nothing but her.
He smiles too, and she traces her finger down his nose.
He kisses her fingertips one by one, tasting her love for him.
A breeze tickles the candles, threatening to extinguish them.
He opens his eyes, looking up into those beautiful blues.
He whispers those three special words to her and she blushes gently.
She leans down and brushes her lips against his.
Ecstasy overcomes them in this perfect moment.
The breeze wins, and the candles are snuffed out, leaving them in darkness.
“I could die in your arms,” He says in that gentle way she adores.
And he does.
He closes his eyes for the last time as she cradles her lover.
His happiness is profound, and he drifts away to dream of her eternally.
At least until tomorrow.
 Jun 2010 11
As I grow older,
As I see seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours,
Hours multiply by twenty four and lead me to days,
Days turn to weeks and weeks to months,
Where months multiply by twelve and lead me to years,
As this circle of life starts and kisses back to its end, we don’t even know where it began,
This circle of life, which has taken my former self and transformed me into my present self,
This present being is the definition of the walking dead,
Yet some disagree and say this being is a survivor,
You ask a survivor of what?
The answer, a survivor of life, a survivor of all that has been endured,
And all that is endured.
These seconds do not pass into minutes with ease,
Each moment in this life, is lived as if a lifetime has passed,
Yet the moment of despair, of tragedy that looms around her does not pass,
It lingers, allowing every inch of my body to feel this sharp, edged and lasting pain,
As if a sharp knife is being driven through my heart,
And with each passing moment, the knife is manoeuvred a little further each time,
Each new pang of pain that is experienced can be likened to this knife being twisted to the side and pushed further,
Literally destroying my insides, as to having no point of return,
The coroner was asked cause of death,
As he stated natural causes,
A whisper escaped her soul,
Cause of death equalled Life, as someone once said, “Isn’t life always cause of death”.
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