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emmie Apr 2021
It’s Christmas Eve,
and I’m ignoring my family
because it doesn’t feel right
to be out there
nothing feels right

I brush my fingers
through my hair,
trying to think
of what to write

Because right now,
I would rather be
with my friends for Christmas
but that’s just me

And this poem
may be bad,
but that’s just because,
there’s no inspiration
in my head
and I want
to go to bed;

So goodnight to all,
and to all a good night.
emmie Apr 2021
I’m not afraid
of your darkness

But I am
afraid of
emmie Apr 2021
I’m climbing,
always climbing
the wall of knowledge

but I think,
that I’ve been climbing
the wrong wall

the wall of love,
is calling my name,
and I see yours
at the top

So, I start climbing the wall
to get to you,
but this wall is so much taller,
and I can’t seem,
to climb is without you

So please help me,
and reach out your hand, and pull me to top
of the Wall of Love,

and let me,
lace my fingers
between yours

Because who cares
what say they say,
what they do,
when all I want

Is to be with you

My one wish,
Is to let our hands collide,
with our fingers entwined

Help my wish come true,
and my heart
will forever belong to you.
emmie Apr 2021
you say you love me, and then you don't talk to me for months. you say you care about me, so why haven't you checked in on me?

| you're a liar |
emmie Apr 2021
but i can't stop thinking about him and how he's loving her and kissing her and hugging her and looking at her like he did with me.
emmie Apr 2021
I search for you
in the shadows of the trees
and under the light of the stars

illuminated by the street lamps
is a heart on the pavement

in pieces

I search for you
night after night

Even though
I knew you won't be there.

But still,
I expect to see you
sitting on the hill,
longing for my touch.

Every day without you
is a day I wish not to live

I can't breath
when you are gone

I cry at night,
under the covers in which we laid

I search for your body next to me,
only to find the cold sheets,
thrown away from me,
like you had gotten up,
and never returned.

What lies in your head, my love?
is it
or have you forgotten,
the way I loved you?

And the way you loved me more.
come home, darling,
and rest your heavy heart,
on my shoulder.

Tuesday, 4/20/21 @ 8:21pm
On Wednesday, 4/21/21, I found out that my most recent ex has a new girlfriend. He hasn't talked to me since we broke up. Other people already knew, and I felt like I was the last one to find out. After that, I couldn't stop crying. I cried all through second period. I was able to get a ride home before third period, and yet, I'm still crying. Did he really love me, or was it all fake?
emmie Apr 2021
Once upon a time, the good guy lost. Overtook with silence, dispair, and defeat. Evil looked Good in the eyes and said, "No, not this time." Evil walked away, leaving Good to dry in the sun. Jack, you lying son of a b*tch. You may have won this battle, but wars don't end there. Watch out, cause I'm stronger than ever and filled with confidence and willpower that you cannot take away. So, Evil may have won in chapter 3 of this tale, but darling, there are so many pages left .
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