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YUKTI Feb 2019
I kept sneezing today
So someone asked "what happen"

"I am allergic to something"


#i guess it's the love, in the air"

YUKTI Nov 2018
Agreed that the darkest place is always under the burning lamp.

but, the jubilant feeling one gets by burning
his own self to give away the light is peerless!
YUKTI Nov 2018
I remained silent
somewhere I had feelings for you
deep inside I know you had someone else
and I being introvert and living in a shell.
Anyway, I remained silent!

you know that I have never stopped talking
I just stopped texting you first
and there was a reason because
I felt I was knocking on a wrong door.
Anyway, I remained silent!

YUKTI Dec 2018
While I lay quiet still in the dark
Ashes of my cigarette
Spread all around in the ground

While I lay quiet still in the dark
I think that maybe I am that touch
Of wind that destroys the castle of cards.

While I lay quiet still in the dark
Eyes closed and slowly sipping wine
With fingers moving on the rim of the glass.

YUKTI Feb 2018
I love high tides
grey clouds
deep water
cold sand
and lone me.
it's so peaceful!!
YUKTI Dec 2018
My Pen is filled
with ink and feeling,
It helps me to pour
my heart & helps me in Healing.

My heart skips a beat
when the thought came
in my mind like whine,
what if it denied to drop a line.
YUKTI Apr 2019
Sometimes all I want to hear is
Move on baby, we will back you up.

Sometimes all I want to know is
You are here being a rock to cover me up

sometimes all I want to be recalled is
stick around for the rainbow to come after the painful rain.

Sometimes all I want to have a sleep
It can be in bed with roses or a well-decorated coffin.
YUKTI Jan 2019
Taking my hand, gripping it firmly
make your heart lead me to the moon.
Take me with you in each step having never-ending talks..
More like "You speak I listen"
Or like talks that make less sense

Take me to the moon..

Watching the blurred world clear without our spectacles
is not only what i desire
but also to dance without any music
or you to read my unsaid thoughts
so take me to the moon.

Not only the beautiful dawn while living under the same sky
but also the star and earth
so take me to the moon

Your tiny gesture and small soft nature towards me
Makes my world a fairy tale in few seconds
To change my reality into a fairy tale

Take me to the moon..
YUKTI May 2019
If I could paint my thought bubbles.
They will be full of color no bleaker.

I would use pastels for my dreams
&Some darker strokes of grey for good reality

If I could write my thought bubbles
They will be full of happiness and positivity.

I would write in calligraphy for beautiful destiny
& Highlight things are deserved.

I wish I could built my thought bubble.
YUKTI Feb 2019
she is like the word everyone
puts in dotted lines in the fill in the blanks..
That word completes the sentence and gives it a meaning,
but remains a gap filler!
YUKTI Mar 2019
I met a broken soul with a happy face
A hint of sadness in her is not easy to trace.
Are there any amends for what we did to her
or maybe any pang of grief just gets blur.

Call her brave or coward is nearly bygones
now she left the place where she used to belong.

she now became the last ray before sunset
nearly drift off, when she feels herself like a threat.
YUKTI Oct 2018
Today I saw two unknown people dancing together.
to this dancefloor of street..
The atmosphere had something
Somewhat spark or
Love or
Full of enthusiasm
& Purity.
It felt like someone lived a life in few minutes.
The music already died
but the dance didn't.

They seemed crazy and fully away from this world
Their mind was only into the fun they were having.

Guess who are they

Okay! They were an old man and a little child..©yukti
YUKTI Oct 2018
In my dream, I wrote a poem on you.

Oh may be

on your perfect smile and the way it simply falls on your pink lips.

Or on your black sparkling eyes, who seem like swimming in water of innocence.

Or on those silent lips whispering some unsaid stories in my ears

Or the way you caught me accidentally staring at you and creating a whole different world in my mind

Or on that perfectly made hair that looks cute on you,
Me running my fingers through.

Or on that only picture of ours we looked super cute, and in all those memories I caught from the only time I get to be as near you as can..

Oh god, In my dream I wrote a poem on you

But I desire to make this dream true, but the ***** for changing this into reality is somewhere missing,
It was only there where the courage to talk to you belongs.
just some romantic stuff:)

— The End —