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Echo Nov 2014
Dear Thunderclaw,
Spotty is my best friend. I have known her for a few months now. I met her on a thread by Flametalon546, and ever since we are the best of friends. Spotty knows how to make me smile, and she is always there for me when I feel like b*tchin' about life. She is
clever and witty. She's absolutely fun and will be there for you no matter what. She is literally the best. The one friend who is true, unlike those who fled from me because they are not trustworthy friends. She will be locked in your heart forever. I'm warning you Thunder, hurt her, and you die! XD And please make her happy by coming on the forums. Spotty loves you more than you will ever know. I'm so lucky to be her friend. She deserves a mate. So, I suggest get on the forums and stop breaking her heart any longer before I break yours!! x3
I am just excited to know as you are who's going to be the lucky she-cat. I've drawn art of you two because you are so cute together! Spotty's the right
one, she's who to pick! I ship it so hard!
Your friend,
Echo Nov 2014
~Lemme' just say my blood pressure is up which is good in my case! :) I'm gaining more and more valuable friends, but I do not like being called popular. That makes me sound like a brat x)
I found the perfect one. He shares my religion and loves the same stuff I love. He's an inspirational artist and the best lover I have ever met. I am changed forever because of him. I am so glad he chose me!
My best friend is about to get her first boyfriend, but we call them mates. I am so excited for her! She's about to know the wonderful ride I'm going on over and over again. Thunderclaw + Spotty= <3
Life is so perfect to me RN! I'm doing fabulous!
Thunderstorm Nov 2014
I hate you. No. Not really. I hate how you can never talk to me and when you can it's not for very long and I hate how you make me so happy when you're there even though I know that as soon as you leave the happiness will be gone, I hate the way I just have to talk about you whenever anything connects to you, I guess what I'm saying is I hate that I love you, I hate that I fell in love with the one boy online whose parents don't want him to be in love, I hate all the little things that make me love you.
On that note, I love you. I love talking to you and  he way you make me feel and how even the thought of you can raise a smile to my face I love how you remained in love with me even though your parents don't want you to and they punish you, against all odds you still love me and I know you're the only person who would still love me, however badly I've treated you you came back and always tell me you love me, you remember me and keep going when everything in life tells you to quit, I love the way you still argue with me about how I'm better to you and how you love me more, I'm so lucky to even have met you, and somehow through crazy means I can't understand you love me and I just want to tell you I love you and even when I hate you I love all the things I hate I love you Daniel, Thunderclaw, whatever name you go by I love you.
Needed to get that out of my system.

— The End —