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Glenn McCrary Mar 2012

Bears imagism



Amplifies eloquence

Apache's tear


Stabilize meaning



Visualizes enigma

Sammi Poe
Alexis Peterson Oct 2013
“You betrayed me, Darling” Jack said quietly. She had seen that look on his face before, it was a shocking sense of...disappointment. “Betrayed you? What are you talking about Jack? I love you, just you, ALWAYS you! You know that, what’s wrong with you, love? What has made you doubt me this way? Who has put this into your mind?”, Samantha was shocked that her husband would be so easily swayed from thinking that she was the perfect woman that he had married.

“What do you mean WHO?” his voice shook with barely controlled rage, his voice raising by the second, “You are that one who made me think this way! You've been withdrawn SWEETHEART, you don’t love me like you used to. The only explanation is that there must be someone else.”, Jack sounded as if he was so sure of himself, he had such conviction in his answer, and he did not expect the incredulous snort that came out of her mouth as her temper finally broke and she began to yell.

“ I've been withdrawn! I've been! What about you, DARLING?”, she spat out the endearment as if it left a sour taste in her mouth, making it sound like an insult, a curse. “ You've been so distant these last few months, Jack! You thought I wouldn't notice! You thought I couldn't tell! I could SEE it, in the planes of your face, in the way that you looked at me. No longer with adoration, but with calculation, or with consent, as if you simply are required to love me! Jesus, Jack! I’m not BLIND!”

Her husband sighed heavily and rested his head in his hands, “Please stop talking, Sam, please. I can’t bear to see you this way. You’re doubting me, even when I've been nothing but faithful to you.” his voice was barely a whisper, throat hoarse and raw from the screaming match they had earlier. She gasped, both at his words and his tone. She tried to keep herself from flinging herself into his arms and apologizing, trying to keep from seeing his side of the story. She knew what she had seen, she was not blind, and he knew it too. He had always been the rational one, always able to talk her out of her anger, and he knew it too.

“**** it Jack! I can smell it on you! Don’t tell me it isn't real!”, she paused to incredulously shake her head, “I can’t believe that you would lie to me”, Jack began to notice that her anger, her passion, her fire had faded. She sounded sad, defeated. like she up. “What do you SMELL on me, doll ”, when she didn't answer he began to get angry and his voice began to rise. “Hmmmm? What could you possibly smell on me? Be quick to answer”, she shook her head and clenched her jaw. Her answer seemed to be hissed out from between clenched teeth, “I smell whiskey, I smell smoke, you know what I smell most though? Perfume, it came from her, didn't it Jack? Because I’m sure as hell that it didn't come from me.” Jack shook his head and continued to be adamant in his denial of her claims.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sammi! We’re fighting about nothing”, she began to sob uncontrollably, Jack was heartbroken by her sobs and tried to pull her into his arms, but she wrenched herself away from him, “Nothing, Jack? NOTHING! Be honest with me, how many are there? Three, Five, Twelve? I don’t even know you anymore, you aren't the man I married, you aren't my Jack. My Jack never would have done this to me! Who are you? Why do you want to hurt me? What’s happened to us, Jack? Sneaking behind each other’s backs-”, Jack’s head snapped up as he cut her off, “So you admit! You have been sneaking!” Samantha slowly shook her head and sighed in frustration, “**** it, Jack, that’s not the point! Do you even love me anymore?”, he didn't answer, her anger was blinding and she was so close to crying, “Do you! Is there any part of you that’s still mine?”, He frowned.

“All of it! All of me! I’m yours Sam”, she shook her head as she walked out the door, “No you aren't, Jack. You aren't mine” Jack gently put his hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him and stopping her from exiting the room, “I am. I’m yours!”, even he was close to tears now, the quiver in his voice was clear. Samantha shook him off her shoulder, “Then why did you cheat, Jack?” Her cold stare focused on his face, he looked at her and he was crushed. He looked heartbroken, but she answered her question with one of his own. “Why did you?” She shook her head and the look on her face changed from determination to disgust.

“I didn't! God, Jack! I loved you faithfully, fully, with no regrets, NONE! Guess it wasn't enough was it?”, He sighed “Give me another chance. I really do love you, Sammi”, He used her old nickname, hoping that it would rekindle a little bit of the old affection between them, no dice. She looked at him freezing him in place again with her cold stare, “Love is a game, games are for kids and whether or not you are one, I am done with this game. I forfeit, you win. Congratulations, you lose everything. Hope you had fun playing. Playing me just like everyone said you would”, Jack looked wounded his eyes filled with sharp pain.

“Please sweetheart, a second chance?” He was crying now, his tears streaming silently down his face. But she didn't turn to look and her response was curt and final, “Second chances are for those who deserve them, and don’t ever call me that again”. As she began to walk away Jack grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him again, “fine, no second chance, aren't you going to tell me that we can still be friends?”, Samantha shook her head in disgust and pulled her arm away from him. “Let’s get something straight Jack, we are not friends, we are not acquaintances, you will not speak to me after this. We don’t even know each other. As far as I’m concerned Jack, we haven’t known each other in quite a long time. Find someone else to ruin Jack, I’m already broken beyond repair. Goodbye Jack.”

As Samantha left, the tears streaming down her face were mirrored on his. However, their relationship, like Samantha, was broken far beyond repair. Even with time it will not heal as most things would. But instead, might fade, leaving both with an empty feeling that they will try to fill in their own way. By indulging in vices or rediscovering themselves, but at least then, there would be no pain. There was no doubt that that this was a good thing for them, because it was the time for it. Samantha remembered reading somewhere that there was a time for everything, and leaning against the closed door with her tears silently streaming down her face, she had not a doubt that this was right. They were not meant for the forever that they had promised each other. So each would have to find a love that was.
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2009
Whilst slumbering
I woke at  three
And thought that
I would write to thee.
Write thee a verse
To let you know
Your face visits me
Each week or so….

Do you read my poems Sammi?
Have you felt my questing thought?
Have you caught the sensitivities?
Have you bled for battles fought?

Have I led you by the waters edge
To watch the sun go down?
Have I introduced an argument
That caused your brow to frown?

Did you laugh with “Laughter” Sammi?
Were you sad for “Mother’s” plight?
Did you watch the crescent moon descend
Into the sea at night?

Have you felt the things that move me,
Do you understand my need?
To record the stories in my head
Before dimming thoughts recede.

To put it all on paper
To lock it into being
Before the picture vanishes
And there’s nothing left worth seeing.

So I raise my glass in toast to us
With a mellow, velvet red
And I celebrate the times we’ve shared
And those wonders in my head.

For the hand of time is fading friend
Our history claims us fast
Good friendship should share tenderness
Before our time is past.

Mangere Bridge
27 March 2009
- From Watching the Ripples Radiate
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The witches tea party
Tonight is the beginning of a site. You might find myself in a fright.
Tonight starts the witches tea-party.
They fly from near and far just to be there.
Black hats and cats stand in place waiting to start the flight.
Rhonda and Sammi they pour the tea.
That cast a spell on Halloween night.
Look to the sky that very night and you can see
As they ride through the sky.
One by one headed home from the witches tea-party.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
When again in Joyous MAE
where Weeping willows bow and sway
and Martin swoops from hollowed eave
to where Victoria bids us leave
down railway track by home bound Duck
and motion sickness makes us Chuck
smelling salts from moonlight blossoms
as Marian asks what's a possum
Hilda and Tim try to explain
as Bala steps onto this train
he greets with smiles sweet Linda there
as Edward offers him a chair
Thoughts Forgotten as we chill
my Dry Sapphire Gin I knock and spill
cussing Profanity too loud
I shock so many of this crowd
Sammi Sweetie red of face
covers the ears of Madison Grace
Jerelii turns to poor Prabhu
and asks him soft what can we do
Frederick hands to her a tissue
and Vijay says good luck I wish you
Rena Em and poor old Quentin
have not returned when they were sent in
offering advice and gentle aide
and Lee and Jimmy knelt and prayed
Harlow ran and Blackmire followed
both too afraid their courage swallowed
Floaters pointed to Anon C
and said aloud you come with me
Something we knew was ours has gone
but look his Sisters just got on
So Daytonight spoke I'll cuff his ears
to stop him swearing now my dears
Embers knew shed blow her top
so quickly Rose and said ... My stop
If I missed anyone I'll do another another night as 4 am and tired no offence meant or character traits implied was just having a train ride with some friends
Samantha Sep 2020
Everyone says this is wrong.
Everyone says i shouldnt do this Because of the history you have with my mom.
Everyone says i am wrong for it
But if its wrong then why do it feel so right.
If its wrong then why do i not care that i have lost everything.
She's making me choice my niece or you...
How can i do such a thing?
With you im free.
With you im at peace.
You are helping me grow
You are helping me become a better me
The women i want to be.
In the past 3 months i have grown alot.
So how can i choose between the man who makes me happy and supports me in everything i do in life and my niece that i will **** for?
Im not i wont. She can not take this away from me
I need you more then ever right now.
Im trying so hard to stay strong and not lose it
Im trying so hard to be the bigger person here
My niece will understand
She will see how grandma is and sammi did not choose a guy over her just to make grandma happy
For once she will see that sammi chose herself
So im going to warn you im going to apologize now
Im going to get moody
Im going to shut down
Im going to hurt
But dont blame yourself
Dont take it to the heart
This is my choice
I just need you to be here for me
Tell me its okay and it will be okay
Tell me you are here
And you arent going any where

— The End —