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King Panda Oct 2015
we are monsters
from the boutique to the
embroidered throw pillows the
pen dashed around the neck
stage 5 bone cut
sawing ossification to the
hollow core

we are monsters
hooting in tunnels lined
with bats coming out to feast
to scrape the streets
shimmy the walls
bust the coffin and

we are monsters
who can't enter under the
fearful of being burned by
the sun silver stake
rat poison holy water sickle
and windmill ash

we are monsters
sewed stapled dead meat
skin hair plugs ceramic
teeth tested and tasted by

we are monsters
jumping high over white
fences frenzied explosion
running through corn
angrily bled in a field shot and
hunted like embarrassing
waterfowl in the jaws of

we are monsters
of flaming brilliance flashing
in your inbox
read us and gnaw
grilled limbs
as we watch you
be scared and
I promise we don't die.
Pushkar Mishra Jun 2015
Thousands of years I have lived
And now I feel like little bacteria
My heart is filled with pores
And people call it ostia

The night's are glazing with pleurobranchia
And thank God I didn't get ******* hemiplegia
Solitary I feel in my animal kingdom
I wish I could do something with my boredom.

How amazing are these euplectellian shrimps
Dieing together imprisoned
Symptoms of true love they show to me
Together up to death they are known to be.

Maybe I am the class imperfecta
But by birth I am a mammalia
I wish we could both be mycorrhiza
And get hallucinated with amanita.

Someday we would make a synapse
And get into the love with mitochondria
And there our nervous system stops
And there the impulse will walk .

No special organelles I have
I'm just 70s ribosome
My heart is incipient
With foldings of mesosome
Hope you like it :)
Courtney Joy May 2013
May 27, 2013
I let it take control of my mind. Disappearing in a mist of haze; wandering for days. Searching. Seeking. Finding. Fitting into my piece, so I could spread amongst the rest. So I could fit and be apart of it: the Great Mystery. Truth. So I can understand the meaning of life. Is my path determined? Do I have free will? Can I escape this? All I know is that everything is connected. Earth is a single component; a mere microscopic portion of the entire universe, which is compromised of more than the human mind can understand at this point in time.  

A little stardust.

How is it possible that less than five percent of our oceans have been discovered? Are we ignorant to the fact that when earth started experiencing life, it was in the depths of the ocean. Hence, all production of landscape, the animal kingdom, primitive and current **** sapiens, technology, advancement, and discovery of our past is a creation from the sea billions of years ago. Everything on earth is composed of gasses that came from the universe: what simplistic thinking.
Humans fighting against humans, to taste eachothers blood in the name of “victory”, a game to exploit and prevent eachother form an equalized entirety. When will all work towards progress, instead of the demise of the "other". When will we realize our brothers and sisters are not our enemies. How connected the human race is as a species;

does anyone realize?

Class Mammalia, which consists of over 5000 species, is a single group of the animal kingdom, yet humans are classified by each other on basis a of enhanced melanin, and physical traits. Do dogs laugh at us? Ah, I used the term race and everyone decides to think it means colour, or some stupid stereotype!
what have we come to?

When will we reach our heads out of our ***** and realize what surrounds and encompasses us as a whole? A consistent river that flows with time, shining mortality by with plenty adventures, constantly writhing. No control. Like I am a mere droplet in the ocean, licking the coastline, bathing in the sunlight. Creating, and being created.

Its amazing isn’t it?
M'thew Jan 2012
What is the meaning of Life?

Does that not state there is in fact a meaning to our lives? Are we not conceived with a blank slate and let our actions be guided by the environment we have become accustomed to or is there a true predestined meaning to our lives? Is it neither?  We are nothing more than what we are and nothing less than what we are not.

What is my purpose?


What is God?

God is what leads me in the direction that I am heading and keeps me away from where I have not gone. God is not in the endless skies watching my every action. God does not know me. I don’t know God. God is not a being. God is not energy. God is not matter; God is not made of protons, neutrons, electrons or photons. God exists. We made God exist. We also made God disappear.
What is reality?

The tangible and physical perceptions that we have keep in our memories. As soon as we forget, reality disintegrates. When we remember, reality regenerates. Reality is not constant.

Why am I here?


How did I get here?

I managed to avoid every other place than where I am. If I averted where I am now I would be someplace else. I would be any place else. Am I happy? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. This experience is beautiful yet full of dismay and I experience comfort but sorrow for only being able to experience a small sliver of the universe. But this is my sliver of the universe. I love this sliver of the universe and I would fight to the death to save this tiny space for anybody else to experience existence the way I do.

Who and What am I?

I am human, **** sapient, ****, hominine, hominid, primate, Mammalia, Chordate, and Animal. I am an Earthling from the Milky Way. I am what I am labeled, by others and by myself. I am defined by everything I am not and I change every day. I am not constant.

What will happen when I die?

Transcendence from existence; Appearance into eternal rest. My body will provide nutrients to the world, my memories will be lost. I will no longer be, except in the minds of those who knew me and in the evidence I leave behind. I’ll be lost forever, the evidence will soon disappear. I will be over, the universe will go on. That’s all I could ever ask for.
Àŧùl May 2013
As you study zoology further you will come to relearn that veins bring blood back to the lungs,
Across the kingdom animalia & a few others including Aves & Reptilia, Mammalia & Chordata,
From lungs the re-oxygenated blood is re-pumped around the body by our rhythmic heartbeats.

In my body it's a bit different I guess, yes it's different!

Your name has crept up my veins and I just feel your Kreepy name sounding with every heartbeat.

My HP Poem #241
©Atul Kaushal
Hayley Coleman Jan 2014
Routines are the mind's way of playing tricks on you.
And when you reach a point of breaking, a point of severe uncontrollable emotional damage,
The damage, of course, inflicted upon you by yourself,
Will suffocate you and in the process, proceed to shove you against a wall without any last words.
And in that moment, you feel like crying,
But you know, that there is no point in crying anymore.
There is no point in pondering, no point in asking, "why?"
You will find that you, yourself are nothing but a mere fraction of the mammalia kingdom,
With nothing but processed emotions, fake attitudes, controversial peers, and material objects that mean absolutely nothing to the outside observer.
You are nothing but a stupid monkey with "designer" fashion,
Nothing but a human with this bizarre concept of love that masks the lust you feel deep in the night as you crave someone's arms around your broken body.
You are nothing but a victim to life and all of life's offerings.
I am nothing.
I am minuscule.
I am a victim to society,
A victim to pop culture,
A victim to perfection,
A victim to succeed,
A victim to wealth and prosperity,
A victim to living in its own,
But most importantly, I am a victim to my own mind.
And that, I feel, is the single most cruel thing that could possibly happen to myself.
There is no point in success without a driving force pushing you to succeed,
And if I were granted success with no specific driving force then why should I be granted it?
If I worked for hours just scraping the surface of some magical discovery only to be brought down with negative feedback,
Why do I fail?
Why do I fail constantly?
Why do I tell myself that I am smart when I do nothing to prove so?
I am nothing but a victim to my own mind,
And the only escape is to die.
I am nothing.
AudKumda Oct 2014
A hunger indeed is a hungry tiger in need, Wait! An indenture in my soul speaks in desire, so its an incrementation from Mammalia Justice League , for punishment in this in intolerable  act we are served to  read 3 years of children's rhymes, only on rice milk and Nut loaf.
John B Jun 2016
When a child asks you questions

While they are learning of this world

Never anwser them directly

Instead help them to test personally

To understand and see

This is logic!

Michanics, mathematics and reason.

But soon

They will find themselves privy to treasons

Liers and cheats mix with fools in deceit

With the tools of logic this is plan be seen

You must teach them the art of rhetoric

To stop those who would just cause havoc

For if the wise are Ill equipped

Our idiots will face the whip

Believing they deserve of it

The human beaten out of them

The monsters spawned left free to swim

Let this warning full sink in

For next my kin comes academ

The weight of fate!

In the hands of mammalia

To come up to speed

In the fridge of ideas

There you may study

Above all the turnery

To lift up our people

In rightness and honesty

Solving lifes problems

Improving its quality

For all who have yet to come
All I ask of the world!
  Is to follow not blindly but to lead by example and be followed for its virtue, in this every follower is a leader providing a template for success by succeeding.
Robert C Ellis Apr 2016
Welded 7 tomes and wrapped sacrament paper about the very thing; Somer tomes,
soldered to sacrifice and daylight running as
mercury off of adam’s bones honed to a south American river peak; Invenerate mammalia rollicking atop
she shocked herself to see another sun light in the blinds.;  
He mended caverns and she hung across them, strung out.
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
Screaming, Lord cut the moon’s craters
Feasts of Saturnalia
A Christian cradle rocked by star lit satyrs
Hominidae, Chordata,  Angelus Mammalia
The bough broke, blood crescent in
First steps stir the Ocean of Storms
Frankincense, Myrrh,  
And Damnation
So sung are hymns, harvested lullabies,
Time, the Christ teeters as a top
Drop, tuck & roll, hard coke makes coal in the wilds of Australia minus mammalia. It is a con & a pain, borderline insane when ½ grilled Colby cheese slowly melts for trappers trapping muskrats for muskrat pelts. The common halves: ½ ***, ½ dollar, ½ ton, ½ way, ½ way house, ½ way there, ½ baked, ½ cup, ½ sister, ½ done, ½ mast, ½ dead, ½ naked, ½ ply, ½ awake, ½ tablespoon, ½ asleep, ½ hour, equally divide me. Hi, I'm Tim Walmart. Glad to meet you Mr. Walmart. I'm Todd Kmart. Are you related to Bob Family Dollar? No.
Robert C Ellis Sep 2018
Disintegrating integers returning thoughts to ether
Distill my Wednesday morning
Para morir;  primate;  Genus: mammalia
The universe explodes every atom I

So much then for the coffee,
This indigent soul revving his bloodstream
My body cannot rest on this earth
All life expanding to fulfill the dream
Quick snap & release I must sell geese
Drop, tuck & roll, hard coke makes coal
in the wilds of Australia minus mammalia
It is a con & a pain, borderline insane
when half grilled Colby cheese slowly melts
for trappers trapping muskrats for muskrat pelts
Quick snap & release I must sell geese
Drop, tuck & roll, hard coke makes coal
in the wilds of Australia minus mammalia
It is a con & a pain, borderline insane
when half grilled Colby cheese slowly melts
for trappers trapping muskrats for muskrat pelts
Drop, tuck & roll, hard coke makes coal in the wilds of Australia minus mammalia. It is a con & a pain, borderline insane when ½ grilled Colby cheese slowly melts for trappers trapping muskrats for muskrat pelts. The common halves: ½ ***, ½ dollar, ½ ton, ½ way, ½ way house, ½ way there, ½ baked, ½ cup, ½ sister, ½ done, ½ mast, ½ dead, ½ naked, ½ ply, ½ awake, ½ tablespoon, ½ asleep, ½ hour, equally divide me. Hi, I'm Tim Walmart. Glad to meet you Mr. Walmart. I'm Todd Kmart. Are you related to Bob Family Dollar? No.

— The End —