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Paula Lee May 2014
Last night I came onto the hellopoetry site to try to drown out my mom's death rattle in some good poetry. Quite a few people, good decent people who have gathered around me and supported me during this agonizing time and one of those sweet Poets was being verbally and mentally attacked by
                                   LOGHAIN CARV'O
His criticisms were malicious and very hurtful and his taunting her was more than I could bare for a friend. She related the conversation to me and she was really upset. She told me what he said verbatim' It was way uncalled for. And she is not the only one he is doing this to. He's being offensive to the extreme.Calling her a peasant and telling her she couldn't write. And I'll probably catch all kinds of hell for doing it but I paid a "VISIT" to his site and left this comment and I Quote

"Stop picking on ---------You call this a poem. You have some nerve telling her she can't write and you write crap like this. Well 1 out of 82 reads isn't so hot is it. Come on and kick me a few times. I should be easy pickings for you. I dare you ******"

Well he responded with and I quote

"It is obvious you do not have artistic vision like I, that or you did not read my poems and just came here in a petty attempt to demoralize I in retaliation to the criticisms I have revealed to most peoples "poetry" I wish to waste no more breath on my lessers. Just remember I when you see my talent spread out across the world. Remember how you showed the Greatest, most renowned and revered artist no support" End Quote.

Loghain carv'o also stated  that "The community on this site is rather poor"

He also stated
"This site isn't exactly known for it's Grand Community"

So now I know he doesn't even mind kicking some one who is already down. and i for one would like to know since he doesn't like this site or the Real Poets why stay? If he doesn't like the"GRAND COMMUNITY" why the hell he's still here. If he doesn't like us "lessers' why be among us.

And I didn't even tell you the most malicious comments.

When some one attacks a friend I will respond. That's what friends do.
And Loghain carv'o is proving to be no ones friend. And his
                          GOD COMPLEX is offensive!


I only have one thing to say to Loghain carv'o and that is and I quote again

My visit to hellopoetry last night to get away for a moment from listening to my mothers death rattle, to read a few poems and find a little Peace for a few moments was ruined by you and your offensive attitude and comments and since i'm already in a living hell right  nowI can find you some room here so come enjoy hell with me. Oh but I almost forgot you don't want to consort with us "lessers"

                   YOURS SINCERELY

This is for you friend love Paula

You can dish it out but you sure can't take it!
Okay  this is where you tell me how wrong I am Dave. I'll be waiting.

P.S. The Coward now has a Friend Verbally Harassing her.
Ashlei Cottom Jun 2014
Ashlei Cottom
Sweetheart, fine art is not about pride. It's about FINDING pride. It's about creating something and taking pride in the fact that you did. When I read your poetry, all I hear is "Me, me, me, I'm the best." That's not what poetry is... Poetry is not self praise. Poetry is taking the most hurtful, joyful, mixed, complicated emotions that you have and putting them into words that make everyone understand. You may tell write back and tell me everything that is wrong with my poetry, but I will not care. Why? Because I know that I have successfully been able to express myself in ways that other people can relate to and enjoy. Ways that they may not have been able to express the same feelings. I have confidence in your ability to realize your mistakes and fix them. I look forward to seeing these changes. So please, take this to heart and write. :)
Loghain Carvó
How laughable that one of my lessors attempts to give I art recommendations.

Ashlei Cottom
It's not so much your art I'm trying to change, but your character. It's your character that is reflected in your art.

Ashlei Cottom  
And if I could ask, why do you assume I am your lessor?
Loghain Carvó  
I am not assuming, you already have shown that you are a lessor human through your words.

Ashlei Cottom  
By encouraging you to keep doing what you love and bettering your character? Sir, I'm sorry, but if that is your opinion, I don't think it is I who is the lessor human...
Loghain Carvó
That is not what makes you my lessor, You are my lessor simply because you lack the artistic vision to fully appreciate the magnitude of my grand works. Please refrain from responding to this message as I wish to waste no more of my precious breath on peasants.

Ashlei Cottom
And how is it that I am a lessor human if all I do is try and help? Some people cut down and criticize and make others feel like mere mud on other's shoes. I am not one of those. I try to see the good in everyone. I think you have great talent, but I wish you would use that and dig deeper. I can tell you right now, with an unbiased opinion, that you unfortunately come across as narcissistic, selfish and and as you so eloquently put it, a "lessor human."
To our good friend, Loghain Carvó .
Joe Cole Jun 2014
Loghain is the lyrical artists voice
He has to be the artists choice
His words are read throughout the world
Though they do make the fresh milk curdle
He only has *** with the lights turned off
And never will he his pyjamas doff
Never to his socks remove
As his lover is subjected to poetic abuse
The time then comes in his ecstasy
When Loghain shouts with vervant glee
Enough woman enough of this
It was fine for the thirty seconds that it was stiff
I now must pen about this act
My worldwide following expects more crap
Joe Cole Jan 2015
Loghain, I am confused
You have proclaimed yourself to be
The worlds greatest living artist
With both pen and brush!
Nay, nay in your own words
The greatest artist who has ever lived
Who then am I to disagree
For I am but a simple mediocre man
With humility in my soul
And therefore must bow before your wisdom
And yet
Hours spent scouring the internet
Studying the great artists and poets
And I can find no reference to your name
Among the artistic greats
Of this modern world
Perhaps you are the artistic angel of god
And he in his infinite wisdom has decided
Not to release your great artistic prowess
Upon we the subservient illiterate masses
As a sub par human I bow
Yes I bow before the greatness that is you
You who deserve the accolades poured upon you
Loghain oh superior being
Long may you rain
The very last word is not
A typo
behold the art
of Loghain
a poet possessed
with fine refrain

one is in awe
of his exemplary creations
they're deserving
of deafening ovations
Joe Cole Dec 2014
I thought the full English breakfast was wonderful
But oh dear, oh dear
Sub Parr

The Xmas lunch, truly spectacular, turkey golden,
crisp skinned. Vegetables cooked to perfection
Xmas pudding flaming blue
Fresh cream and brandy butter
Log fire warm and bright
But oh dear, oh dear

The best of wines money could buy
Port, cheese platter
10 year old brandy following
But oh dear, oh dear
Sub par

Oh oh oh
Joe Cole Jan 2015
Vitriol and filth spill forth from
Its mouth in uncontrollable torrents
Akin to sewage but not sewage
For sewage is a by product of humanity
And can be recycled
No the filth spewing from this creatures mouth
Has been dredged up from the very depth of
It poses as the feminine form of humanity
But I refuse to address it as such
It, the thing, the creature
Are the adjectives that best describe it
Ebola like it is spreading its filth across
Pages of this fine site
And Ebola like it is already infecting
The less strong for they are now retaliating in kind
Some here might call me hypocrite
Because of my constant duel with Loghain
But I say no because Loghain and I duel like gentlemen
But there is nothing that even fringes on decency
From the fetid gaping chasm that is the mouth
Of it
aka The Gutterslut
OK rant over
Joe Cole Jun 2014
Loghain,  having reread most of your beautiful works on numerous occasions I have come to realise that you truly are one of the worlds greatest:











Ryan Jakes Jun 2014
I do enjoy your poems
but his I cannot stand
and now I find, to my surprise
you might be the same man

Although the names are different,
the scathing natures strong
and now I read that others here
have thought it all along!

Though yours have some intelligence
and his are total *****
There's something so familiar
In the way both of you write

So I'll sit back and ponder this a while
a mystery its true
then maybe get the nerve to ask
is Loghain Carvo you?
I've read some pretty interesting comments over the last few days regarding our resident ******, many of them coming to the same conclusion. So I ask myself......who is this masked ****.
Clone re Eatery Dec 2014
Thee Artiste Carvó's "Maggot O' Pus"*

I open my fly
I beat

I close my eyes
And seep

Watch me now
To see the art

Thee art of a master-bater

I read your eyes
they show horror

They reflect Thee MasterPiece-of-****

Thee art of a master-bater
Thee art of Loghain Carvó

I open my lips and ****
For all these works are Thee Maggot O' Pus

Original ('Magnum Opus') by:      Thee Artist aka Logbrain Crappó
Reworked by:    CrE aka Trollminator
This is the first in a series of reconstructions of the drivel of "Thee Artiste" aka Logbrain Crappó which has been previously posted on HP.

True, nothing could possibly make Thee's mindless nonsense less lousy, but at least it can be put into a neater, though still steaming, pile...
Joe Cole Jun 2014
I pen these words for my dearest friend Loghain Carvò
whos brilliance and humility deters him from penning brilliance in words

You cannot, no you cannot compete
with the brilliance that is I
for when you're long forgotten
my words will be emblazoned 'cross the sky
Inferior beings all who bandy words with me
for I do pen the perfect verse
to set the whole world free
Artistic talent!!! Yes I was blessed to enter this earth as the best
the world has ever seen
I take up the pen, take yet the brush
create that
of which you peasants
to create can only dream
Perfection born into my soul
Oh, perfection that is I
Lesser mortals gaze upon my great work
Theres none more great than I
Loghain is probably the greatest poet and artist the world has ever seen.  Oh that I could be as great as he

— The End —