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Thabiso moshapo Aug 2013
Kahle kahle What Is Love ?
and why does love never find me
Instead Broken Hearts Surround Me
And once again the wrong girl found me
Saying she wouldn't hurt me
but in the end she didn't deserve me

Kahle kahle What Is Love?
and why doesn't love know my name
I prayed to god that it would change
But true love never came

Kahle kahle What Is Love?
I ask myself time after time,
why is love so blind,
or I shouldn't waist my time
I guess Broken Hearts are only made for me,
Because love finds everyone else but love never found me.

Kahle kahle what is love?
I ask people they tell me one thing
They say "you'll find love one-day"
Should I wait for love or go after love?
Am asking!

**Kahle kahle what is love?
Thabiso moshapo Aug 2013
Kahle kahle What Is Love ?
and why does love never find me
Instead Broken Hearts Surround Me
And once again the wrong girl found me
Saying she wouldn't hurt me
but in the end she didn't deserve me

Kahle kahle What Is Love?
and why doesn't love know my name
I prayed to god that it would change
But true love never came

Kahle kahle What Is Love?
I ask myself time after time,
why is love so blind,
or I shouldn't waist my time
I guess Broken Hearts are only made for me,
Because love finds everyone else but love never found me.

Kahle kahle what is love?
I ask people they tell me one thing
They say "you'll find love one-day"
Should I wait for love or go after love?
Am asking!

**Kahle kahle what is love?
Thapz Kolatsoeu Oct 2017
Ndivumele juba lam sthandwa sentliziyo yam
ekuseni we langa indi ku balele
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Nguwe be ngi ngo #kiss
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi Incwadi yothando yesiZulu Esho ngemibalabala na ngamabalabala
Axoxa indaba ejulile yemizwa nemicabango Idayimane, ngelo thando lweqiniso
Omhlophe, ngowenhliziyo engenasici Indilinga, ngoba olwethu kalunasiphetho
Oluhlaza-sasibhakabhaka, ngoba wena ucabanga ngami
Unxantathu, ngoba amazulu aphezulu Kanjalo nomhlaba nolwandle ngaphansi bayazi
Onsundu, ngoba kuyitshe kunothile futhi okwemvelo
Njengomhlabathi ongaphansi kwezinyawo zami
Noma ungawu shiya umbala ophuzi Kungani kumele ungithande ngenhliziyo enesikhwele! ?
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi
Engiyoyigaxa emqaleni
Ukuze zonke izimbali zase maqeleni Ziyohawuka lapho zingibheka
Ngenxa yayo yonke lemibala egqamile Incwadi yothando yesiZulu
Ngobuhlalu bothingo-lwenkosazana Ubuhlalu base mazweni aqhelileyo Minake sengiyoba nentokozo emangalisayo
Lapho ngiphendu-phendula ulimi lwakho
Kancane-kancane, futhi ngesikhulu isineke
Ukuze ugcine usukwazi kahle hle Ukubingelela abazali bami
Ngendlela eyiyona-yona, ngolimi lwesiZulu
Molo sethandwa sawubona ngiya themba ulale ngahle?
African zulu love letter, zulu is an african spoken language in south africa, a language that originate from the zulu land, the roots of the late zulu king, shaka zulu
Ngiyazi awungibuzanga
Ngiyazi phoqa ukukuhlebela
ngalolu daba olungathi shuu
Leli jokwe ngilikhethisiwe. Kepha
hhayi ngamandla egendlovu iyangena. Angizitakuli obisini
njengempukane kodwa kuyasho,
ngiziqhelisile kokuningi, ngeqa
ngama buqamama ngomfudlazana.
Ngaketha ukufunana namanzi
acwebileyo. Kwasala inhliziyo
ibalisa, ithi hhawu mfo ka Phakathi
Usho ukuthi lomuzi wethu usuyohlala
unqhunu kanje, kungesena sphalala
esihlekisana naso nenhliziyo yaso"

Hhawu Mpangazitha waze wasibulala siphila, mina Nhliziyo kanye nabafowethu Imizwa siyakhala, buka
nje uhleli uwedwa ubhalana naloludaba olungathi shuu. Ubulalisa
thina ngalesiyasitha sethu Umzwangedwa. Khuluna iqiniso Duma dumane owaduma ezizweni, usho ukuthi awukulangazeleli ukumoyizela kwesi phalaphala. Phela
wena usese yisoka lamanyala ubu dume ukutshakadula nezindoni zamanzi kuphela o Nandi no Dudu.
Uzama ukungitshela ukuthi njengamanje awubuhlungu ngalokhu"

Hhayi bo Nhliziyo mana ngodlame, ufuna ngithi kahle kahle. Phela sisonke kulolu hambho thizeni lwethu. Akekho esingamthanda
ngaphandle kokuthanda thina
sodwa esizinze kulomzimbha.
Ake siyeke ukusukela inyoka

Hhawu mfo ka Kunu ufanisa uthando
nenyoka, ngaliphi kodwa. Hhayi kodwa ngiyalibona iphuzu lakho,
kokubili kunobuthi.

Ngiyabonga Nhliziyo ngincede ke mfo ka baba ukhumbhuza
abafowenu Imizwa ngaleli jokwe, nobungozi okumele sihlale silugadile.

Ngiyakuzwa Hhawu lweMpisi, mzukulu ka maShenge no Ndlangamandla, thole lakwa Mthabela. Wena othi gazi
emaNtungweni nakwa Malinga.
Mjaji, Ngwane. Madlokovu
Duma ndumane owaduma ezizweni.
how did he move
what colour was his rage
why is that it's him that I  ask of
who is he who lays now side by side with trash
his shape and form lost in that hate fueled fire
body cooked in pieces
it's a friends foe who blew his brains out
it was no magnum - thats and fast quick
he blew him with a harmer
a few blows for good measure
proceeded to insert down his lovely heart
a sharp stainless steel dagger
a dagger that was a knife a moment ago
cutting finely through ginger and chilli
a meal he will never get to eat
He was of the clever type
he was my nephew
and he loved that we shared
a name and a few ways round the field
sure would have been nice to have known him more
he is a dead mystery now
lost to time
connected by space.
lala kahle mfana wam
umoya omubi ngeke uphumelele

— The End —