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Andrew Guzaldo c Aug 2017
"Dear dispiritedness,
I'm addressing to let you know,
That I don't have anything else to give,
Seemingly my hope of life has diminished,

What other can I give to thee,
The scattered air that I gasp,  
This request is not for that of me,  
It is for the benevolence of those that I love,

The ones that love me as I do them,
I didn't  distance myself I was selfish,
I guess they are less of that assessment,  
Either way I wish to spare their squalor,

You can deliver torment to my body,
However may my spirit be at ease,
For those that care this is paramount,
May they not have angst or misery,

I inquire to you dispiritedness,
Satisfy my plea is recede me for now,
We can exist as inwardly,
Just equitably spare my life,
Sammie wells May 2013
Depression is always there,
creeping upon you like a tidal wave.

Loneliness is never far behind it,
waiting to take your hand.

Take what you have,
keep what you’ve got,
it’s better than the latter.

Once depression sets in and loneliness
takes hold
you’ll have a hard fight on your hands
to find what you had
get back what was yours.

Depression is always there,

Tidal wave.

Polby Saves Jun 2010
by Damon G

. glum, morose, surly, sulky, crabbed, saturnine, gloomy mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood. sullen implies a silent ill humor and a refusal to be sociable
. glum suggests a silent dispiritedness . morose adds to glum an element of bitterness or misanthropy
. surly implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner
. sulky suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness . crabbed applies to a forbidding morose harshness of manner
. saturnine describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition
. gloomy implies a depression in mood making for seeming sullenness or glumness .
Crawlspace of the Cranium
$2.00 / 11 poems
Copyright © 1996-Present

It's not the Many but the Sum that seems to Matter
winter sakuras Aug 2017
Milky, twinkling stars swiveling
in a diamond night sky are beautiful,
and the brightest one will lead you home,
but for now, I want to bring you
out into the light where at the fissure
of pale gold and orange in the blue
sky's dawn, you may suddenly draw
inspiration once again.
I would bring you to the peak of a mountain
to inhale a reservoir of fresh, crisp air
in an altitude of where you feel
you can belong, gazing out towards
the green valley and down the winding path,
leading back down to a narrow world,
but for now, (and eternity)
you can be above them all.  
I see your footsteps left behind on the
snowy cap, crunching beneath your feet
a reminder to both of us how you exist,
a humble memoir in the realness of a hurting,
beautiful being.
And in my dream when you came back
to life, we were spread out wildly on
blossoming, white clouds blown about in
warm winds, and the golden sunlight
brought out the clear, blue- gray in your eyes
and traced the freckles dabbling your cheeks
and you were just laughing,
because you were so free.
But in dark clashes of thunder, when
rain was not somebody's nourishing love
but instead painful, dark tears, there were
people's crude remarks and stark dispiritedness,
I held you tight in my arms, like a tree
sheltering a lone girl from prowling wolves
gathered your tears and turned them
into crystals, knowing one day
you'll teach yourself to throw them at
the narrow world full of paper people
and their paper ideas.
So for now, rest in the cradle
of my warm, loving palms,
and grow into the strong and beautiful
person you most want to become.

Sorry it took so long to write this. <3

— The End —