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Butch Decatoria Jun 2016
The sound of soft breathing

I am *air

movement unseen
inhaled breath
beneath                    the rushing
                                  the coffee beans grinding
                                  the imbuing traffic
I am lifted feet,
grime & dirt & dust,
our own conveniences of truths
polluting us
I am adding wings
to the mach speed of economy
class and jet stream smog
stirred not shaken
still forgettable
                                    great deforestations
                                    exponentisl growing pains
                                    industry ostracizing nature
                                    murdering meek dolphins
                                    (a new kind meat?)

Aaaahhhh!! Glaciers!

Where did the dream retreat
since inside the heart
such god-awful self defeat,
parasitic minds diseased
conceding to the deceit
the demeaning breath of cheats
business deals to steal whats free
our realestate / atmosphere's
rainfall drink / carbon mono - die - oxidized
they steal our health
with monopoly money
the currencies of ivory and krill
founded by invasion's fathers
on Capitol Hill...

And still I am here
the repetitive melody from mystery
few ever listen to notice me
the diminished bird
I am in cruel gilded cages unheard
that song, the high, the prayers
beseaching and begging
with great big sighs
in the lungs, quivering
Aurora / souls / hovering
summer wind-chimes' cool mirth
Christmas births delivering
new hearts upon this earth
in ribs / & eye / you're golden
spiritual worth

The invisible motion of these here lives

Absolute in the truths to matter
make it / our home / to last forever
for all and one / down to the letter

Life is beautiful...
(not invisible)

If & when the world's made all better...
Butch Decatoria Jun 2018
The sound of soft breathing

I am
I am airy & unseen
inhaled breath
beneath                    the rushing crushing rocks
Set fires to rain
Forests / but in the bustle
                           the coffee beans grinding
                                  the imbuing traffic
The hustle, the game, the mark

Target shooting spree…

I am trying to lift your feet, ride share
grime & dirt & dust,
our own conveniences of truths
polluting us
I am adding wings
to the mach speed of economic panic
class action suits the delusion
The jet stream trails x cross the sky
I feel stirred not shaken
still forgetful of
Me, begging forgiveness
Drowning in the warming & rain…
                                    great deforestations
                                    exponential growing pains
                                    industry ostracizing nature
                                    murdering meek dolphins
                                    (a new kind o meat?)

Aaaahhhh!! Fracking / Glaciers!

Where did the dream retreat
since inside the heart
such god-awful self defeat,
parasitic minds diseased
conceding to the deceit
the demeaning breath of cheats
business deals to steal whats free
our Realestate / atmosphere's
rainfall drink / carbon mono - die - oxidized
they steal our health
with monopoly money
the currencies of ivory and krill
founded by invasion's fathers
on Capitol Hill...

And still I am here
the repetitive melody from mystery
few ever listen to notice me
the diminished bird
I am in cruel gilded cages unheard
that song, the high, the prayers
beseeching and begging
with great big sighs
in the lungs, quivering
Aurora / souls / hovering
summer wind-chimes' cool mirth
Christmas births delivering
new hearts upon this earth
in ribs / & eye / you're golden
spiritual worth

The invisible motion of these here lives

Absolute in the truths to matter
make it / our home / to last forever
for all and one / down to the letter

Life is beautiful...
(not invisible)

If & when the world's made all better...
shwiwi Oct 2020
Nature is slowly moving around us
One moment, there's a cloud
in the shape of something I love
And next second, it was just gone.

If we concentrate a little,
we can feel the sky moving in slow motion
The golden lining on leaves and branches
The flapping sounds of little wings
Added to them was the water sound from my aquarium
Nature is the only place I feel like home.

What are those little sparrows quarrelling about?
When did those flowers bloom?
How do those little birds remember their way back home?
There is no sign on the sky

Oh Mother Nature,
You are the mother I could trust
Embrace me in your arms and
Reveal all your wonderful secrets to my heart
How do you draw golden linings on everything the sunshine touches?
How do you wake the world up when I was crying in my lonely bed?
How do you move the sky too slowly but so fast at the same time?

Here I am looking at another group of clouds
They look like those hills I saw in Mandalay
And while I was writing the previous line,
they broke apart into shapeless ashes

All those climate changes and deforestations,
I thought it was you whom we must save
But when I'm at your home,
you seem so undamaged and
Did I realize, it is us
whom we must save.

You're gonna take over the world again
And we, the sinister human species,
will be washed away unwittingly
This will be the end and may be a new beginning
I don't feel sorry for us
I long for that day
When you will finally take over again
And everything will heal from the damage we had done.

— The End —