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Boris likes to stroke his Mogg
Merkel loves a hot Macron
David Davis hates to Barnier
Keir Starmer gels with Garnier

May adores her slimy Gove
While Corbyn woos the Abbott
Liz Truss? Such angry sourpuss
Herself to champion loudly fuss

And Greening's not for leaning
Against the Brexit so opposed
Sajid wants a blimp of Trump
Which has given Donald the ****

Whilst in the gilt historic chair
We’ve a bent partisanal ******
Cash grabbing John the squeaker
Bercow! How in hell are you still Speaker?

Now when speaking of selfish greed
Travel. Duck houses. Second homes, and such
Let’s remember; as not to would be unfair
That glib arrogant war-monger; Blair

I’ve had enough of all of them
The Blunts. The Hunts. The useless…
Pieces of flotsam and jetsom
Don’t even start me on Leadsom!

©pofacedpoetry (Billy Reynard-Bowness 2018 – All rights reserved)
On the subject of politics and Westminster in 2018 - Brexit etc, and the inadequacy of our politicians on all sides of the divide.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2019
Jungle bells are ringing out
across the nation, Boris is to
play Santa Claws this year,
so, reinforce your stockings.

Corbyn is going to be Scrooge
in The Christmas Carol, hoping
to cook Johnson's goose which
he will share with the hungry.

Arlene Foster will be filling
the empty pies with minced
words which are to be served in
Bowler Hats avec blue berries.

Sturgeon is going to Hog as
Many votes as possible while
the rest are gorging to the Pogues
Fairytale of New York & London.

The Lib-Dems have an anthem
by Jo Swine Song about spit
roasting a Pig in the stocks
outside Downing St. Syndrome.

The Greens are looking for this
years largest Cucumber which
they have decided to stuff. They
have declined to say where.

Cymru Plaid's have decided to
make woollen scarves for the
homeless Corgi's after the Queen
is evicted from Buckingham Palace.

Nigh Gel Farage is going to
lubricate a Tusk and shove it up
Barnier's (( in the presence of
Jean Claude Coke Nose Junkier.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
J.C. was sold out for
40 pieces of silver,
then he was crucified
between two thieves.

But, he rose from the
dead and ascended
into heaven to sit at
the right side of God.

Metaphorically, if we
were to apply this to
Jeremy Corbyn, what
does it actually mean?

Here is what I think.
Mr Corbyn will go to
Brussels, meet Barnier
& return triumphantly.

Meanwhile, Judas ie,
Tony Bliar meets up
with $nathan & opens
a bank account with him.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
After the procrastination
of Brexit comes Nexit, but
only if Barnier begs it.

Nexit can mean any of
many things, too numerous
to mention.

When one considers, that
articles are normally counted
top down, so we are at 50.

Everyone knows that Hawaii
was the last state of America,
but few recall the first.

So, we May or May not even
get to see the end of this in
our lifetime's.

Brexit means Nexit,
Soft Eggs-it, 3 minutes,
Hard Eggs-it, embroiled.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Barnier Boots Brits *****.
Backstop Becomes Barter.
Bravo Brussels.
Brexit Beats Brighter.
Bugles Blowing.
Because Belgium Brings
Belfast Begging.

— The End —