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Ozzie Smith, Yazstremski,

Dave Stieb and Robin Yount

these men were of a special group

It's one I'm proud to count

There's players who achieve a goal

While others just achieve

They set a standard for the rest

In their heart they just believe

The game is full of heroes

Men depended on each game

They all have certain attributes

And we all know them by name

Kaline, Ripken, and Wade Boggs

The Carters, Joe and Gary

They're men who inspire us

They have a reputation tough to carry

To be a man of character

You must be better than the rest

You have to be a leader

If you ***** up, you must confess

Baseball doesn't make you one

For character's within

You just learn how to channel it

Bring it out from where it's been

Now, Cobb, Ruth and McLain

Were characters as well

But, not the kind of characters

That we are here to tell

They had a reputation

One that is not lost upon the game

But, to say that they had character

Then you would not speak their names

Tom Seaver and Clemente

Thurmon Munson, Sparky too

Were men who set examples

Of exactly what to do

To build a reputation

One that shows character and heart

Is something time consuming

It's built of many parts

To do the right thing once

Is not the thing I want to see

But to do it right consistently

That defines character to me

There are so many examples

Of players in this group

But there are ten times as many

Who miss the homer with a bloop

Baseball brings it out in you

It doesn't put it there

You show what you are made of

By be fair

Williams, Maris, Dimaggio

Robinsons, Jackie and Frank

They played with an integrity

You could take it to the bank

If you want to be a winner

Please do this if you can

Be a man of character

Not a character of a man.
look at this kid
named khalid tryna put in little bids
ya weight too small
you aint got enough *****
punch  ya in ya jaw
naw ya gotta permenant awe
muted ya maw
how could this boy yosef slam
ya with the grammer
got ya vocals locked like a slamma
cocked the hammer
say ya prayers
here comes deaths anthem
so many couldnt phantom
my rhymes
i got got more styles
than the stylistics full of mystics
when ya hear my ****
emcees  go ballastic
bullets dumpin' in yo chest
lets be realistic
ya meet ya maker real quick
maggots devour ya body like triscuits
never been checked toe to toe
down from the gitty go
got you chopped up
like u in slow mo
htowns dont ya know
love them pretty hoes
cant stand ***** *** foes
keep snow white on my nose
got ya stiff n froze
like ya in a penitentiary pose
ya know what it is
how get around like tupac
or better birdie
stay above the rims
rock 90s fashions
a machete long tshirt overalls
and black timbs
i dont need to fight back
i go youngin to sick em
this lil kid named khalid
is a ******* child with ***** ****
and no dad
i keep fresh braid stocked by du rags
fool!! i could trade in my rhymes
in return it will
amount to about
the price of four jags

already three up on you
so what ya wanna do?
i got my gs thugs and damu
ridahs with me
dangerous i be you a newbie
wipe that sticky goey
off ya face i beat any case
turn tough guys into cherry pies
blow out ya head then nods
rollin' with tha trillest hogs
swing on swag jackers
like wade boggs
take a whiff of the smog
i can still through the fog
im iz God
none surpasin ask ya mama
im probably daddy???
rock her with a tko call me teddy
****** through emcees nightmares
like freddie
***** u sweet whoopi
on Eddie toasters steady ready
hold ya heart steady
i can hear ya beats jumpin
from all of ya adrenaline rushin'
u just a nut bush a ***** n diguise
i know yous trick
i see the string between ya thighs
period get it nothings followed
behind it like a sentence
thedots ends ****
like when my guns lite
get ya whole body
and soul split
makin death biz a number one
in cash goes to my pockets
then ya mama i knock quick
pull out my snake from the pits
she loves me more than raymond
u just a botti man while i gotta audi man
18 inches of wheels hoppin in mud rubs
put wings on death cherubs
hit the curb to the get the scoup
we broke out the loot
transfered the boot
murdered body thrown in the trash chutes
dug out the evil roots
whippin' yo *** with a lash
of lyrics til it sparks fire
makin' galore soots
Third Eye Candy Apr 2018
Bo Boggs sat on a Pappy Crush Soda crate, smokin' a roach in a graveyard. The headstone read " Here lies Pinnochio Earle... Face Up. Take Care Where You Sit. " . Bo could see the Landry hog farm, over the tombstone and his mind was fishing for some cosmic corollary as he stared into Space grippin' a cold one. The summer breeze came at Summer's End, bringing with it, a hint of Fall, and far off barbeque. Bo Boggs sat on a Pappy Crush Soda crate in the bossom of a garden of stone. listening to Bluebirds forget the music they had never rehearsed in the first place. And he almost laughed.

Then he wrote that down.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
The Great Mystery is death
Fr. Greeley on Bill Boggs

We cannot comprehend
Our mind breaksdown and clogs

Fiction has to be plausible
That isn't true of non-fiction

Yes, the silence scares me
But do I sense a benediction?
Yo first **** the radio DJs let the words prey
Cannons to spray one luv to my baby D'Shay
Twenty years strong arm wrestling no palms
Storms rolled out over clout snub nose snout
Checking haters route detour ya ******* pure
Lyrics genuine oh so fine skip over the sublime
Got more rhymes than the length of DMV lines
Stack money in pancakes can't stand fakes
See the money I intake invest the my estate
**** waiting for faith I took a shank to grimy fate
More dogs than Nate sixteen clips to regulate
Warning to ya fake Gs street hop monopoly
Black Bradley ya dues up so suckas pay up
No **** cup aggressive what see me abrupt
Politicians still talking silly stuff slash bluffs
Deflated power reinstated Malcolm braided
Off philosophy word to the old killer military
Patton stacking it rowdy as Staten got it patent
Shooters in the corner like Paxson to Jordan
Ya know I'm scoring without
Sparred against the eight seas Poseidon

Flows million and one combos ultra blow
Giving ya more and more chips like Theodore
Rough rider third eye glacier
Wiser than the buds still knocking off studs
No grudges middle fingers to
Court system I'll dismiss em and **** on 'em
Where I miss 'em this ain't a poetry flam flim
Jammin' blues old-school on the Oldsmobile
Feel the words that thrill lyrics stainless steel

War path like O-Dog gun smog art of war jogs
Still body hogs more hits than Wade Boggs
Mental clogged from the ****** jaws biting
Raw writing materials kiting over ya flawed skills
Signed ya will to my deadly microphone
Grills poetry slamming Magguette dunk spunks
Love girls with treasures sitting in they trunk
Open scoping still hoping as I'm gliding oceans
Potion poisonous darts blacked out hearts apart
Couldn't even get a start as I part the radios
Cosmos Atlantis two sided future past Janus
I see they ain't jamming us but still jam us
Back of the bus rhymes kicking like wind dust
Wild wild west this ain't a test flexin the best
House on the crest with a bunch of trained vets
Beautiful girlies quick to blast leather in fishnets
Hold the jet we got many servicing threats Scarlet
Been gone with the wind since she took a back bend
See the world she holsters in her pants advance
My mind on the stars put a hole in Mars carved
From my barbed wire thinking eyes open no blinking
Black Samus slowly rub my llamas gangsta scholars
Golden collars grit as a rottweiler almighty dollar
Got folks acting like Ojays see the blood from back displays
On black ground Pennsylvania coal miners obey admiralty laws for
hidden within the walls of malls lives a Roman deity of ***** *****
Upon hallowed plots Pennsylvania's ministers praise common laws
but far below the stalls in malls are 666 patron saints of ***** *****
Above ground coal miners obey admiralty laws but underground in
masonical halls mit dolls are U.M.W.'s patriotically-red cruel claws
Parkinson's hypokinetical rigid syndrome pulls Linda Ronstadt free
to fire hospice ovens on diesel fuel, polystyrene & tinder constantly
Since hefty Linda's condition was mildly diagnosed as syndromical
she's maintained a stiff upper lip for farting at crap deemed comical
'cause Hershey Highway-ridin' Jerry Brown ******* hetero-erotical
like the time **** Jerry Brown **** behaved vaguely hetero-erotical
like when queer-praisin' Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical
like the night unwiped-*** Jerry Brown **** ****** hetero-erotical
like the time raunchy **** Jerry Brown **** ****** hetero-erotical
like when queer-baiting Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical
like the time tricky-**** Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical
for ***** enemas made Bill McKinley's state more cryptographical
from a bad case of diarrhea that trotted towards the nympholeptical
in sing-along songs longer than over-done operas overtly operatical
that somehow draw parallels that ain't Manson Family congenerical
I hurled puke as churlish, Polynesical squaws vomited spoken lines
from monkeyhood to manhood via monkeyshines for broken spines
Sue wouldn't mistake my army boot for a tennis shoe nor repeat the
Ted Bundy snafu: I love you & want to bury you, I mean marry you
Bad train derailments are too common where an icy rail jogs whilst
Alaskan searchers can't find Earl Warren Commission's Hale Boggs
whose airplane crashed 'cause he didn't like cereals called Kellogg's
Special K that constipates whales so as to stiffen inner whale clogs,
intestinal obstructions & Nile fever among thoroughbred male dogs
& grade-A Cornish CX meat kings, Wagyū cows & large, pale hogs
that forage like Pinoys through rancid garbage & gnaw on trail logs
in a drunken torpor, stupefied from cheap-skate, Cebu bar ale grogs
served by Turkic, skinny-dipping gals in whom a red-love well sogs
as the aura of heaven brightens & clarifies, the haziness of hell fogs
& toxifies quagmires & streams killin' mountain toads & vale frogs
in a world that forced Joan Crawford to fight tough guy & gal trogs
wainwrights know hubs'll spin freely for folks who do not nail cogs
down while steadily puking egg triumphant nogs over egg fail nogs
My bones are big, metabolism is slow & prostate is retention-proof
on this structurally-sound, adequately-trussed, high-suspension roof
After a busy Sabbath-mistaken Sunday I beheld lunar-dead monday
like would a college student slaughtered by electrocuted Ted Bundy
in the presence of a priest diseased from a Loredo beet-red-nun date
America worships the highest-rankin' Catholic like an unfed prelate
who howls Bud Abbott rabid & acts more dumber than **** Cavett
whose attenuatin' emotions are their strangest in bakers' bun classes
beyond the old-dirt-road remissions of a patsy in fakers' sun glasses
among true adherents & sad congregants poking Quakers' fun *****
while disseminatin' heresy to gun-grabbers at the pope's gun masses
like heretic John Pope had at Bull Run's Second Battle of Manassas

— The End —