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no Feb 2020
it is ever boring
ever overwhelming
it interrupts anything
it is like a little rat burrowing in to me
it is like a locked door with no key

it is all the thoughts
that get caught
like a net
no **** no ket

nothing to keep my sane
my sole is in a constant pain
waiting and waiting for something good
it feels like my feeling are cought under a bing dark hood

I need some help just one bit
people just judging my fit
or what I look like
not what I am
no Feb 2020
i really hate poems
they don't make sense
they make as much sense as this rhyme

but I am not hear to complain
just to turn you all sane
some people think that poetry is all about pain
I just  tell those people to stay there own lane

poetry come with all it pros and cons
like I can say that I finger my cats ***
this comes with no payment
and that's what a poem is
no Feb 2020
one day I was driving
along a long country road
when I spotted a  bird with a *****
is was  so long and thick
I strangely wanted just one lick

I just stared for a  long time
I looked like a bate on a fishing line
I pulled over in a hurry
and scraned down a whole McFlurry

I lay down in the grass net  in hand
slowly crawling across the land
I swung  my net as fast I can
It got  trapped under the net and I took it home to do a thorough scan

I skidded into my drive
with a gleaming look in my eyes
I sprinted up stars to my bed
it was so confused by the whole thing I did not haft to hit it with led

I pinned it down to examen
and waited to se what would happen
many hours later I was sufficed and I put the poor thing down with a led pipe
no Feb 2020
poetry is stupid
oh so dumb
I like to finger cats with my thumb
once i did it after  I played my drums

pleas do call me Shane
I just like to finger its plane
I was all consensual
I also did it with a pencil

but the court date is soon
I not  really over the moon
Caron  I'm pleading let  me see my son
I  only finger my cat with my thumb

I have not seen him in years
but  yet I am not in tears
because  I have  my cat
and I wish I could see my son Matt
I'm  sorry Caron but  it fet  so good
no Nov 2019
Running was tiresome with a long day ahead
Sniffing glue is the only thing in my head
The death of by brother was never good
He got burnt at least there was no blood

I lost my family and a whole lot more
Sniffing glue is the thing I do now I am poor
I used to live in gutu
now I live in a bridge and sniff glue

I lost my brother in Johannesburg
I remember when we ate a burger
Stop sniffing glue
Check out my new Subaru
I remember when I stopped sniffing glue
I started to play the kazoo
And now my book is overdue
I bad at rhythming yabbadabbadoo
And I will never stop sniffing glue

— The End —