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Raj Jul 2019
Life is beautiful.
         Isn't it?? Ask from traveler.
#Life is honourable.
         Isn't it? Ask from officer.
#Life is hard.
         Isn't it ?ask from labour.
#Life is name of opportunities.
         Isn't it ?ask from sportsperson.
#Life is always a new lesson.
        Isn't it ?ask from learner.
#Life is name of creating a invention.
        Isn't it ?ask from scientist.
#Life is name of love.
        Isn't it?ask from lover.
#life is name of serving in border.
        Isn't it ? Ask from soldier.
Life has a different meaning all the people living all over and living it to fullest.
Raj Jul 2019
-Everything has purpose.
-God sends the"angel of  life" in everyone life for a life to live a beautiful ambitious life.
-Any thing happens around us for a particular reason to bring you to your destined destiny.
Every people comes in our life with some hidden powerful purpose ,
         # Some comes to teach us the
             important lessons of life.
         #Some to give us the
             required  love.
         #some  to save us from trouble.
         # and several others purposes.
Some believe it
Some not
-depend on one choice...
But i'm sure these things matter in everyone life in hidden ways.
  Jun 2019 Raj
Shruti Dadhich
The sky may come out of the blanket of clouds,
& all the intellectuals of this world may become louts;
In opposite direction may these rivers flow,
& these winds may stop to blow;
The love deep inside my chest,
Which you did enhance,
Oh the Prince of Preetiest Charms,
will never change...
My Prince of Preetiest Charms is MOON!!!:-)
Raj May 2019
Ya ya. Ya I have found something .
Living a life has two reasons.

1. To find the work or u call call it purpose ,mission ,that god has assigned to us.
2. To complete the task to full fattom.

If you have found out ,then have a privilege to  comment below.
Raj May 2019
A student life has many phases.
a sincere and responsible student.
a solitude loner in the world.
a  struggler of success.,
on way to know real myself.,

a good child to fulfill his parents dream ,for which they are waiting since long time.

a revolutionist towards negative norms around us.,

to become a good man.
A match with competition so to get a good job.

A student life isn't that easy as it looks
He deals with many challenges which makes a survival of fittest for the upcoming world for him.
Raj May 2019
Everything comes with cost.
Even the food we eat,
The clothes,
The books,
The house,
Even the love and friendship seeks cost to develop ,that cost is faith and belief in other people.
Relationship are the reflection of our mutual understanding in the mirror of relationships.
Develop a relationship which has more elasticity,
That is worth living feeling , isn't it.
Raj May 2019
Love is collection of sweat and lovely moments which made from heart.
Faith is buliding block of love.
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