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Women can sometimes be kinda daft
We call disloyal men “dogs”
I’m not sure if we do so because we don’t
Know men
Or maybe we don’t know dogs
We don’t know pigs, either
Snakes, though…
Snakes we understand
Sometimes when I'm tired,
I'll think that I don't want to exist
This life is suffering, striving,
And why should I continue
I hate the life I've made.

But there are other things
There are dreams
There is presence
There is support
There is beauty

When I'm in these things,
I don't think life is suffering.
I think issues can be managed
I don't think, really.
I just love.
 Jul 2023 Michael John
 Jul 2023 Michael John
They're all just so sad and broken in their own ways
     And they have flocked to each other because together,
              The suffering feels smaller
                   Not so big
                       Not so daunting
                             And to them,
                                     I'm the deep pool
                                           where they can pour their pain into
                                                And never have to think of the possibility
They think the depths of my mind
You’re charming, witty, and brave
You’re enchanting, magnetic, and strong
Everyone you encounter is saved
As your soul sings them a sultry song

You are beautiful
But, no one need tell you so
For your scent is suitable
To everyone you know

You’re intellectually apt
To the struggles of the world
And you keenly adapt
To the torments that’ve twirled

You’re humor makes my heart hum
As brevity being the essence of endearment
Telling jokes that end in “ Pa-Dum ***!”
Makes me spit out my spear mint. (Non-Paid advertising)

You’re enchanted ethics and magnetic morals
Inspire a life that’s dutiful
While your charming wisdom and witty orals
Makes you, always beautiful
In my own little world fireflies stay in open jars
Flowers paint on their colors for the next day,
And the moon laughs while it walks away.
The trees speak of ancient scars,
The creek brings up lost trinkets from afar,
And the animals cry for freedom,
But freedom is not free.
 Jan 2022 Michael John
If I look forward as I fall
I might regret this soon
as the ground comes ever closer
So I turn around
to look back
and remember
why it is, I'm falling
in the first place
as I watch
the sky get further away
Losing you
is a bitter taste
on my lips.
And I was a child
who had to learn
to know
there was a taste
other than
Indonesia, 9th January 2022
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho

— The End —