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i meant to stay a week
23 years ago
i was heading east
sleeping on a strecher so-

such is life..
i kind of found belief
enough just to know
a time of plenty..
indeed,we would all be
insane if it were not for

the destruction of kali?!
-the imagination of harbour´s
safe haven..
one of your angry ones´
i like to let rip occasionally

creation can be release..
like what to
could be hit by a bus..
why do you expect something
from me
do i owe you something

you would n´t give me
the pickings from your nose
if i was starving..
poetry is not like
a bus and yet-
lily taps her foot

when i alight
upon the light
and the lights

go ping-
the driver asks
if i want a ticket

and where i would go?
i think of goa
and all the other

pretty places-
i consider space
within and without..

i consider him
his shining dome
general design

after all my life
his hands..
change-(that word

again..)and up a
while accelerating!

and breaking
up and back and

above the trees
the brown plowed

to sit at my seat
like boiled owl
lick my ice cream cone..
every man must have at least
a place he can go-
(crime and punishment)

fearful sentiment..
may i never know
and you also..
poetry is not like
a bus or anything like
it lily spits-

unless,crayoned purple
yellow and red

with love and pride
sun tree and seagull..
on the fridge..
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