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Rhea Sheilah Jul 2018
Have you ever missed someone when he is standing right in front of you?
Minutes ago I was standing with you
And I realized how I have missed you
I miss your aura and humorous side
I miss your random hugs and winks
I miss seeing you smile from the heart
I miss the part of you that allows me to be myself when I see you
I miss not feeling judged when I am around you
I miss the original US….
So for the past 2 days, my friend's moods changed and he was acting unusual
He would send texts and through them i feel the pain he has
but thank God for this talent, this poem has helped me get him to open up and tell me how he is feeling.

there are days in life, when we feel low and broken but then friends like me, talk to us and we are whole again.

— The End —