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Jordan Hudson Jul 2019
Lost dream
Something I lost
Something I thought
Never even bought
Years went by
I never cried
I figured I'd wait
Passing days
For goodness sake
Still the same dream
I wanna be freed
Achieve, I've always believed
But it's still a dream
Something I think
That car on the wall
A dream lost let it fall
On the floor
Close the door
I have no chance
I just got a glance
Of what's it like to dream
Welcome to reality
Pax Feb 2015

How many times we starved ourselves
dreaming something that we can’t have…

How many times we deprived ourselves
from wanting the life we wanted the most
just because we lack something or
having the practical mind that it is not for us…

Sometimes we starved ourselves to limit our flight.
Bound by rules, responsibilities, duties,
or even culture, tradition and religion…
Despite all that, we balance everything
for what’s right, what feels right
The Weighing of the Heart ---

loosely inspired by a poem of a dear friend of mine (Belle), somehow this is a reflection on my part.

inspired by her two poems namely: The Weighing of the Heart & Starvation.

probably I'll delete this later on, it hurts sometimes to reflect the moments I passed on and just starve myself on some aspects of my life. I don't regret it, its just that sometimes you can't help to wonder why i've done that, even though you know yourself the reason why...

due to all your support my friends, I decided to kept this here for awhile longer... thanks all for reading

— The End —