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Neal Emanuelson Feb 2015
What is left of the window smudge
when the lips that yearn kiss against
a bitter reflection of what isn't real?

It's a solemn wish towards that hope,
for one faithless day the eyes will play,
play trickery into the hearts of one crowd
but pierce but one heart in an earnest gavotte.

"Will you see me today?"

"I will see you again, someday."

And there was the glimpse of what is not,
the aura of self-release into those eyes
but betrayed and hollowed, no one loves more.

The copious crowd dispersed, save one soul-
Waiting effortlessly in the seconds that
none could cherish more than their own.

"You see me today."

"I saw you, someday."

© 2007
Neal Emanuelson Feb 2015
I could hold my breath and still feel empty,
void of air and all the things she swore are here.
When every wrong move presents the defects in me
and she wonders why I don’t speak as often out of bed.

I could write it again, but a hundred times more wouldn’t help her.
If she doesn’t believe in it now, then there just nothing more to say.
Stared out my window and let the sounds I hear dictate my heartbeats
of the silent night where her smiles were still never mine.

I see through the looking glass, but it lacks a certain quality
that suggests I’m not ready to hear the sound of a smirk across her lips.
Her attention to me and the love fades slowly like water ripples…
now I know that I’m not the only one stealing her smile.

But calling it jealousy gives it such a horrible undertone
and I know that I can’t be the center of her world every time.
But for the hours I have left before my clock’s plug exits the wall-
Hey, I know I liked the sound of the alarm that she rung in my heart.

© 2007
Neal Emanuelson Feb 2015
Lurking in the bellowed silence
A nameless note fills the void.
Passive aggressive mid-tone
Too high strung on this expectation
To linger a lullaby in this remorse.

To whisper soft the fallacy in mind,
To brush off the redemption with
A subtle sweep of a hand-cherished wind.
Murky and visionless wonders abound
To the closing of a tether-less heart.

Be it that sounds play vital veins
Or illusions part reality to satisfy
The conscious limbs of a devotion
Touching the world inside the field
The fission of the split second.

And it was love.

© 2006
Neal Emanuelson Feb 2015
So the moonlight doesn’t hold its shine
dazing in the withered bellows of tenements

Another drink…
Slips past the window and all is
As the strays lap up what is slowly draining hope

The fire escape to be used only for the hangings...
Hangings of sins
Heh, several dangling from the clotheslines of neighbors
Never taken down one,
Since two take up new residence each day.

And the streets are littered with the glass…
Glass of broken saint’s sorrow,
But then maybe tomorrow the
‘godly sweepers’
Will come out a cleanse our minds of the heretics

Hark, I hear the ambulance sirens singing for
just one more soldier to achieve misguided salvation.

Just across the window, moaning with delight
A ****** Mary room occupant gripping wildly
At the cold, listless windows.

Her cage is her own life sentence smeared across the
Whispering yells of silent content in the hollow of the room
Her air turns to blissful lust and seep through…
Through to my wishes of...
The pleasures, I only whisper back,

"We could be together on these empty streets."

© 2006

— The End —