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Kai Feb 2020
Fear could be a quivering yellow,
Huddling bright against the dark
With shadows seeping in every unseen crevice
Pale, sick, unsure

Maybe it’s a blood maroon
Whose stench invades the arteries
In a disgusting, thrumming onslaught
As a red heart roars

Or an icy white nihility
With its intense blankness
That bends meekly, inferior
Against the immense pallid void

But I declare the truth
Fear is a poisonous violet
Which clouds your senses
And you can’t think
You can’t feel
There is

this SEEMS rushed, but it actually took a very long while to choose the words! the poem is sort of a personal experience, as i used my ideasthesia (specifically my word-->color ideasthesia) to choose them!

— The End —