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 Jan 2021 Seeker
Let's give thanks
for the new presidential team:
Jobiden and Carmela Harrison!

They are the GREATEST and
most populer rulers

since George Lincoln and
Abraham Jefferson
and Barak OBAMO and
Jobiden also got way more votes than Ronald Raegan.

Yay AMERICA !!!!!!!!
Now we am heal with unity and Jobiden
 Jan 2021 Seeker
Cisgender is a ***** word
Appealing to that ***** herd
Where gender is a bygone term
And pink-haired demons reign, infirm.
That strident less-than-one percent
To whose confusion worlds are bent
make sure u cut yourself a lot
because genderz and etc.
 Oct 2020 Seeker
Ken Pepiton
Are there more cookie cutter comments appearing
in response to odd
I'm seeing certain best ratings seem less reasoned, so I thought, I'll ask, is AI
writing better than I imagine and complimenting itself? Cyberspace is undeveloped, everybody's on the web.
 Oct 2020 Seeker
Ken Pepiton
The old woman was weeping. I asked why.

For the longest time,
I believed a lie, she sniffed.

What did you believe
after the longest time, that made you cry?

A thought
 Sep 2020 Seeker
Tech-spawned personae
Introduce themselves:
CGI Barbies walk pretty
Tik Tok talk pretty . . .
Filters falter
(Ken follows).

Powers given:
Fake likes, fake stats
Syncopated algorithms
Gas-lit shadow bans
Dead mockingbirds
Dying media

<Chips implanted>

Power is given
To the beastly image:
Mainstream mediocrity
For mediocretins.
A delicate rondelay for your erudite perusal
 Sep 2020 Seeker
Janie has two mothers.
Joey's dad became his mom . . .

I think they are insane.

But I will always be polite to them

If I meet them

In the Walmart parking lot
or at the art museum.
Diversity in perversity:
Confess that you are a SINNER.
Then trust in CHRIST.
Romans 1:18-26
 Sep 2020 Seeker
You're ****** and doomed.
Your soul's not saved.
Virtue-signal all you want . . .
the road to Folly, fully paved
is Fool's Gold gleaming all the way.
Virtue's valiant vanguard, you—
the banner of surrender waved;
Facebook-friendly memes of mention
pointing to your selfish cause:
socially just desserts. Attention
paid to certain liberal flaws.
Virtue-signalling to the flock
gesturing, gesticulating;
hieroglyphics of deceit.
You're up for take-down, ours to mock,
bleating to your followers, prating—
well-assured in your conceit.
Keep on projecting,
you pathetic neurotic hypocrites.
 Aug 2020 Seeker
Take a bow for taking a knee.
We want to thank you for being woke
After falling asleep in the land of the Free;
(The punchline to your own lame joke.)
Y'all so WOKE I bought you an alarm clock.
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