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equitube May 2019
On the south side of kelso if it's there that ya choose to go
Well if its there ya go then ya just gotta know bout a man named tweaker joe
Now tweaker, he's a scrapper and if ya go down on his door
Don't you worry about wakin him up. He aint slept since 74
Well he's weird, weird tweaker joe
The weirdest tweaker in South Kelso
Weirder than a three toed frog
Stranger than a five eared dog

Now tweaker hes a scrapper and he likes his shiny things
And he likes to see what fun he has by the chaos that he brings
He got a custom BMX bike with a flashlight on the grill. He got 32 lb of brass in his pack, he got a dope bag in his shoe.

Well he's weird, weird tweaker joe
The weirdest tweaker in South Kelso
Weirder than a three toed frog
Stranger than s five eared dog

NOW Friday bout a week ago Tweaker scrappin cars. But at the end of the alley sat a cop named Thurman and ooh dat cop looked ******

Well he cast his light upon joe cuz Thurman had a plan
Tweaker joe learned a lesson bout messin with a future Sherriff man

Well he's weird, weird tweaker joe
The weirdest tweaker in South Kelso
Weirder than a three toed frog
Stranger than s five eared dog

Well the 2 men took to runnin and hes dragged down to the jail
Joey looked like a wrung out tweaker with a couple of teeth left

Well he's weird, weird tweaker joe
The weirdest tweaker in South Kelso
Weirder than a three toed frog
Stranger than s five eared dog

Well he's weird, weird tweaker joe
The weirdest tweaker in South Kelso
Weirder than a three toed frog
Stranger than s five eared dog
This is quite regional to South Kelso WA but it's funny. I premiered it at karaoke last night but forgot a newly written verse
Play Music
"Time In A Bottle"

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with
My happiness was cut short and I have never been since Frank passed away. My heart is broken in two and my spirit is broken too. I just want to spend eternity with Frank now. Then I will be happy.
Hank Pym Oct 2016
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

-Jim Croce (1972)
Totò  Jun 2017
A livella
Ogn'anno, il due novembre, c'é l'usanza
per i defunti andare al Cimitero.
Ognuno ll'adda fà chesta crianza;
ognuno adda tené chistu penziero.

Ogn'anno, puntualmente, in questo giorno,
di questa triste e mesta ricorrenza,
anch'io ci vado, e con dei fiori adorno
il loculo marmoreo 'e zì Vicenza.

St'anno m'é capitato 'navventura...
dopo di aver compiuto il triste omaggio.
Madonna! Si ce penzo, e che paura!,
ma po' facette un'anema e curaggio.

'O fatto è chisto, statemi a sentire:
s'avvicinava ll'ora d'à chiusura:
io, tomo tomo, stavo per uscire
buttando un occhio a qualche sepoltura.

"Qui dorme in pace il nobile marchese
signore di Rovigo e di Belluno
ardimentoso eroe di mille imprese
morto l'11 maggio del'31"

'O stemma cu 'a curona 'ncoppa a tutto...
... sotto 'na croce fatta 'e lampadine;
tre mazze 'e rose cu 'na lista 'e lutto:
cannele, cannelotte e sei lumine.

Proprio azzeccata 'a tomba 'e stu signore
nce stava 'n 'ata tomba piccerella,
abbandunata, senza manco un fiore;
pè segno, sulamente 'na crucella.

E ncoppa 'a croce appena se liggeva:
"Esposito Gennaro - netturbino":
guardannola, che ppena me faceva
stu muorto senza manco nu lumino!

Questa è la vita! 'Ncapo a me penzavo...
chi ha avuto tanto e chi nun ave niente!
Stu povero maronna s'aspettava
ca pur all'atu munno era pezzente?

Mentre fantasticavo stu penziero,
s'era ggià fatta quase mezanotte,
e i'rimanette 'nchiuso priggiuniero,
muorto 'e paura... nnanze 'e cannelotte.

Tutto a 'nu tratto, che veco 'a luntano?
Ddoje ombre avvicenarse 'a parte mia...
Penzaje: stu fatto a me mme pare strano...
Stongo scetato... dormo, o è fantasia?

Ate che fantasia; era 'o Marchese:
c'ò tubbo, 'a caramella e c'ò pastrano;
chill'ato apriesso a isso un brutto arnese;
tutto fetente e cu 'nascopa mmano.

E chillo certamente è don Gennaro...
'omuorto puveriello... 'o scupatore.
'Int 'a stu fatto ì nun ce veco chiaro:
sò muorte e se ritirano a chest'ora?

Putevano stà 'a me quase 'nu palmo,
quanno 'o Marchese se fermaje 'e botto,
s'avota e tomo tomo... calmo calmo,
dicette a don Gennaro: "Giovanotto!

Da Voi vorrei saper, vile carogna,
con quale ardire e come avete osato
di farvi seppellir, per mia vergogna,
accanto a me che sono blasonato!

La casta è casta e va, si, rispettata,
ma Voi perdeste il senso e la misura;
la Vostra salma andava, si, inumata;
ma seppellita nella spazzatura!

Ancora oltre sopportar non posso
la Vostra vicinanza puzzolente,
fa d'uopo, quindi, che cerchiate un fosso
tra i vostri pari, tra la vostra gente"

"Signor Marchese, nun è colpa mia,
i'nun v'avesse fatto chistu tuorto;
mia moglie è stata a ffà sta fesseria,
ì che putevo fà si ero muorto?

Si fosse vivo ve farrei cuntento,
pigliasse 'a casciulella cu 'e qquatt'osse
e proprio mo, obbj'... 'nd'a stu mumento
mme ne trasesse dinto a n'ata fossa".

"E cosa aspetti, oh turpe malcreato,
che l'ira mia raggiunga l'eccedenza?
Se io non fossi stato un titolato
avrei già dato piglio alla violenza! "

"Famme vedé... -piglia sta violenza...
'A verità, Marché, mme sò scucciato
'e te senti; e si perdo 'a pacienza,
mme scordo ca sò muorto e so mazzate!...

Ma chi te cride d'essere... nu ddio?
Ccà dinto, 'o vvuo capi, ca simmo eguale?...
... Muorto si'tu e muorto sò pur'io;
ognuno comme a 'na'ato é tale e quale".

"Lurido porco!... Come ti permetti
paragonarti a me ch'ebbi natali
illustri, nobilissimi e perfetti,
da fare invidia a Principi Reali? ".

'Tu quà Natale... Pasca e Ppifania!!!
T'o vvuò mettere 'ncapo... 'int'a cervella
che staje malato ancora è fantasia?...
'A morte 'o ssaje ched'e?... è una livella.

'Nu rre, 'nu maggistrato, 'nu grand'ommo,
trasenno stu canciello ha fatt'o punto
c'ha perzo tutto, 'a vita e pure 'o nomme:
tu nu t'hè fatto ancora chistu cunto?

Perciò, stamme a ssenti... nun fa'o restivo,
suppuorteme vicino-che te 'mporta?
Sti ppagliacciate 'e ffanno sulo 'e vive:
nuje simmo serie... appartenimmo à morte!
Yue Wang Yitkbel Jun 2019
Jacques de Rouge

The wandering pilgrim

Of poetic seekings

Drifted away once again

Oppose the Homeland Paris

And into the Heart of Italy

Known for many feats


One was in particular


It is the City of Dante

Firenze, in a frenzy

Have manifested itself

In the Golden Light

Of heavenly stars to be

Alive with all characters

Past and passed.

Opening wide behind

Lorenzo Ghiberti’s

The Gates of Paradise

Dante himself emerged

From the centre

Of the Florence Baptistery

And ascended toward the light

The opening of Hope and Stars

Among the rings of Heaven

Jacques de Rouge followed,

In pursuit.

And kneeled before him,

As Dante stopped and stood

With the Eagle!

In Piazza di Santa Croce.

When Jacques de Rouge stood

In a shadow at Palazzo Vecchio

The shadow revolved like

Da Vinci’s Helicopter

With what seemed like

A bulging knot at the end.

Barely missed his head

Jacques de Rouge

Realized the swings

Were from the slingshot

Of none other than

That of the one masculinity

Of all masculinity

Michelangelo's David.

His marble complexion transformed

Almost ever so light and faintly

Into a smooth and pale flesh.

Jacques cast his eyes down

In an unavoidable instinct of shame.

When he looked up, the flesh

Is now a single dangling foot

Seconds from stepping into

The Niche of Orsanmichele

And approaching his beloved Christ.

Amen, and he proceeded.

Discreetly into the Secrets of Sandro Botticelli,

That which is secured marvelously

As the Standing Monument of

Giotto’s Bell Tower


Brunelleschi's Dome.

The Three Graces danced

The Venus stood in the classical position.

And one woman looked wearily at Jacques

Staring into his eyes.

And yes, Heaven it was.

As Jacques stood in the illusion of the weightless contrapposto.
Repost of an older poem:
The City of Dante

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Yue Yitkbel Xing ****
Andrew Rueter Jan 2020
Vestigial limbs of a memory forgotten
itch like bicycle shoestrings tapping every spoke.
One day my brother asked me to visit someone with him
he said the guy was my age and feeling down
because his cat ran away
I said sure, that sounds like a nice thing to do.
After 20 minutes I realized why the cat ran
I was planning my escape route as well
this guy was miserable
completely negative
—it was annoying
and then he said it:
"System of a Down sold out with Toxicity,
which was a garbage album."
the layers of stupidity sent me into a k-hole.
Millions of fans would **** Serj Tankien's ****
if only SOAD would make one more album
but yeah, their sellouts, and your cool.
Clearly, screaming, "banana, banana, terracotta pie" repeatedly
is just telling people what they want to hear.
I tried to change the subject to politics
but he made it clear he had absolutely no interest,
well no **** he doesn't understand SOAD, it's pretty political,
but because art is subjective he thinks his opinion has value
and it does—it lets me know to stay away from his negative idiocy.

Kind of like a car ride I shared
with an older right wing friend of my father.
He scanned the radio like a crackhead
searching for a song in the shallow pool he enjoyed
his lexicon limited, our selection scarce
like a lost cat trapped in a garage
unaware of what is and isn't food.
We came across I Got A Name by Jim Croce
and he said, "Nope. No Jim Croce in this car."
Really? ******* Jim Croce?
I guess I wouldn't like his music either if I voted for Leroy Brown.

It'd be naive of me to think these people
don't work for The New Yorker
calling Ford V Ferrari "empty and hollow".
**** dude, I hate to break it to you
but if you can't find emotion in that movie
that's a flaw in you
and the hordes of imbeciles
approaching art with a "this better ******* impress me" attitude
tearing apart any movie that aims for anything elevated
to be just generally miserable or to show how "smart" they are.
Meanwhile, sniping at an actually empty and hollow movie
is seen as punching down and a waste of time
so a subculture of cynics is developed
infecting others with toxicity
to see art as a challenge to one's intelligence
rather than honest emotional expression
then people miss out on the full capability of art
and consume it improperly
and regurgitate it in front of me like a feeble feral cat.
Kida Price Jun 2014
Waking thoughts
Lyrics to a song
Shuffle through the playlist
Find the perfect one.
Too many can describe
My mental alibi
So I just take a little time
For the lyrics to fill my mind.
Growing up there was no blue sky rhyme
Metallica, pink Floyd and the cure
Were the ones to describe my youthful shrine.
Older plays
Took some blues away
How is it that I wasn't born
In the Woodstock age?
The doors, temptations, Jim Croce
Carol king
God! It's so godly when they sing.
Then I had to hit that puberty
Like a brick to the face
Picking out my own musical taste.
Adema, korn, Dresden dolls, tool.
Stone sour, shinedown, nine inch nails
Stone temple pilots and more as well.
Give me lyrics that could scream
All the screaming out of me.
Little did I know that in my scene
I thought my music was defining me.
I'm not music. Just flesh and bone
Maybe I should expand my treble tone.
Throw some chicks in there, you know?
No one should have a song on repeat
And have that be the song you hear when we meet.
So I searched for some musical relief
I enjoy a good scream sometimes
But that's not all I breathe.
Some motion city, say anything,
Yeah I like akon, lady sovereign,
A perfect circle and deftones
Classical Mozart and Beethoven makes me feel right at home.
Silver mt Zion, some Phillip glass,
Michael nyman, now I've achieved some class.
Pink when I feel like pop or brass
Punch guys in the **** cause I'm a chick
Hell yes!
No not really. The **** part, I mean.
But I actually really do like pink.
Jon Bon jovi or Otis redding
When I want to think of this guy that I'm loving.
I might have lost track of the lyrics I was originally thinking
But with my selection I'm derailing
With musical tasting.
San Lorenzo, io lo so perché tanto
di stelle per l'aria tranquilla
arde e cade, perché sì gran pianto
nel concavo cielo favilla.
Ritornava una rondine al tetto:
l'uccisero: cadde tra spini:
ella aveva nel becco un insetto:
la cena dei suoi rondinini.
Ora è là, come in croce, che tende
quel verme a quel cielo lontano;
e il suo nido è nell'ombra, che attende
che pigola sempre più piano.
Anche un uomo tornava al suo nido:
l'uccisero: disse: Perdono;
e restò negli aperti occhi un grido:
portava due bambole in dono...
Ora là, nella casa romita,
lo aspettano, aspettano in vano:
egli immobile, attonito, addita
le bambole al cielo lontano.
E tu, Cielo, dall'alto dei mondi
sereni, infinito, immortale,
oh! d'un pianto di stelle lo inondi
quest'atomo opaco del Male!
'O terzo piano, int' 'o palazzo mio,
a pporta a mme sta 'e casa na famiglia,
ggente per bene... timorata 'e Ddio:
marito, moglie, 'o nonno e quatto figlie.
'O capo 'e casa, 'On Ciccio Caccavalle,
tene na putechella int' 'o Cavone:
venne aucielle, scigne e pappavalle,
ma sta sempe arretrato c' 'opesone.

'E chisti tiempe 'a scigna chi s' 'a compra?!
Venne ogni morte 'e papa n'auciello;
o pappavallo è addiventato n'ombra,
nun parla cchiù p' 'a famma, 'o puveriello!

'A moglie 'e Caccavalle, Donn'Aminta,
è una signora con le mani d'oro:
mantene chella casa linda e pinta
ca si 'a vedite è overo nu splendore.

'O nonno, sittant'anne, malandato,
sta segregato dint'a nu stanzino:
'O pover'ommo sta sempe malato,
tene 'e dulure, affanno e nun cammina.

E che bbuò fà! Nce vonno 'e mmedicine,
a fella 'e carne, 'o ppoco 'e muzzarella...
Magnanno nce 'o vuò dà 'o bicchiere 'e vino
e nu tuscano pe na fumatella?

'A figlia, Donn'Aminta, notte e ghiuorno
fa l'assistenza al caro genitore;
trascura 'e figlie e nun se mette scuorno,
e Don Ciccillo sta cu ll'uocchie 'a fora.

Don Ciccio Caccavalle, quanno è 'a sera
ca se ritira, sta sempe ammurbato
pe vvia d' 'o nonno ('o pate d' 'a mugliera),
e fa: - Che ddiece 'e guaio ch'aggio passato. -

Fra medicine, miedece e salasse
'o pover'ommo adda purtà sta croce.
Gli affari vanno male, non s'incassa,
e 'o viecchio nun è carne ca lle coce.

E chesto è overo... 'On Ciccio sta nguaiato!
Porta sul'issso 'o piso 'ncoppa 'e spalle;
'o viecchio nun'è manco penzionato
e s'è appuiato 'ncuollo a Caccavalle.

'O viecchio no... nun vò senti raggione.
Pretenne 'a fella 'e carne, 'a muzzarella...
'A sera po', chello ca cchiù indispone:
- Ciccì, mme l'he purtata 'a sfugliatella? -

Don Ciccio vò convincere 'a mugliera,
ca pure essendo 'a figlia, ragiunasse:
- 'O vicchiariello soffre 'e sta manera...
è meglio ca 'o Signore s' 'o chiammasse! -

E infatti Caccavalle, ch'è credente,
a San Gennaro nuosto ha fatt' 'o vuto:
- Gennà, si 'o faje murì te porto argiento!...
sta grazia me l'he fà... faccia 'ngialluta! -

Ma Caccavalle tene n'attenuante,
se vede ca nun naviga int' a ll'oro...
Invece io saccio 'e ggente benestante
che tene tant' 'e pile 'ncopp' 'o core!

— The End —