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Francie Lynch Mar 2016
Here's a few legitimate refugees:
political, poverty, drought, war, and religious.
They're right in the top drawer zone,
But who gives a flying Whoopi
That Miley will claim assylum in Bali Bali;
Or Rosie will fly over camps on her way to Switzerland.
I hope Cher,
Doesn't apply for residence on Cape Breton Island:
We don't want you, Babe.
These are the celebrity refugees,
Bailing out on the touted
Greatest Democracy on the planet.
****, if you don't like what you elect,
Look to history,
Stove pipe hats,
And the wonders to be achieved
Before the end of this decade.
They got enough cash for space,
For Mars!
I didn't mention all the others, like Stewart, Rosie, Samuel, etc. And please, don't send Bieber back.
S Smoothie Oct 2015
once again,
like the emotionally insane refugee
who cannot find comfort in assylum,
there is no communion.

I come to find her gone,
And the vacuous space she left behind
Breeze-Mist Oct 2016
We all have our reasons
For why we're here

Not in existential sense
(Not this time)
But on this forum

We all have our reasons
For coming in
And writing in verse

Some of us
Want to hone writing skills
Some of us
Desire to describe the world
Some of us
Came looking for inspiration
Some of us
Need to let the skeletons out of our closets to breathe

I, personally
Am here because
This is the one place
I can let my
Most Lyrical
And Downright Crazy
Side out to the world
And no one will put me down for it
Or lock me up in an assylum
Ryan O'Leary  Jul 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
It seemed as though he
           was practicing for a
        downhill slalom without
                a pair of ski's,

         And were it not a field
         adjacent to the assylum
         I would have assumed
                  as much, but

      Perception is deception, as
     I was to discover when I was
     told that he was the famous
Mallow man known as Rick O'Shea.
Faidyn Taylor  May 2021
Faidyn Taylor May 2021
"Why on earth would he do this?"
Said his mother
She looked at his hands, and his shirt
Washed in red blood
Soaked in lies and ties
To the Devil

"I cant take it anymore."
Said her son
April 12, 1998 was the last
Time he felt
Felt himself
The date was May 9, 2002

"It will be okay son, just tell me what happened"
Whispered his mother
He struggled
The victim also struggled
****** corrupted his mind and tattooed itself to his brain

He wasn't innocent
Not safe from cops
Sirens blare and they have a suspect
No safehouse, just assylum or a fate leading to lethal injection or firing squad

What road will he ride?
"Mom, I did it."
He said
This is about ****** and the mothers son going insane, him not sure whether the ****** was accidental or a product of his loss of sanity.

— The End —