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  Apr 2016 Pumpkin King
Words are as harmful as blades and pills...
Pumpkin King Apr 2016
I'm tired...
Not the I can't do it,
The i'm done kind of tired...
It's much more complicated...
Imagine a train that runs on dreams
Faith, trust, pixie dust and sunbeams...
What do you fathom would happen
If one day,
It ran out of steam
perhaps like a grandfather clock
one with no tick to its tock
It wouldn't chime on any hour
And the metronome would stop...
So just like any other dead clock
It will not move for its time has stopped
Logical that maybe
But this dream fueled train i speak of...
It's actually me..
My once roaring engine is now cu-put
And the fueling room is empty,
I already burnt the soot
But regardless i still have to move forward
By any means necessary..
So i strip away my accessories
And tear out some useful necessities
I feed them all to the fire
Call me a cannibal if you want
I guess that's what it would seem
Maybe this is what they meant
By nothing ever comes freely
Even enduring has a price...
But i'm still not moving yet...
So i reverse engineer my locomotive of dreams
And covert the power source to my apparently abundant screams
They say that pain is a gate way
To some where that's green
I guess they got it wrong
You're  used like a machine
Sure, you're going forward,
At less than a steady pace,
I'd rather stay still and stuck forever
Than cringe at my own  sullen face
But people cheer on
"Keep going!!! You're almost there!!!"
I whisper, quietly erased...
"I can't afford to.. I have nothing left to spare"
I really thought i'd get some where...
I tried..
I cared..
Even if you want to roll again..
This game of life still isn't fair...
So with my dreams expired
And my resolve retired...
I fall off the tracks and sigh
"I'm tired..."
" So very, very tired..."
for when i feel useless and woe is me
Pumpkin King Apr 2016
Dinner is served!
Forks placed,
Napkins set
The chef has cooked for an army times three
And we’re even using the antique dinette
Runners take your marks
Get ready and set
A hurricanes a coming
Gamblers go and place your bets
My family when reuniting
Is cataclysmic at best
A flood of faces whip and zoom by
I notice cousin it and wolf man starring barbarically at the pies
Dr. Seuss’ children
Thing one and thing two
Take to the flinging of mashed potatoes
Better this than launching poo
Most of us dodge the flying clouds easily
Frankenstein ducks fast and tight
A gravy train curve ball impales my cheek
I stand up slowly and remove my potato face
Everyone backs up to give me some space
The blue haired gremlins snicker in dismay
Glance masks of sheer terror
As I march my wrath their way
“the king is gonna getcha’”
“the king is gonna getcha’”
They sarcastically shiver
But jump from their skin when I boom,
“And it ain’t gonna be pretty, now let me paint the picture”
Go back to your kiddy cribs
Can’t even chew a salted meat
You say you have a green card
But you have no real receipt
They both tremble with fear
So go retreat to kiddy land
Do you need me to hold your hand?
It’s okay you might get lost
This world is a hot mess
So try not to burst your eardrums
Or regurgitate spaghetti
My lyrics’ ll burn your throat raw
Just ask your cousin yeti
Know me by my name I’m the shepherd of fire
Spitting chariots of flame
Nightmares fear my attire
So don’t go and get it twisted ,I’ll break your jaw
You’ll be reduced to spitting lyrics through a crazy straw
Liquid rhyming riffs
You’d be an official pirate, setting out on your sail ships
Slippin’ and slidin
Pass Davey Jones   a mike
And this is what he’ll tell ya
That I’ve been blessed with your curse
This kids gotta serpent’s tongue
Aw you wanna leave already?
What for?
This turkey’s feathers are prematurely burned  
But if my flames are too hot for you to handle
Step back and recover
Your ears are close to charbroiled so seek shelter take cover
I exhale molten bars
From sons and daughters, to mothers and fathers
My blazing campaign and my slogan that’s fire
Me myself and I, Only crew I would hire
So who am I?
I am me!
Who am I?
The mc!
So sit down, hush it up
And call me the pumpkin king!!!

— The End —