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Jan 2014
At 4 in the morning you hear nothing but the soothing music playing softly from your speakers
At 4 in the morning you see nothing but the calm undulations of your brain waves running over your eyelids
At 4 in the morning you taste nothing but the lingering mint essence of your toothpaste in the back of your mouth
At 4 in the morning you smell nothing but the    soft linen detergent from your favorite purple pillowcase
At 4 in the morning you touch nothing but the fuzzy brown teddy bear you got on your 4th birthday
At 4 in the morning he snuck in while your consciousness was altered by your sleep
He crept up the stairs and peaked into your room
Your face morphed into a pale shade of blue and a worrisome look crossed his face
He stroked your cheek as you regained your breath
He took it from you
He politely sifted through your things and turned to glance at you with those icy blue eyes
You clutched your heart and a crestfallen look usurped his smile
He rested his hand upon yours as you calmed down, right on top of your heart
He stole it from you
He sat down beside you and closed his eyes
You started to toss and turn, grabbing at your hair and a perplexed look furrowed his brow
He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead as you finally lay still with peaceful thoughts
He invaded every single one
At 7 in the morning you hear nothing but his voice whispering inside your ear "I love you"
At 7 in the morning you see nothing but the elated smile and exaggerated dimples resting on his face
At 7 in the morning you taste nothing but the flavor of his lips locked inside yours
At 7 in the morning you smell nothing but the       lingering scent of the cologne he fell asleep in
At 7 in the morning you touch nothing but the warmth of his skin as he wraps his arms around you
He may be a thief when you aren't paying attention
But he is the love of your life, at all hours of the day
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