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Jun 2013
What a specjal day I remember . I remember that small cry from a new born baby at exactly 10:10pm. I remember watching over him when he was one day old as his mother went back into the hospital for ten days to have surgery. I remember how unsure I was that week and scared to death. I remember his gentle smiles when I walked into the room and his eyes when he saw something new. I remember our walks in the park along the trails to see the deer and his excitement to get a .99 cent disney video from the Blockbuster. Back then thats all I could afford. I remember the game rooms and movie theaters and the holding hands and little kisses and hugs. I still remember every word of our special prayer and the father and son song I made up and yes made him   Watching as he ran with his friends down the street and seeing him look back to make sure I was still there and that smile, oh that smile.  I remember rockets in the park, the boat rides,  sitting him on the gas tank of my motorcycle and giving him a ride around the parking lot time and time again. I remember him sitting on his great grandfathers lap and giggling and hoping I would get the chance to see my great grandchild. I remember every Tuesday and Thursdays phone calls at 7 pm just to hear his voice after he was moved to Florida.   Sometimes I would get him on the phone and sometimes I would leave a message but those calls meant the world to me and allowed my week to be just a little better. I remember all of our long and short talks for advice and how he actually listened. Teaching him to drive a stick shift and how he picked it up so fast.  His first girlfriend when she came over and said hi and after she left I said who was that, he said I dont know but im going to find out, and I just laughed. I remember every year taking vacations to Florida just to see him and then four times a year his trips to Ohio to see me. I remember all the tears from both him and me as he boarded a plain to fly back to Florida. I remember the extended family and how much everyone helped out when he was so young. Dont know how I could have survived without that help back then.  Christmas parties, and gatherings and how as a young man he helped me propose to my now ex wife.  His graduation from high school, his friends and  all the places he has worked. I remember how happy I was he decided to live in Ohio and go to Ohio State and how I was more excited on his first day of college then he was.  I remember how sweet he was when he knew my heart was broken and how the son tried to comfort his father when I got a divorce. There are so many thing that I cant even begin to list but most of all I remember and still feel the unconditional love he has for me and I for him. Today is my sons birthday and although he is now a man we spend time together almost every day. He is always my son first but has also grown into a friend and a great young man. I Love you son, always and forever.   Dad
Carl Joseph Roberts
Written by
Carl Joseph Roberts  Florida
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