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Apr 2013
In the grander scheme of all things in this world  my worries seem so..... inessential or small, almost foolish and self involved.

My sufferings are no more extraordinary then those of a stranger, but I feel like I am being whipped around inside a monsoon of sadness, while nothing gets resolved.

I can't let myself burden others with the sorrow I tightly lock away,so I shut myself inside my head and face them all alone.

I conceal my angst, and  if I continue to wear a smile the truth will be safe behind my magnificent wall of stone.

I feel like I'm going insane,  I can't find the words to articulate the chaos that is  dominating my mind.

Each time I find the courage to try and open up fear pulls me back, all the while it is boasting ...."relief you shall not find".

The fear of what they will think if I lay it all out and  let them pick thru the horrid memories that I have hidden away.

Will they bother to try and understand the real me, will they still love me unconditionally, but more so will they even stay?
Mercy B
Written by
Mercy B  ohio
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