As I sit alone I see Slaughter after slaughter Innocent children dying For greed greed o my heart Is saddened by greed and Deaths deaths the smell of dead Body's building up around me I cannot take it no more We are alone we are alone We or dying one by one Evil has taken over I sit Alone alone I am I'm saddened By life a dream of a bright future And no tomorrow never comes O why why why am I alone My heartache had dying I'm dying my future never To be seen I'm alone the tears Running down my face O why o why I'm crying Over over over again A life time of war and No dream of a better future My days alone of hurt Pain sorrow nobody Cares about me nobody Comes to help me For others life is a perfect Dream smiling laughing loving Each other's hearts but Please I'm dying I'm crying And don't come for me I'm worth nothing in life While your children are Worth more than me I'm only a little Palestinian Boy waiting to die From Israeli soldiers Nobody will ever come for me I'll just wait to die.