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Oct 2015

The days pass by
as I sit and watch
No longer counting them
for it matters not,
they are going to wave goodbye
regardless of what I do

I think back on all
I have seen
Moments of joy and sadness,
people I have met,
some I have lost
and those I will miss

Hard times, rough times,
good times
Things I wish I could take back,
do over again
and others I wish I would
have had the courage to try

I wonder why about many things,
it seems I often wonder why
and even though
the answers don’t always come,
(I never expect them to,)
I still keep asking

But one thing I know for sure
is that my past
is merely that, my past
and my future, no matter
how short it might be,
is bright

Because at this late stage
of my life I have found you,
and I no longer care
about what happened before,
I can only see what
is happening now

So as these days
dwindle before me,
and the end creeps nearer
I know it was worth the wait,
worth the struggles and
the obstacles I faced

For in none of my dreams,
even the wildest I could imagine,
did I ever dream
I would be loved
by a woman like you
Life is a struggle with many unanswered questions, many whys. It is not easy and at times it does truly seem like it is not worth it.  But, when you find love (and you will) and it is true love, the kind of love that makes waking up each day a joy and not a burden, the kind of love that engulfs your heart and your mind causing every thought to be about that person, the kind of love that finally shows you the reason you are alive, then you will know why.
I do.  

I know this isn’t my normal style of poetic offering but sometimes you pick up the pen and find that just saying exactly what you are thinking at the time is the best thing to do.
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