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Oct 2015
A more forgiving setting where mistakes will no longer scar me, but still give me a higher insight and light to see. Leaving new heights to explore, lighter air to breathe and wider roads with more options to take. With these new directions may I learn the most valued thoughts. With these new thoughts may they never leave my mind, so I will forever stay grateful. May I find this ladder to become more of a grateful being. May I learn to never forget my gratitude for all of my life journeys. Never shall I forget all my hopes in dreams. In all my Hopes and Dreams. So I may have more visions of hopes for tomorrow. So I may have clear thoughts for realistic dreams to my better future. So I may live a kinder more accepting dream that I may call life. This road may have many new challenges which I will accept whole heartedly. For knowing how brutal some lessons in life may be. Now I have learned the difference between acceptance and repetition. With these new directions may I learn the most valued thoughts. With these new thoughts may they never leave my mind, so I will forever stay grateful. May I find this ladder to become more of a grateful being. May I learn to never forget my gratitude for all of my life journeys. Our souls are like a net. While our dreams are like butterflies. Our hearts are open to catch them all. Never will we stop dreaming. Never will we stop chasing and capturing our dreams. With the strength combined from one another our hearts shall beat as one. Strengthening each other to erase the lonely and sad for good from our lives. Every day now is a tribute to what we have found in one another. Every year that passes an awesome tribute of memories that this level of love and understanding we as a couple have accomplished. With out any battles, just a peace filled life to lead.

We, like the butterfly, are free may hearts flow to follow each other everyday fulfilling our dreams. Never shall I forget all my hopes in dreams. In all my Hopes and Dreams. So I may have more visions of hopes for tomorrow. So I may have clear thoughts for realistic dreams to my better future. So I may live a kinder more accepting dream that I may call life. This road may have many new challenges which I will accept whole heartedly. For knowing how brutal some lessons in life may be. Now I have learned the difference between acceptance and repetition. May I find this ladder to become more of a grateful being. May I learn to never forget my gratitude for all of my life journeys. Never shall I forget all my hopes in dreams. In all my Hopes and Dreams. So I may have more visions of hopes for tomorrow. So I may have clear thoughts for realistic dreams to my better future. So I may live a kinder more accepting dream that I may call life. This road may have many new challenges which I will accept whole heartedly. For knowing how brutal some lessons in life may be. Now I have learned the difference between acceptance and repetition. Peace may be defined differently by everyone, simply because peace is to each their own idea of serenity and closure. How you get there is called your road, once you get there is called your life.
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