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Marieta Maglas
kelvin mungai
nairobi,kenya    many years after the white man left a boy was born, in heart of Africa a place of great athletes and beautiful people. that boy ...
Perth, Australia    Im out for good. ☺
Philippines    An asian young woman who wasn't deal the world like it is a great battle between all people living on it. Lives for the people ...
Leah Anne
Manila    This is me, running.
Jose De La Garza
Earth    Jose Brother of Marlen Lover of nature, adventure, and knowledge Who feels Curious about life, creative when I think, and inspired by people and nature ...
cyanide skies
19/F/somewhere lovely    i put my pen to paper & make inanimate instruments sing & sometimes my thoughts take the form of pictures. if i ever had a ...
United Kingdom    "Don't cover my eyes for my fears are trapped beneath my eyelids.. And for each fallen eyelash is a wish for greater freedom." © Sia ...
"A mind possessed by unmade books, unwritten lines on empty hooks."
Will Moore
Minneapolis MN    Retired RN Now working as a Pastoral Ministry Volunteer 25 years of working with the veterans 10 years of working in chemical addictions married with ...
M/orlando,fl    How ya'll doing... I hope good. I love to write and I write other stuff beside poems. I love reading other people poems because I ...
Brianne Rose
27/F/New York, U.S.A    Bookworm, Poet ,Story Writer. Shy, but Friendly. ~ Rest In Peace Guinness, Our Family's Fluffiest Boy, Age: 12, 2/05/2023~ Rest In Peace: Sam, Bruiser, Lilly ...
Salacious Alice
Maldives    Iv A Chameleon Soul. . .don't try to figure me out. . . ;) chill!!
South Africa, Pretoria    90's kid. Tryna be a poet. Heart is made of gold.
Ngamau Boniface
Nairobi-Kenya    Its a calling,its a lifestyle,humility not timidity,love not liking,appreciation not tolerance.
Frecky Rosa
I write to think.
Max Southwood
Oslo, Norway    I love poetry and writing. My favourite writers include Clive Barker, Mark Z. Danielewski, H.P. Lovecraft, William Blake. The list goes on, but that should ...
Lenny M
Good Vibes Be better than the man you were yesterday, Everyday.
21/F/Chicago    tell me a story
Maryland    One of my favorite poems is called Dare to be!” By Steve Maraboli from Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Kits SM
Montreal, QC, Canada    LISxCommxHR + a little bit of writing here and there. Je parle français, s'il y a quelqu'un dans le néant qui voudrait venir me parler ...
Emily L
Cassiopeia    I want to travel the world and write until I'm dead in the grave. Promise me you'll always wander:
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, ...
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