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Kylie Morgan Dec 2015
I feel like there is nothing there
Not even the *****
No bones
Not even a heart
I am empty
An empty shell of a person
Covered in little cracks
Waiting for the one to break me
Kylie Morgan Dec 2015
Nov 28 2015
i reached a breaking point
nothing anyone said mattered
cold and sharp
it was pressed against me wrist
blood spilling out of these cuts
over an over
the physical pain was too painful
but it made the unbearable internal pain
but only for a short time
Kylie Morgan Nov 2015
you built my walls high
made out of , your beatifuls and i want yous
i thought there was no stronger materials
invincible and undeniably working
i was trapped by these walls
shielded from your lies
until the the walls came crashing down with
a wrecking ball, covered in lies
the tears hit my eyes with no holding back
the wrecking ball was covered in writing
all the same sentence
i never cared
i never will
used again
  Nov 2015 Kylie Morgan
You came by to pick my garden's flowers,
Pulled my petals out and threw them away,
Pushed them through your dirt,
Smothering me,
Ran away to another garden, with fresh flowers,
That I could never provide you
  Oct 2015 Kylie Morgan
I like your encouragement
It fuels my fire
Stokes my ego
Helps me burn brighter

I like your words
How they feel
When they roll off my tongue
They help me heal

I like your eyes
They scream out the love
Like golden gems
Sent from above

I like your heart
The way it beats quickly
When I place my head against
You chest, it beats with me

I like you arms
I could trace your veins
For days and hours
And never feel ashamed

I like your chin
Stuck out in stubborn
They way you are strong
At every chance you learn

I like your walk
Trying to be cool
I know you are special
Not just a tool

I like your hands
They way your fingers bend
Around my own
To hold on to the end

I like your yesterdays
How they fade to todays
And I know the tomorrows
Are days that will amaze

I like you
I really do
And maybe I think
You like me to
Kylie Morgan Oct 2015
maybe if i blink fast enough they will not fall
maybe if i can keep my bottom lip still they will leave
maybe if i deeply inhale and exhale they will not form
maybe if i hadn't have let you hurt again i would not feel this
maybe if i didn't let you in i wouldn't be hurt
i word similar to 'what if'
a word that can not fix my mistakes
so just maybe i should be more careful
  Oct 2015 Kylie Morgan
You’re wondering if I’m lonely.
Okay, then, yes.
I’m lonely
Like a plane full of strangers all with headphones in,
Seen from the ground as a
Fast vanishing light, here and then not

I’m lonely like a woman driving across the country,
Day after day,
Throwing away mile after mile,
Forgetting to drink the coffee she bought in
Towns that she might have stopped in,
Lived and grown old and died in  

Am I lonely?
Sure, the loneliness of walking a city in the early morning in winter
The streetlights stretching your shadows into crowds of acquaintances
Stumbling over each other to whisper their own inane advice

Alone when I wake to a house still asleep and I move too quietly even though
I’m the only one there, afraid to disturb the solitude snoozing in the attic
I drink my tea and watch the cars
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