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Don't tell me to forget u
I'm closer to u than I have ever been
I won't ever forget this
I know you want me too but I won't I'm sorry to do this to u but I won't

I'm sorry I still love u

I won't forget about u, I'm closer to u now
I can handle this little one don't tell me to forget it makes me feel bad
There are things

Hard to decrypt

I'm a fool, never seem to get any hints
Never seem to understand what she really implies

My heart tells me that some of the things she says are about me

My mind tells me I'm selfish and ******* for believing anything like that can be about me when she has him.....

She tells me she's not sure who she writes about, it just all comes out when she writes

Our past together are the only herpa times I've ever had.....

I can't help hoping you still think about me the way I do with u...

I can't stop my heart from beating when I hear you say my name.....
And I can't stop it from aching when I see u in his arms...

I want you in my arms
I want you on my lips
I want you by my side
I want you hand in mine
The words I trust you
Those mean more to me than anything

But this selfish ******* misuses the trust of the one he loves more than not....

All for selfish reasons I'm not even sure myself

Pity, is tht y I misuse it?.....

Don't think so

Because I thought something the wrong way?.....

Nope not that either

Maybe I'm just.....a bad person.....a bad friend.....
I've destroyed friendships, I've destroyed trust

I had her trust and I.....I threw it away

A beautiful girl....scared and alone....trusted me....and I destroyed that trust.....

What have I done
I want you back
More than you will ever know
I want you back
More than I can ever show....
I want you back
....we still love eachother
I want you back
But your dating him....
I want you bak
Your all I think about
I want you back
Yesterday I cried realizing how I'm not the only person going through this
I want you back
I may be a fool at many things but you know I would treat you like a queen....just like before
I want you back
I may not always show how I feel....but everytime I think of you my heart grows sad waiting for the time it will find yours and hold it close....
I want you back....
Shut up happy endings, there is no love without pain no happy without sad, no give without receive

Just because something went wrong don't give up

Just because two people split up doesn't mean there love will never find each other again

No matter how long it takes love will find a way

When second chances won't leave you alone there's hope in love

You may have left me back then,
You may say there is no us
Take a moment to thing beside urself
Beside the one Ur dating
If there really never is another chance for come you still like me
How come we still held hands
How come u wanted to kiss me
If there is not any possibility of us anymore how come you slept on my shoulder knowing what you were doing
How come we grow closer and closer feeling the love we felt back then
Sure we may not b the same people but I know in your heart you felt that love like old times, I know you felt it too
Pain harm lonely
Three words
All different
Yet they coincide if you find the right situation,

Pain, it hurts, pain is what you can feel

Harm....harm is what you cause to others, harm is something horrible....harm is something that can only be caused by someone who isn't thinking...someone who gets caught up on life that spins too fast...

Lonely is how someone feels after there is actually a happy moment in his life,  when he's been alone for so long when he's been unnoticed for so long...when that one person comes along and shows them never know what you have until it's gone...
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