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JD Mar 2021
The night's
only purpose
is thinking
But is thinking
the purpose
I serve?
They say
life is for living
but what
is living for?
When I look up
to the stars
looking up
to the endless sky
I realise
how small I am
and that
I need to fight
for the beauty
in this universe
against the
darkness in my
Creating is
what I can best
And that's
what is worth
living for
i'm doing better
JD Aug 2021
it’s 1 am
2 am
3 am
another night gone
another night
well spent
losing sleep
was worth it
i wanted to go to bed early, so i did
JD Jun 2021
i don’t fight
to be remembered
I fight
so no one else is being forgotten
and they live
to be themselves
queer rights are human rights
JD Mar 2
do you ever dream
of a dream
come true?
only attainable
in the most
unimaginable of ways

oh i dream

i dream
of dreams
i know
to never come true
except when i imagine
anything to be

oh my dream

unreachable dreams
forever locked away
kept safe
from horrifying truths
only reachable
in a world that’s

oh i dream
my dream
of kindness
all around
choose kindness
JD Sep 2023
in your eyes
i saw the stars
in your arms
i felt the warmth
of a perfect summer night

now in your eyes
i see the pain
in your arms
i feel the end
of a love yet to begin
And we spent our existence pretending that we aren’t
JD 7d
a voice
mocking me from afar
no, or is it from within?
How could i be so foolish?
allow myself to feel
what never could have been
a voice
bringing me down
making me kneel
oh please
“you thought this was real?”
actually about Edwin & Monty from Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix)
JD Apr 2021
do you see your face
between the lines?
do you recognise the person
i try to describe?
have you realised
that it’s all about you?
have you noticed
you’re bleeding through
my heart
onto the paper
into everything i write
it's always you
JD Nov 2022
I wish
I'd never known
because I can't seem
to bear the chaos now
it was easier. but lonlier
JD Aug 2021
they don’t know.
they don’t know
who i am
how i write
the ways i’m hurting
they think they know
but all they know
is what i choose to share
what i choose to show
they don’t know me.
and they don’t care
enough to notice
they know nothing at all
family, eh?
JD Mar 2021
i have done everything
you ever wanted of me,
done terrible acts
(you promised to be heroic)
lost friends
(you turned into enemies)
and in the end
i have lost everything
i ever wanted.
i wonder:
have i really done enough
to follow my dreams
or was i happy
following yours?
actually about tommy and wilbur from the dreamsmp
JD May 2022
I daydream
even at night
of false hope
and love unreachable
I dream
of you
day and night
always on my mind
JD Apr 2021
he was a hero
a soldier
protector of lands
or so we thought
he was a villain
a tyrant
destroyer of all
who’d been planning his downfall
from the very start
determined to fool us
to make us a part
of his twisted plans
his torturous acts
and we let him.
and we complied.
we were the heroes
the soldiers
protectors of land
but we became
the villains
the tyrants
the bad guys instead.
actually a piece i wrote about minecraft lore from a stream where the chat contributed and became a part itself
JD Aug 2021
it’s moments like these
where i don’t recognise myself
is this really me
on the dance floor
singing along?
is this really me
seeking conversations and
people all day long?
11 days
and plenty connections later
i feel like i learned more
than i could ever have taught
about myself
i went to teach but was taught instead
JD 3d
“i miss home”
i admit
face stained with tears,
i can’t recall
the place where i belong.
“i miss home”
i admit
voice laden with fear,
what if they
don’t know that i am gone?
about crystal palace
JD Mar 2021
oh how i wish
to not be seen
neither by you
nor by me
JD May 2021
And they came to me
and asked
"Is this
what you imagined?"
And I said
But only in my nightmares"
expect the worst
JD Feb 2022
rose coloured petals
sunlight dancing joyously
a grassy field at peace
flowers blooming all around
music chiming gently
the touch of a friendly breeze,
that's what I see
when you look at me
JD Sep 2023
your heaven
is my hell
my heaven
is your love

when nothing
lasts forever
was the second time
i fell
fallen in love with an angel
JD Mar 2022
it's all about you.
always about you.
every poem i write,
every song i like,
always you on my mind.
best friends to lovers arc
JD Jul 2022
you did not make me
you did not break me
i am not like you.
i am everything
you never could
but late at night
i have to admit
i still am
everything i hated
about you
i am
my parents' child
i'm always afraid i'll be a little too much like you
JD Jul 2021
and the father told the son
"you are more
than i could ever have become"
second generation
JD Jun 2021
we wanted to grow up
oh how badly did we want
to grow up
to grow old
to be better.
if only someone had told us
that's not how it works.
we just grow old
things don't go better
and we'll just feel worse
hi anna if you're reading this lol
JD May 2021
it's this fear
this kind of dread
that things are bound
to go wrong.
cause it's been
going good
for way too long.
it's about time
I take the misery
that everyone else has been feeling
and make it mine
do i deserve happiness?
JD May 2022
I’m a romantic
hopelessly lost
in daydreams
and fantasies
of your hands
in mine
guiding me
through a field
of thoughts
I’m overthinking
what could have been
if I had said the words
but now I’m lost
being a romantic
all by myself
JD Aug 2022
in another lifetime
we’d be sitting by the window
tea in hand
into each other’s eyes
in another lifetime
i’d be yours
and you’d be mine
i still dream of us
JD Feb 2022
i can thrive
all on my own
i can help others thrive
all on my own
i will not bow down
for others,
but you
oh you
i’d follow you
to the end of all worlds
literally about drukkari
JD May 2021
My art
is not about me
but the images I speak,
about the pictures
I paint of the sea
or the many night skies
that you see
about the people
I described
and the words
that I've combined
and soon you'll find
that the meaning behind
my art
is not about me
but what you seek
art lies in the eyes of the beholder
JD Jun 2021
I dream of you
even though
I don't know
who you are.
My dream.
Are you out there
i dream of a life with you, stranger
JD Jan 14
to love is to lose
but not before
you’ve gained
what you could never
dream of
love is a losing game?
JD Aug 2021
late nights
cold walls
calming skies
all the stars
watching us
while we sit
and talk
about the secrets
in our hearts
and heavy thoughts
in our minds,
It’s comfort.
just you and me
and the stars we see
thank you
JD 1d
“aren’t crows meant to be bad luck?”
he overhears
one too many times
he feels a tugging
deep in his chest
and so away he flies
a bringer of misery
desperate to find
a blessing of his own
about Monty from Dead Boy Detectives
JD Mar 2021
we try
we fight
same thing every night
playing cool
playing tough
it’s never enough
society is out to get us
society is trynna blame us
for their own mistakes
but i’m done playing
done pretending
that everything is fine
we’re here
we’re ready
keep your pulse steady
it’s fine
it’s time
to show them we exist
you're not alone
JD Oct 2023
i love
i always have
i love

i love
everyday things
i love

i love
and spaces
in between

i love
with all my heart
i love

i love
and always will
i love
my love, mine all mine
JD Oct 2023
going going
never time
to stop
and rest

i must perform
i must oblige
i must keep going
and going

taking time off
to take my mind off
of all the things to do
as soon as time’s up

i have to function
so the guilt
of underperforming
doesn’t consume me
it's capitalism innit
JD May 2021
step by step
getting closer
until there's another step
and stepping stone
in my way
when life gives you obstacles and you don't seem to get closer
JD May 27
I thought Orpheus foolish
and lovingly blind,
unable to resist temptation-
until you were mine

Now I am Orpheus
determined and wild
to ensure your safety
even if it brings us demise

I can’t bear to lose
I can’t help but look
another poem inspired by Edwin & Charles from Dead Boy Detectives
JD Mar 2021
have you ever tried it?
being yourself?
have you ever lived
with other people’s shame?
because they don’t understand
they don’t want to know
so they drag you
drag you
drag you
but you cannot stop
being yourself
it’s their shame
not ours
being queer
JD Jun 3
“these are classics”
he tells me
but i can barely listen,
focused on his voice
his eyes
his heart
his kindness
i do not need
to go to heaven
i have already
seen it all
down here
with you
JD Jun 2021
instead of falling apart
we should try
tearing apart
this world
and set fire
to the ones
that burnt us
no more standing by in silence
JD Sep 2022
i started wearing it again
your ring
your love
and it still felt as natural
as the day you gave it to me
your ring
your love
i miss it now
i miss you now
your love
your ring
do you miss it too?
JD Jun 2021
star glazed mountains
whisper in the dark
tell me all your secrets
guide me down this path
star glazed mountains
whisper in my ear
do not stop looking
the light you seek is near
idea came to me while brushing my teeth ****
JD Apr 2021
do you think the stars ever gaze down on us with a look of admiration?
that despite everything we've done
everything we've been through
we're still here
gazing back up upon them
just like we did before
it's comforting
JD Jun 1
“You really don’t have to do that”
oh but i do
for all my existence has become
is just about you
JD Jul 2021
what does creativity
is it pulling words
out of the air
and forming them
into rhyming pairs
or is it taking
what's inside my mind
and carefully placing it
for the world
to see?
do i write or do the poems define me?
JD May 27
We were alone
till Death made us part
of each other
Death came for us
too soon
and yet,
won’t bother
leaving us alone

So we are running
for a chance
to stay

Now Death may come for us
but it was worth it from the start.
Because we won’t be alone
till Death do us part
inspired by Edwin & Charles from Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix)
JD Oct 2023
and now i am Atlas
shouldering the weight of the past
all on my own
JD Jul 2023
I know who i am
i know myself
i want to shout
i want to scream
i am myself

how can i make
you see
how can i make
you realise
how can i prove
to you

i don’t want much
i don’t mean harm
i just want to be seen
by you
as the person i am
and always have been
yes, this is about being queer
JD Aug 2023
I want to let go
let go
of this heaviness
that’s dragging down
my heart
heavy with sorrow

I want to let go
let go
of this tragedy
that’s filling
my heart
brimming with grief

I want to be
be free
of insecurities
that aren’t my own
for my heart to beam
with love
JD Apr 2022
what’s justice
in a world of
you ask?
JD May 2021
I can hear
hearts beating
and souls whisper
but I can't bear
to hear
your name
spoken out loud.
Because you are
what my soul whispers
and my heart beats for
old love
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