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izzi3 Mar 2017
you inhale as I exhale,
opposites defined by the
sharp black powerlines that
scream across the sky
izzi3 Jan 2015
you can say whatever you want
but know that i still have to grit
my teeth to avoid slapping you
into next week so you know the
pain i feel now, without you right here.

there's a gaping hole in me now
where you tore out the piece of
you that was stitched so carefully
inside my heart, you've thrown me
in at the deep end and i'm fearful of what's to come

the wind whistles through me now
it tickles the inner chambers of my
heart and reminds me of the passion
that we had that is now completely
extinguished but the warm embers burn on softly

as if we could ever be anything now,
now that you've reclaimed what little
of you i had salvaged from the wreckage
of the empty carcass of our love. we were
never really in love;

*but oh god, we could have been
izzi3 Apr 2016
it's been three hours since
i even thought about trying to find sleep
in this muggy room that swirls with my own hatred
and the wind is still tapping
its gentle fingers against my window
and it's dark outside but
at this point I think I've accepted
the fact that sleep will not
be visiting me tonight.
here I lie exhausted and uncomfortable
hoping that if I wish hard enough
maybe my dreams won't be
so afraid of me
izzi3 Nov 2015
my mind's gone dry
there's no supply
my sanity has said goodbye
the world turned grey
what could I say?
nothing at all
and so I fall
hopelessly, helplessly
nobody could save

co - write with my darling, Finn
(not my brother)
izzi3 Mar 2015
alabaster smiles
winking eyes
porcelaine facades
in the shadowy
parking lot

come to me
in the darkness
of the night-time
and fall
in love again

we will fall
in love
with each other
over and over

crazy, huh?
who'd have thought
that a loser like me
could get someone

**like you?
izzi3 Jan 2015
i once had a teacher so full of boundless enthusiasm
that i thought, without hesitation
he could break through the stars just to
show us what it was like on the other side of the galaxy

i once had a teacher who was bursting with a passion
for performing arts, and i wouldn't
hesitate to speculate that he was born with a hollywood smile
on his face, and jazz hands and dance shoes

i once had a teacher who had this faultless optimism
and uber positive outlook on everything
that anyone ever did, that he spread to everyone he spoke to
and cheered them instantly, and made them smile

but oh my god we loved him
and its with a heavy heart that we wave goodbye

the world's your stage now sir
*we miss you already
this is dedicated to tarrant robbins, the best teacher there ever was
this is for you
izzi3 Mar 2015
you've not slept a wink
but the ugly truth glares
right back at you through the fog and is pushing
you quietly with its bony fingers, in the small of
your back. laughing and taunting, provoking and probing
some ridiculous interference, or a crazed mania
that begins setting your teeth on edge.
'you can't fight fire with fire,' your mother always said.
but that's not true and the green
eyed purple headed monster that is fear will
rear his ugly head, again and again and grimace at you
pushing you down into the muddy ground,
beating you into submission. and he's making a deal of it,
trying to slowly wear you down, bit by bit.
'give up' he growls, eyes flashing wildly.
but the warrior inside you soldiers onwards.
you'd be a sorry sight curled up on the floor, wracking
sobs tearing through your fragile body.
none of this makes sense to your little
brain. but it should. your mother told you it would be
'a wild goose chase, you're the one who'll win, not fear.'
but in your heart of hearts, you knew that was just consolation
for the child who was scared of the monster under the bed
the expectancy of life is so much worse than she ever promised
*and it's not safe. you're not safe. no one's ever safe from fear itself
izzi3 Mar 2015
simply recalling better days before the torment of your perpetual tyranny that scratches at my soul

youre so frumpy mister, i don't know why you think we rely on you for criticisms oh sorry did you think they were optimisms? don't make me laugh. just hush your snarky mouth, your cruel tongue and calm your flashing eyes. take a look at the world around you, it's beautiful i promise, just open your eyes and see it how we do.

what would you rather..
a patchwork daughter full of stochastic emotions that bubbles up frequently in sadness, or one that's stony faced and glaring trying so hard not to snap out or yank off her marble facade?
it's a no brainer for you. you're supposed to care, but you don't. SO STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU DO, I CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR PETTY LIES.
this is a scramble, but it's nice, i kinda like it. it's just thoughts.
izzi3 Jan 2015
even the trees were lost in silence,
locked in thought,
although ever present,
ever wondering,
ever being,
and standing,
strong, tall figures
for what we,
as humans
are not

and they stood,
shoulder to shoulder,
so much stronger
than we ever could be
with their lies entwined
in branches
wrapped calmly with tokens
of gratitude in the form
of leaves that
so softly
izzi3 Aug 2015
angry eyes flashing in the dim
light, laced with tears and alcohol,
only vaguely aware of the consequences
of a drunken attitude or slip of the
tongue. oh my, it couldn't have been
your fault that you let so many drinks
just fall down your throat, it was
accidental that you shoved her, that she
pushed back, reeling and screamed at
you. she too wasn't entirely sober but
what of it? these are meant to be the
*'best days of our lives'
drunken fools, that's what we are and were. inspired by the words which flew out of her mouth before she shouted.
the title says it all
izzi3 Nov 2017
Will you still love me on my darkest days?
Will you still show me you care?
Will you still remember the taste of my skin
And the way that I play with your hair?

Will you remember the times that we had,
And will you remember the songs,
That played on the records as you loved me then?
I haven't seen you in too long

Will you wait up for me when it is late?
And tell me you love me forever,
Will you come back to me when its done
Because I will. I love you. Forever.
You've promised you'll come back to me, and that will be the day that my heart becomes whole again
izzi3 Jan 2015
you crept through the walls
in my heart and you
tore it open with your picky
little fiddling fingers
oh god how could you?
you snapped the little piece
of me id looked after
so carefully for all of these
years and now look where
we are, how could you?

— The End —