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  Apr 2015 jasmine
willow martz
she would write words
upon her hand on a whim,

words like
burn, drown, essence, crescent,
jingle, irony, scheme,

and i did not understand why.

when she would get
frustrated, and that line
would come between her brow,
she would begin to touch her face,
as she always did

and the ink would smudge
and smear and color her cheeks,
eyes, nose, a dark, deep, blue

and i still did not understand why,
until one time i asked her,
"why do you write on yourself?"

and she replied,
pen in hand,
"i wish to be a poem."
  Jan 2015 jasmine
I reached for a star
and came back with the moon.
  Jan 2015 jasmine
Jonnathan Drew
Its wild in here

yet so peaceful

your love has made a forest out of me
Check the tag bookpoemchallenge for more info. The book I picked was 'Pig tails' by Scott foresman.
jasmine Jan 2015
There's a place
in this world
that's safe
and I want you to see,
I don't care if it hurts,
crash into me.
jasmine Jan 2015
a thousand miles
separate me
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