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 May 2020 Dr pragya suman
I am forgetting about you..
Your smile has gone away..
No longer written on your face for me to see everyday..
Its getting easier for me day to day..

I am forgetting about you..
Saved memories emerge from time to time..
They are full of colors of you and are easy to find..
But are fading away to darkness as if I were blind..

I am forgetting about you..
No more haunting smiles in dreams..
No more deep brown angelic eyes that made my soul scream..
Because I couldn't have you in my arms under the sunbeams..

I am forgetting about you..
That part of me is dying..
That part of me walked under the moonlight and was crying..
But there you were in the clear night sky simply shining..

I wonder if I will forget about you..
I think that part of me will not die..
I think that part of me will stay alive..
Nothing left for me but endless goodbyes..
Everything is good
So very good
I will endure any bad if it meant the outcome of it all was good
There is more good than bad in this world
It is easy to get caught up in the bad
So easily that we miss out on all the good
Very badly I want to add good to the world
Doing so I can eliminate bad habits in myself
Good energy is infectious and others will desire it too
The world needs me at my best so I can radiate positivity
I must keep myself away from bad temptations
No longer do I have the time to waste on negative things
All good things meant for me will come
There is so much joy knowing the good days are never over
in the midst of it all
I will be a good presence in this lifetime for myself and for the world around me
I will be the light in this world, and I will receive all the good life has to offer me
The best is yet to come
The noon's greygolden meshes make
All night a veil,
The shorelamps in the sleeping lake
Laburnum tendrils trail.

The sly reeds whisper to the night
A name-- her name-
And all my soul is a delight,
A swoon of shame.

— The End —