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 Apr 2014
they say a watched *** never boils
but my mind certainly does
and i watch it all the time
it's never out of my sight
yet it's constantly spilling its contents
in a roiled turmoil
all over my consciousness

the result is a reduction
of my state of mind
of my perspective
either a concentrated awareness
or a flavorless sludge of grey matter
it all depends on the heat applied
it all depends on evaporation

a proper chef would be attentive
a saucier of good stock
choosing quality ingredients
maintaining a simmer
avoiding a seethe
controlling condensation
distilling even pabulum to perfection
 Apr 2014
Sitting in silence, in her gold gilded cage
Filled with wistful wonder
With doors left open, fears are assuaged
Neither bound nor torn asunder

Yet broken wings cannot take flight
Even if she chose to try
Alone in a cage with no one in sight
She can't sing, but silently cries

Born to be loved in deep adoration
Her heart, won over with words
Consumed to ash in conflagration
A bird with no song to be heard
 Apr 2014
If only my broken heart
could remember
to forget you
 Apr 2014
I am not writing this
to get attention
or pity
or so people will tell me
I'm beautiful the way I am.

I am writing this
because when I post a poem about
being terrified to look at myself
because I hate what I see,
it should not be added to a collection titled

I am writing this
because when I sit at a lunch table
without a brown paper sack,
boys should not laugh when they ask
what, are you anorexic?

I am writing this
because when I watch Disney Channel
with my eight-year-old cousin,
I should not hear jokes
about skipping meals.

I am writing this
because when you google
anorexia is,
the first suggestion should not be
anorexia is good.

I am writing this
because our society should not
expect people to be paper thin
but judge them
for trying to get there.

I am writing this
because insecurities
are not a joke,
*no one
should be laughing.
This makes me angry
 Apr 2014
Hold me close As I rest
my head on
your chest
falling asleep
While listening
to the beating rhythm
of your heart
Never let me
 Apr 2014
Paula Lee
When you are born my stamp is on you
I appear to you in the cradle
from then on you are mine
I will dwell with you forever.
I'll make you less than you are
and when you're old enough
you will feel me there
I'll revel in the hate you feel for me
just when you think you're free from me
I'll sweep in with a vengeance
and you'll be mine again.
I hide in the recess of your mind
and i feed off your fear of me
Black as the raven,pitch black as the night
I'll sentence you to a living hell.
On a cold and rainy night
you can hear me calling out to you
the sound of me will drive you crazy.
From the Cradle to the Grave
Please let me know what you think? This  is about the struggle in my life with Depression. The most personal thing I have ever written. Is it that bad that no one likes it?
 Apr 2014
Laila M
6 months
23 different treatments
15 different medicines
nothing, nada, nope, no results.

The pain in my head
is not one I'd ever wish on anyone,
not even my worst enemy.

A migraine
every second
every day
even while sleeping
is something no one should endure

I dream about headaches... is that weird?

ouch. agh. ugh.
it's been 6 months, non-stop of people saying:
"time is the best medicine"
"don't lose hope"
"you're young, young minds heal fast."
but my favorite:
"Laila, I promise, you'll be better in a week"

Well doc, it's been 23 weeks, what's up?

it's now a joking matter.
one of which I laugh with my friends about
I laugh at the fact that I don't remember 95% of the last 6 months
Not because I find it humorous
but because I've been given 23 different "Laila, I'm telling you this "insert treatment here" will work! It works for 99% of the people that do it."

I am the 1%
actually, I'm in the .25% of teens still experiencing concussion- related symptoms after 6 months of the hit.
Yay for minorities!

and now,
get this,
my treatment
after spending thousands on hyperbaric chambers, freaky boulderite "healing gods", gag-worthy chinese herbs
is yoga.
 Apr 2014
I am a female
I am a ****** being
The two are, surprisingly
Not mutually exclusive.

A *****, a ****, a *****
As the society might describe it
Are words with the meaning
To keep women submissive.

I may ****  who I please
When I please
For whatever reason I so choose.
And it doesn't have a **** thing to do with you.

Heaven forbid I'm not viginistic
When my ring finger is bound
Because viginity is a 'gift'
I mustn't pass it round.

I must walk like a lady
And only **** who I love
But the boys can run freely
Kiss and tell and call me a ****.

He's been with eleven girls
And has a girlfriend on the side
I've been with two boys
And not at the same time.

A pat on the back for him
Because he's got all the *******
But social exclusion for me
Because my ****** nature is vicious.

God, I must be a *******
For actually speaking of ***
I'm a woman, we can't do that
But, ****, sometimes I forget.

See, I was raised to hold my head high
Without looking up.
I was raised to be ladylike, polite
And wait until I found love.

I was brought up to hold my tongue
I was trained not to take up space
I was taught not to roughhouse about
Or follow the boys' ways.

I was brought up to fear ***
Until I found love or was married
But what the **** is love or a ring
When I can't even get equality?

I was taught that I should be ashamed
If I thought sexually
And I shouldn't even consider trying

I was told to hide my body
Because women are to be pure
If I wasn't pristine, who would want me?
I'd be a lonely spinster.

My body is my own
To do with what I please.
So **** your expectations, Society;

*I will have equality
I am rather ******.
 Apr 2014
A sideways glance
a flush of color
Stolen breath and a smile
copyright©PrttyBrd 31/05/2010- From 14
 Mar 2014
b for short
Oh, I see—you liked it when I used that big word, huh?
You want me to use some more?
Mm, let me just grab my pocket Thesaurus.
Yeah, that's right baby, I take it everywhere with me—
I find it quite useful in these… situations.

Right now, I could give you seven variations
of the word “****.”
                 Mmhm, you liked that one, didn't you?
You'd like more, I can tell,
but I need you to want it.

Let's go somewhere quiet
and thumb through
my college style manuals for a few hours.
We could talk about sentence variety,
the Oxford comma, some syntax,
and mm, if you're feeling real good,
maybe even discuss the proper usage of a semi-colon.

Just know, I've been saving semi-colons
for, you know, that special someone.

If things get a little steamy, we can go down to the basement
and I'll show you my Scrabble board.
I'll set you up for a triple-word score,
and you can put together some of those high-scoring,
two-letter words that really get me going.
Oh yeah, I think I'd be into your strategy.

When the game is over, I'll lean you back,
come in real close, and whisper some Neruda,
some Cummings,
some Dickinson
softly into your ear.
Afterward, I’ll trace lines of Hughes and Whitman
down your naked spine with my fingers.

I'm sure you know it's only polite
to return the favor.

It's just an idea.
I know it sounds good.
Trust me, I'll be gentle—
But baby, believe me—
I could punctuate you in all the right places.
© Bitsy Sanders, March 2014
 Mar 2014
There is no way to prepare
for the day that the reality of monsters
lies squarely on your shoulders.

One day
in one split second,
it will never be the same.
 Mar 2014
Wandering soul
You're killing me
With you words
With your smile
With your touch

To show someone
And then
Deny them
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