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 Aug 2016
gray rain
Post camp blues are when you spend so
much time with people having fun then
when you leave you find yourself alone.

Usually the people I meet aren't all that
amazing so haven't been that bothered
when we had separated and went home.

But this was different, something was
different. I felt for the first time that I
could be me and they allowed this to be.

I wish it could've gone on longer 'cause
making friends on the last night and
there's so much more I wanted to see.
I think this will be the last of the V Camp section of post camp blues. I have more to say just I wrote 10 poems on it already. Unless people want it to go on.
 Aug 2016
gray rain
How do I tell you I like you?
If you may not like me back.
How do I tell you I like you?
If I may not have a chance.

How do I ask if I don't know if you're single?
How do I ask when your so far away?
How do I ask if you may not feel the same?
How do I ask?
So I really like someone from v camp and I know they like girls but I don't know how to tell them considering they live in another city.
 Aug 2016
gray rain
Why does conformity always have to get in the way of happiness?

I wish V Camp was the real world 'cause people were just accepted for who they are regardless of gender, sexuality, pronouns, religion, race or class.

Or hair cut.
So I got my hair cut on camp and it may not be suitable for school. Which I'm not going to cut it all short but was angry when my dad said I might have to rather than standing up against the school. Even though everyone who has seen it has complimented it and told me to go to their school in Glasgow  if I wasn't allowed it. I live in central England. **** SCHOOL!!!
 Aug 2016
gray rain
Instagram updates
a few days after
full of I'm gonna miss you
rather than laughter.

Tierdness sinks in
from a sleep deprived week
and even though the ground was rough
not seeing everyone is peak.
 Aug 2016
gray rain
Each night there was news
then we'd look at the views
Until we could see the stars of the night
and the fire light
 Aug 2016
gray rain
Beds are soft, warm and comfy
But friends are fun and loud and energetic
Sleep deprived so a bed is nice
But friends are a better way to spend your time
 Aug 2016
gray rain
You're so far away.
Well a hour train ride away
and I met you last week
and it's been a quick week.
It's been a few hours and I want to see you again.
I can in my head over and over again
but that's just not the same.
 Aug 2016
gray rain
Facebook isn't good enough when we spent the week together.
being face to face is so much better than being cities away forever,
I already miss everyone including the sun and the miserable one,
the crazy good dancers in the mosh pit and rave with them was fun.
Even clan duties were never that dull when we would talk and our accent would change
or the time we cooked bacon in secret 'cause there was no other way
 Aug 2016
gray rain
I miss the bright blue hair that doesn't stand out.
I miss the croaky voices when we all decided to shout.
I miss the midnight raves in all of their madness.
I miss the people being free and just pure happiness.
I miss just the people and how amazing they are.
I miss the walk to the village 'cause we're all too young to drive a car.
I miss the henna on my arms which instantly washed away.
I miss the pride march and queer disco all of which were pretty ******* gay.
I miss the ****** baloons 'cause why the **** not.
I miss the one ******* girl who I didn't tell was hot.
I miss the political jokes and the question time Q&A.;
I miss the jokes about consent and the woodcraft way.
I miss the workshops on politics, on science, on the war (against fracking).
I miss everything including the café and folk suply store.
V Camp finished today and I miss it already.
 Aug 2016
gray rain
They had a perfect face
One that you could stare at for days
They had perfect hair
That was an ocean of different shades of blue.
The person who shaved my hair for me was so beautiful so I wrote them this.

— The End —