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ShamusDeyo   Editor
MPLS MN    I wrote My first poem at 15 years old, 46 years ago, since then My Rhymes Have Daunted me, Haunted Me, Pounded and Ground me ...
Winn   Editor
with(out) Wolf    That first "Hello" was a reunion. The final "Goodbye" - - an impossibility. (Cover photo by Winnie Carolina)
PrttyBrd   Editor
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my ...
Poetic T
Poetic T   Member
On Oblivions Doorstep    I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the ...
DC raw love
DC raw love   Member
Alexandria    I write from my experience in life, my past, people that i have met, about death, about happiness, about my addiction to heroin (finally in ...
Haydn Swan
Haydn Swan   Member
Purgatory    ''Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ... '' I am ...
Anirishpoet   Member
Fridley Mn    If I t'wer find a Woman of Mind, With the Heart an Erin colleen.......... A smile would I, with a twinkle in my eye, and ...
Just Melz
Just Melz   Member
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest ...
Rose   Member
stuck in the tide/one wave at a time
K Balachandran
K Balachandran   Member
Kerala, India    Poetry to me is self exploration that reveals submerged landscapes, otherwise one is unaware of.I love to read fiction and poetry.As a daily news journalist ...
Nrlly   Member
Irate Watcher
Irate Watcher   Member
30/F/Denver    Maw, I wanna make pictures with words.
Emma Howard   Member
20/Cisgender Female/Oklahoma, US    A young mother with a long story
Venusoul7   Member
This is my collection of introspective journey into the essence of my being. You will also find I have included some specially chosen works ...
Queen   Member
South Africa    I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what is everything, do not be fooled by what I am saying. Please listen ...
Lynne   Member
Shelley Connor
Shelley Connor   Member
Reading, UK    See more at I'm 38 and have young son. I used to write poetry as a teenager, but only picked up my pen (well, ...
niamh   Member
Ireland    "My friend you would not tell with such high zest,to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old lie; dulce et decorum est pro patria ...
Amy H
Amy H   Member
45/F/United States of Abandon    I AM a writer. As I live, as I think and feel, I must write. My words are me; who I was, who I am, ...
Tanisha Jackland
Tanisha Jackland   Member
111/F/is still getting old.    Here
jude rigor
jude rigor   Member
26/F/north carolina    [ prev. pen name: ophelia letourneau ] • queer poet
JC   Member
Been there, done that, and for me, that covers a LOT of ground, more than most. My well of inspiration is deep, and filled with ...

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