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Candyse Aug 2016
His body over mine, so dominant.
Clothes on the floor.
His brown eyes seduced me.
His voice enchanted me.
His touch made me shiver.
His warmth of his skin upon mine
as he caressed my body.
The still of the night.
The way he held me so close and
His lips on my soft translucent skin.
His kisses down my neck.
I trimble.
Something about this man
Something about the night
There is something here I don't
want to fight.
Candyse Aug 2016
He is no ordinary lover.
He is a ******* storm
Beautiful but seemingly dangerous.
Like a mad, mad hurricane that sweeps
me off of my feet.
That swallows me his deep dark eyes.
Only he could touch the empty space of my soul.
Only he can steal the heartbeat from my chest.
He is the only one that can make my whole body shiver.
I want him.
He has too much soul to be handled by someone who has never been passionate before.
I want to drown him in passion and ravish
him every night of forever.
Candyse Nov 2015
I walk around with a paper smile.
So fake, so unreal.
That is what you do when you forgot how to feel.
I wear my paper smile with pride.
I have so much to inside hide.
Nobody understands.
Why try to make them?
Every time I do, they leave.
Nobody knows.
Why try to show them?
Every time I do, they run away.
Just wear my paper smile and everything
will just be...okay.
Candyse Nov 2015
In a dark room, a little girl hid.
She clung to her doll.
Hungry and alone, she cried.
Why did no one love her?
Her mom left her for a gram,
and some other man.
Her dad abusive, and drunk.
She dug her way through bags of trash and junk.
Little girl wanted something to eat.
Daddy found her sent her to her room for
a beat.
"Don't tell anyone" he then said.
Sent the little girl back to bed.
She knew she had to be strong.
She knew her parents had done wrong.
She finally told her grandma.
She finally told the cops.
She was finally safe and her dad was stopped.
Yes, this is a real story you see.
This five year old girl, was me.
Candyse Nov 2015
Two little hands, two little feet
two hearts beat inside of me.
Ten fingers, ten toes
who will you be God only knows.
I pray you'll have a smart mind.
I pray you will treat people kind.
All I know for sure is little one you
are mine.
I pray when I grow old,
you will remember what you where told.
I can't wait until it is you I can hold.
I will teach you all you need to know.
I will watch you play and grow, happily.
I can hardly wait for the day, that it is you I will first see.
Your mommy I will always be.
Candyse Jun 2015
You are the sun that shines bright throughout my day,
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout the darkest night,
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.
You are the oxygen that keeps me alive,
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me,
You are the only guy I can see.
You are my one and only,
You stop me from being so lonely.
We plan our future as if we have a clue,
I never want to lose you.
I want you to be my husband and I want to be your wife,
I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Candyse May 2015
A thousand miles, yes I know, is pretty far
to walk, go by train, plane or car.
But I would just feel his arms
wrapped around me, his warm embrace.
I would swim across oceans,
for miles and miles
Just see that boy smile.
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