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 Apr 2014 Avarie Grey
This is a friendly reminder to watch the calendar and mark the days
Times flies faster than you realize and some things are worth remembering
This is a friendly reminder to take some time for yourself
Listen to your thoughts and learn to understand whats going on in your own head
This is a friendly reminder that your parents aren’t stupid
Sometimes they really do know what they’re talking about
This is a friendly reminder to not judge a book by its cover
Smiles can hide pain and anyone can look beautiful for a day
This is a friendly reminder to write your paper during the day
Don’t lose sleep over things you could easily put to rest
This is a friendly reminder that every story is a coin
There are always two sides and someone is always getting richer
This is a friendly reminder that rainy days are made for lovers
So hold her close and love her while the sun looks away
This is a friendly reminder that sometimes your eyes hear better than your ears
Liars deceive with their mouths not their hands
This is a friendly reminder that distance is only as far as you make it out to be
Someday you will be together and thats all that matters
This is a friendly reminder to do good things
Not to be remembered but because the world needs it
This is a friendly reminder that some people look up to you
The next generation will always be a product of the generation before
This is a friendly reminder that love is not about possession
She does not belong to you she is her own person and thats why you love her
This is a friendly reminder to keep your gas tank full
You never know when you’ll have to leave and there isn’t always time to stop
This is a friendly reminder that skin is only meant to protect whats important
The skeleton is only a vessel to hold it all together
This is a friendly reminder to show her you love her
Even if you haven’t told her yet never make her second guess it
This is a friendly reminder that boats without anchors are useless
Even the smallest of storms will sink them with ease
This is a friendly reminder that all it takes is a nightlight
To illuminate the darkness under your bed and scare the monsters away
This is a friendly reminder that some girls only last as long as the season
They are not worth writing about or looking back on
This is a friendly reminder that even the stars burn out
If nothing lasts forever make forever last
 Apr 2014 Avarie Grey
Keith May
 Apr 2014 Avarie Grey
Keith May
when you’re with that girl
or any girl really
and she’s sitting on top of you
or kneeling just below
and she’s in the middle of some routine
some ritual
and you wonder if she’s trying something new
or if this has proven successful in the past
the result of numerous carefully considered scientific studies
she breaks
and lies still
as if she’s forgotten her lines
 Jan 2013 Avarie Grey
Cicadas and katydids are calling
Breezes blow in from my open window
Roses are blooming and leaves are falling
The moon's rays hitting my lawn look like snow
Owls are singing from majestic trees
While sweet Bluebirds are sleeping in bushes
Night dances through the softly blowing breeze
And Midnight silently the world hushes
Dewdrops like jewels shine on roses sweet
And the stars twinkle all through the calm night
While the Fairies dance on enchanted feet
And the moon happily shines very bright
And I under my warm covers doth sleep
Until pretty morning brightly doth peep.

 Jan 2013 Avarie Grey
Larry B
He robbed her of her innocence
A man she's supposed to trust
She's used to be his princess
Now, his perverted lust

Each night she cries herself to sleep
Surrounded by her fears
She feels her daddy's footsteps
Like thunder, in her tears

He's much worse than any monster
A child should ever see
Haunted by his sinful touch
She fights him fervently

He comes to her without regret
And leaves an empty shell
A demon spawn without remorse
An evil, straight from hell

He never feels his daughters pain
But yet she understands why
For everyone knows that monsters are real
And monsters never cry
 Jan 2013 Avarie Grey
Dot Callari
Sacred vows broken
Two are to blame
What once was so beautiful, has now turned to shame
All that we hoped for has now turned to dust, and with it has gone our hearts and our trust
All words are silent, there's nothing to say
We care not the season, the time, or the day
All hopes are faded, we don't really care
Was it all worth it?
Our carefree affair
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole.
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.
 Jan 2013 Avarie Grey
joe callari
Opening my eyes not surprised to see
A world of disrespect and debauchery
As I continue to fight for the positive side
I would peer with distain for myself in my mind

What happened? Where was I…lost in a haze?
I can see much better as I start a new phase
No longer trapped by negative thoughts
Cause the more that you squirm the deeper your caught

Traveling down a slippery *****
Now look to the future with a glimmer of hope
For the path that I choose is determine by me
Outside detractors can no longer be

For I am the king of my personal throne
It’s all up to me…and to me all alone
Self respect, dignity was once what was lost
Forgiving yourself still comes with a cost

The world is mine…confidence or conceit
Positive movement not accepting defeat
Visual thoughts can help make it real
It’s the start of my life…I’m beginning to feel

Joe Callari
 Jan 2013 Avarie Grey
Arphra Behn
A THOUSAND martyrs I have made,
   All sacrificed to my desire,
A thousand beauties have betray'd
   That languish in resistless fire:
The untamed heart to hand I brought,
And fix'd the wild and wand'ring thought.

I never vow'd nor sigh'd in vain,
   But both, tho' false, were well received;
The fair are pleased to give us pain,
   And what they wish is soon believed:
And tho' I talk'd of wounds and smart,
Love's pleasures only touch'd my heart.

Alone the glory and the spoil
   I always laughing bore away;
The triumphs without pain or toil,
   Without the hell the heaven of joy;
And while I thus at random rove
Despise the fools that whine for love.
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