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efni Mar 2023
let the plates below fall at once

why must you race them
between, afront, behind
crashlandings and crushed hopes
shattered glass cut new paths

why cant you just sit atop them
and let us go way down together

i know nothing of north but the star itself - equally as unatainable
efni Jan 2021
you don't get to tie rocks
to my feet and turn a blind eye
as i struggle under torrents,
then expect swimming lessons

figure it out or drown

i don't owe you that. i don't owe you anything.
i won't handhold you through the consequences of you hurting me.
efni Dec 2023
for a few, fleeting seconds
i cried like a child

i let the sound of my wailing
take up as much space
as it demanded

i let my gasps fill my lungs
with as much air
as it needed

to continue bawling abashedly

sending out sorrowful groans
that echoed throughout the house.

and then it was silent

i'm more used to crying with both hands smothering my mouth.
efni Feb 2023
it inhales as i exhale
expanding in my chest
stretching my heart
shifting my lungs

i feel it
i can't get it out

it's not heavy or overwhelming. it's not burning like usual.
i want to cry - i just can't quite get there. i can't quite get this feeling out
efni Jul 2020
days of the week
fuse into one long
blur of grey and

apparantly, a week passed but all i can recall is waking up, feeling nothing but tired, sad and frozen then falling asleep
efni Jan 2023
shock me again
with anything
with anyone

just enough to start me up
so that i can keep rolling
so that i can keep running

dont leave me here

i cant move on my own anymore
i cant move without a jumpstart

i cant just stop
im begging you

dont ask where im headed
i dont want to know that either

lets just keep going away. please.
efni May 2022
my heart is heavy but not with pain

with prescription pills
meant to sedate my sadness

they didn't tell me it would
******* my creativity too

"there's so much i want to say, but i don't know where to start"
efni Jul 2020
please dry your hands
before you hold me.

you're lovely but
you're clumsy.

and if i slip from you
once more, i may just

i felt good for 8 hours today,
then i slipped, now i'm back.
i suppose i should be grateful.
efni Nov 2023
i seldom find myself
writing about your absence
but your presence remains
my unabating muse

the way my heart is stuck in the mold of your fist
because you squeezed it too tightly, for too long

even with you gone, i'm still writing about you.
you're still in my head.
efni Feb 2023
the hand that clenches the fist
to crush my heart and grips knives
to stab my abdomen is the same hand

that will soak an innocent life in gasoline,
and drop the lighter without hesitation
while using the other hand to hold yours

i will burn myself to death
i will burn the world to nothing

i would do anything for you
i will do anything for you
i knew i would let you hurt me in any way but i will break innocent hearts and ruin lives in your name. i know that now.
efni Jul 2021
my darkest desires take point
but my will to live is often spoilt
these savage opposites are joint
never a winner or loser to appoint
a path set from birth you did anoint
i'm always dying to disappoint

i'm not want you want
i'm not what i want either
efni Jan 15
i hope you're okay but
not okay with the fact
that i'm gone.

i hope you come back but
constantly hate the fact
that you won't.

do you miss me desperately?
do you think of me when you hear our songs?
do you think of me at all?
do you miss me endlessly?
do you miss me pathetically?
do you miss me the way i miss you?
efni Aug 2020
"reach for the stars!"
i'm certain you've heard that one before.

and sure, it makes a catchy quote but
have you ever really reached for the stars?

outstretched arms, on your tippy toes, and
your forehead creased with determination.

your eyes locked on them as they tease;
playfully winking and blinking back at you.

and you swear they seem just out reach...
but that is a cruel, desperate and futile illusion.

don't reach for the stars because your best
will never be enough for them, and plus-

they're dead anyway.
but you? you are alive.

i believe you should strive towards your goals but setting unreachable standards for yourself is exhausting.

don't torture yourself with impossible goals
because your best IS good enough.
don't beat yourself up over dead stars,
because you're alive, you deserve more

and you are enough.
efni Mar 2023
don't fix your stare
on bars before the
shooting stars

it won't last forever
watch just as much
as you can

there's so much more in the far away little
efni Dec 2023
i let the horrors dealt to me
roll off my back like water

for years, slowly eroding
the soft surface of my skin

until it begins to just barely
drip through into my body

i let the horrors dealt to me
hollow me out like acid

each atrocity seeping inside
and dissolving my bones

until my heart and my mind
are drenched and drowned

i let the horrors dealt to me
fill me back up like poison

i don't know how to stop
letting it all roll off my back

i don't know how to stop
letting it all ruin me.

i'm hollow and my back is wide open collecting the cruelty and savagery that the world endlessly offers me.
efni Oct 2021
we fall asleep
so easily as if
our minds
are making
a mockery of
our hearts
that arguably
fell even faster.

sweet dreaming, sweetheart
efni Sep 2021
i hope as you're drifting off now
you imagine the comfort of
me holding you closely but gently
as i so desperately want to

perhaps if i want it enough
you'll feel a warmth fall onto you
and somehow know that it's
my love seeping through the screen

he fell asleep on our call...again ♡
efni Jul 2021
i'll stay afloat for a little while but
if i end up out of this water
so bitterly be it
but i will not let myself
struggle beneath the surface again

inspired by 'past the thrashing' by Amanda, one of my FAVOURITE poets on HP. Her poem is reposted below.
efni Jul 2020
i spent years
wishing to drown
in the sun's glory

willing to trade
my life to end the
rain, until it ceased

my skin dry and cold
the sky free of storm
but just as dismal

it's funny that when
drizzle met my skin
i begged to drown in it

either will do fine,
just do something.
do something-
efni Dec 2019
"if you didn't like it, you wouldn't make it so easy."
obviously. it doesn't take a genius to put that together.
of course i like it, i like everything about it.

the way it immediately makes me self conscious,
feeling like i'm a cheap sample on display.

the way it reminds me of every time,
i couldn't even look at my reflection because i was ashamed.

the way it makes me overthink,
wondering what exactly i did to make that seem okay.

the way it helps me constantly compare myself,
to every girl i see, then lose, every single day.

the way it floats to the forefront of my mind every night,
forcing me to fight those senseless, meaningless tears away.

oh, and this is my favourite part,
the way it reminds me that i am simply
a weak, easy, whorish, ****.

and that's fine, 'cause i mean,
if i didn't like it, i wouldn't make it so easy,

who knew one sentence could spend what felt like a suffocating eternity in my mind.
efni Jul 2021
lately i have noticed that no matter
what i gain or lose
that constant, burning feeling of being
one more worry away
from my complete mental demolition
permanently trapped
on the edge of an implosive insanity
haunts me mercilessly
this devilish dense acidic anticipation
bears an awful weight
that i habitually beg to just crush me

simply because i am so tired
of holding this burden
and i am so sick of

cheers to my 200th hello poetry post!

this year has been jam-packed, testing my strength and limits by breaking me over and over. i'm too young to be this numb and have such sore shoulders
efni Jun 2023
if i hadn't waited on the timing you promised
i would have sat anxiously unaware
walls and doors apart from you
but i waited, but i stayed, and you showed me
the truest love.

a love of the wind.

it is honest to admit that a patient love is one of luck
efni Apr 2020
i tried to breathe
but my nose was blocked
and my mouth only allowed
wheezing breaths between its silent screams

the room was shaking
or perhaps it was just me
my body cramped and contorted
as if trying to escape itself

i was trying to escape myself
and i failed

1 of 3
efni Nov 2023
i ran from our our love
bleeding and bruised because

you couldn't stop loving me
and i couldn't stop letting you

we have been broken up for 2 months and I hadn't written a poem since then. i hadn't written a poem since I was freed.
efni Mar 6
when you slashed my skin
your sorry excuses held me together
like ***** tangled stitches
killing me slowly with infections
only to continue bleeding

endlessly bleeding

this is a poem about my abusive ex-boyfriend. i left him around 6 months ago now.

i'm healing from the scars.
i'm not bleeding anymore.
efni Jul 2020
so dip a paintbrush
into you wounds
and paint whatever the ******* want

no matter what
your brush creates
it will be raw and real and beautiful

because it will be you.


turn it into art, love
strokes or dots or splatters

it will be beautiful
because you are alive
and even with the worst pain
that is spectacular
efni Apr 2020
mismatched shapes of endless shades of green
frame a solid, silky blue dome
so smooth it could melt like
dripping thick tears of heaven

static pop music from my radio interrupts
disgruntled birds throwing a delicate tantrum
or perhaps they are just singing along

more poetry from my peaceful experiences on my roof
efni Jul 2020
he laboured day and night
to fashion new glasses for
every single person he saw,
that had an impaired sight.
but he avoided his reflection
until he became blind.

and he could finally see

that it was too late
efni Mar 2021
your collection of tiny perfect moments
that are mostly missed or forgotten
costs you all the time in the world
but it's only as fair a trade as you make it

if you're gonna cash in the rest of your time to existence, atleast make it worth it
efni Jul 2020
i keep the ink in my pen flowing
and my eyes on my inspiration

and whether this is weakness
or hope or strength or delusion

my imagination has proved to be
just as strong as my depression

so if my mind has sentenced me to death
life will have to be my own creation

fake it 'till you don't want to die anymore :)

keep writing
keep breathing
keep going

thank you to so many of the poets here, you truly are my inspirations and you encourage my imagination, wouldn't be here without you <3
efni Nov 2021
clean laundry.

shaping a
perimeter of
piles around
me sitting,
legs crossed
and slightly

the voice of
a male siren
croons to
slow acoustic
tones playing
from one
side of my

along with
𝒉𝒊𝒔 static

it's a tuesday evening at 5:45pm and i think i can be happy.
this is becoming an unfamiliar pattern.
efni May 2020
i don't know
how to feel

but maybe
i can learn

i've been trapped long enough.
efni Jul 2020
i used my whole heart
to feel everything, too much
but it fell out of my mouth
between my screams

it collapsed on the floor
and shattered into pieces
so i scooped them up
and swallowed the fragments

i still use my whole heart
to 'feel' everything, but now
it's different, it's shattered and
i've forgotten how to feel at all

because what was once solid
is replaced with fractions of who
i was and a hollow emptiness
that has erased my reality

i still feel sad, happy, angry
but it's different

it's empty.
efni Feb 22
i think if i stopped fighting
my joints would give way
rendering me a small pile
of bones, flesh and blood

i think if i stopped fighting
to keep it all together
i would crumble for good.

as long as i can remember, to live meant to fight. so, unknowingly, I understood that to die meant to rest.

maybe one day i can learn to live without fighting. i am awfully tired.
efni Jan 2021
thankfully, the sky was clear
but I was deep in a fog of anxiety
or sailing the famous 9th cloud
either way, that morning was a blur

their timid thumbs pointed to the sky
at least six times during my desperate
rambling to avoid silence, quiet enough
that they could hear my racing heartbeat

eventually those thumbs found their
way to caress the back of my hands
and my tongue found a more sane driver
in a lifesaving a cap of paper strips

1 of 2 - October 25th
(part 3 of my cinnamon series)
efni Mar 2020
i thought flames were wild and free

growing, heating up
every time it has a chance
no control

dying, going out
as a slight wind brushes by
no strength

exploding, destroying
everything in its path
no reason

beautiful, warming them up
until they get too close
no intimacy

i thought flames were wild and free
'till i realized they were as trapped as me

probably hates itself as much as i hate myself.
efni Dec 2020
i've spent a long time falling
into the frost of my mind

staring at the stubborn eastern sky
for a chance that my night will end

but this fall feels less like frost
it feels like fire, sparks even

and this time, i've seemed to replace
my brain with my heart

clouds melted revealing constellations
always new planets, new stars
and never a lack of beauty

i've spent a long time falling
- but never like this

this one's a bit of a mess, but they often do that to my brain
i'm scared but there is no universe where i would regret this
tomorrow makes 2 months, gem
efni Dec 2020
i am somewhere in between
my drowning and my burning
free of familiar frost and fire

a new frame where I can float
swimming through the stars
dotting this constellation

the brightest darkness i have ever seen

efni Mar 2020
i don't know how to say this
i don't know what to write
i don't know who i am
i don't know why i feel like this
i don't know where i'm going

i don't know.

what do you do when being lost is just as scary as being home?
efni Dec 2023
i have been no stranger to love
but i have always been an alien

because i've never been loved
in a way that i understood

i've always looked for love in hints
craving the closest translation

but never truly understanding
why i can't be loved
in a way i know

parents, friends, partners
it's okay to be different but it hurts to feel lonely when no one seems to love the way you do, and you never know the feeling of love you truly understand
efni Jul 2023
while ashing and outing,
i sit crisscrossed writing
as that 2 a.m. fresh air
wrestles my smoky breaths

yin and yang in my lungs tonight
efni Jul 2021
you said i was 'special'
well, at least you got that right
because it takes a special kind of stupid
to stay up waiting and writing
about a ghost all night

i knew the odds but my silly little heart chose hope anyway
efni Nov 2023
i remember how your words
shaped your lips when you spoke
but no longer the sound of your voice

i remember how you smiled
with all of your teeth like a child
but no longer the sound of your laugh

but even if i did, i'm sure
your voice has changed by now
and your laugh is different, isn't it

i'm forgetting who you were then
i'll never know who you are now

i didn't realize you could become
even more lost to me than you were
when i lost you

i don't even know how to miss you anymore.
i'm still loving the ghost of my best friend
efni Jul 2021
will this title tether my touch
to your heart or the void
of feelings long withered away

will you finally realize I'm nothing more
than 10 disposable letters to you
even though you are everything to me

I'm scared that when we'll realize you feel nothing for me and distance won't be an excuse
efni Jul 2020
tonight, i'm numb to the gentle caress
of my cold fingertips, slowly waltzing
up my thighs and resting on my ribs.

breaths and heartbeats are slow, almost
nonexistent but you only care about the
lumps of fat that sit perky on my chest.

i venture further until i meet my salty lips
one finger, then two, in my mouth, stained
with glossy red lipstick that matches my

glossy red eyes. your stare is so intense,
i wonder if your vision is vivid enough
to see that my nakedness is a disguise -

can you read between the lines?

maybe if you can see past the disguise, further than i can, you could tell me who i am
efni Mar 6
we're just friends with memories now but

my heart remains stuck to you
even after my mind abandoned you
even after i said goodbye

i'll let you go someday
but I'll let my love stick around
for a little while longer

inspired by my persevering love for you and our song, "Glue Song" by beabadoobee ft. clairo.

im glad you're still in my life.
efni Mar 2022
broken wings of angels can
no longer shield me, even if i
didnt already know that your
embrace is but a white prison

your tears feel as real as the
poisoned blood dried black
on my skin that you offer me
to be cleansed of once again

to choose you or to suffer is not love.
you are not love.
efni Mar 2023
i can't collect your love
there's simply no more space
for square kisses in my circle heart
so don't let it be emptied for
"my own good"

if you're a good guy what am i, love. loved.
efni Apr 2020
no sound, no breeze
rustling animals were still asleep
i phased into the stillness

then two birds flew past
mocking the silence with their song
as they clumsily chased each other
through your branches

critters were rudely awakened
and the wind began to whisper

i wonder if you
were as startled as i was

i was awake before the world this morning.
efni Dec 2020
my mind's fist delivers unabating
gut punches rocking my lonely stomach
accommodating only small plastic soldiers whom
i often beg to choke me on their way to their losing war

empty pill bottles are piling up, why am i still getting worse?
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