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104 · Jan 2021
efni Jan 2021
you don't get to tie rocks
to my feet and turn a blind eye
as i struggle under torrents,
then expect swimming lessons

figure it out or drown

i don't owe you that. i don't owe you anything.
i won't handhold you through the consequences of you hurting me.
102 · Mar 2023
by my name
efni Mar 2023
Hannah, please, stop allowing


to be the sole muse of your poetry
and your past
to be the muse of her through you

but that's not your name, is it

and that's not who you are.

call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
101 · Jul 2021
shake it off
efni Jul 2021
i was a bit happy until you came
and i really tried not to cry

1-word replies and clear disinterest
the longest text was goodbye

but i'm being much too dramatic
it only made me want to die

and spend the next couple hours
racking my brain as to why

so now i'm just shaking my head
and i'm flailing my arms

you'd think all this routine crying
would be some sort of alarm

but an alarm is simply no match
for stubborn covering of ears

keep chanting "it's fine. it's okay"
as i wipe away these tears

saying, "it's fine. it's okay," to my silly little fears.

be a good girlfriend and get over it...
100 · May 2023
passenger's seat
efni May 2023
we sat together
in line and in silence
as time becomes tied
a noise errupted of
thoughts and prayers
self-claimed prosephies
but what if this noise is relative

if he scratches his nose,
and i do the same will it be
mimicry or mockery

the passenger's seat is not to be seen by me
the only seat meant for me is mine
100 · May 2023
up down right left
efni May 2023
are my ears popping
as real as the brown boy
peeping and making
his way around my vision
only in broken steps

or as the reflection on my
special metal friend of a friend

the silhouette meeting upon a cross
efni Sep 2022
my birthday is in six days
and i only want to spend it with you

but we are dead
and you're gone

my birthday is in six days
and i am going to spend it alone

i miss you every day. i think i'll love you forever. my best friend, my heart.
efni Jun 2020
perhaps it's a hello
to a new chapter

perhaps it's a warning
to run before it's too late

perhaps it's a goodbye
because it is too late

but i can feel my life
waving at me

and it's okay that
i can't figure out why

but it's probably bad
that i don't care

rather, i can't care anymore
because i've cared too much

i'm not sad or excited
i'm not optimistic or pessimistic
i'm not scared
but i'm not numb

i'm just tired.
99 · Jun 2022
something, anything
efni Jun 2022
your quiet cuts like a knife
and your stares dissolve me
there's nothing behind your eyes
as mine fill with water from
this pathetic pool of pleas

mom. would it **** you to show that you care? would it **** you to show anything at all...?
99 · May 2021
efni May 2021
sorry, i don't want you
i just want you to want me
whenever they don't
because i've never known
how to want myself

it's wrong but when has anything ever been right for me
it wont last long anyways
98 · Jul 2020
the boy with the bandana
efni Jul 2020
it's like looking at a puddle
except you yourself are water
and the reflection is not only
you but a part of you

it's like two identical puzzle
pieces with different shapes
so that they fit together
effortlessly and perfectly

it's like looking at a mirror
except i'd never wear that
wonderful and ridiculous
bandana on my head

another one for ajani
this one's a bit of a sleep-deprived mess

despite our differences, we're so similar. like a twin i never had, and never knew i needed
97 · May 2020
"island teen sneaks out"
efni May 2020
reggae music blasted at outrageous levels,
for her to be hearing it loud and clear
from 20 houses away, though, they do stand
shoulder to shoulder, to be fair.

she snuck out her back door to the roof,
and she didn't mind the tunes that night.
she sipped on fresh mango juice and
watched her ackee tree sway in the moonlight.

she played in her messy, ***** locs
but was soon interrupted by her worst fear.
her aunt had just locked up her way back in
and if she didn't hurry, she'd be stuck out there.

it's hard to rush down a zinc roof quietly,
especially with darkness hindering her sight.
then, of course, a coconut fell with a crash
and her focus was replaced with fright.

she slipped and hit the roof with bang,
then just laughed with dried leaves in her hair.
it was definitely a crash her parents would hear,
so she was probably in trouble but she didn't care.

she layed there in defeat, waiting for angry dad,
the roof would be banned, but that was alright,
as she listened to the reggae, she had no regrets,
because she made a hilarious memory that night.

This short story is about me.

As this was happening, i felt like i was a character in a stereotypical book about a teen in a tropical island because of all the cultural elements involved.

I felt a need to record this and share it with you, as it was not a memory i would like to soon forget. So, here it is :)
96 · Aug 2021
liar, liar
efni Aug 2021
i hope at the very least
you were telling the truth
when you said you miss me

i hope you're miserable like me but i know you're not.
96 · Apr 2020
efni Apr 2020

do you hear that?
your heartbeat
it's always been there

can you feel it?
it's the most powerful
and gentle feeling

isn't it hard to ignore now?
it's almost silence
but it is deafening

once you hear it.

the sound of life
96 · Jun 2021
blown out of proportion
efni Jun 2021
i believe i am one more
tiny mistake away
from slipping beneath
the surface again

every slip up feels like a massive chain and ball mercilessly dragging me by my legs, deeper underwater
96 · May 2021
pill pollution
efni May 2021
sitting on old prescriptions
and sleeping in plastic capsules
that float on this vast ocean
i have collected with familiar
waves of tears that once
drowned me, now buffered by

empty bottles

i'm racking up quite the collection
i'm going to be sick for a long time aren't i?
96 · Mar 2020
the sun
efni Mar 2020
i was looking at the sky for a while
basking in star light
talking to the moon
i almost forgot it was still night

but the clouds served as a cruel reminder
that i never left the darkness
rather, it never left me
and the sun was never coming up
as far as i can see

the sun is never coming up

i don't remember what the sun looks like. what it feels like.
95 · Jul 2021
efni Jul 2021
i don't want to survive
i want to be free

even if that means
i don't get to have both

my strength isn't a virtue, achievement or compliment.
it's a prison.
95 · Jul 2021
efni Jul 2021
normally i need my solitude
but tonight i need someone

and for the first awful time
i feel so lonely being alone

this is a new/very rare feeling
i usually find comfort in solitude
not tonight i guess...
94 · Jul 2021
efni Jul 2021
my voice is muffled, isn't it
your ears are stuffed with either
faith, fear or infatuation
that replaces your love with lenses
of bright flashing red lights
when you look at me so please just
keep your eyes closed
until im gone but know this well,
i am walking away but
you are the one who's leaving me

your obsession with God will always outweigh my worth to you and sometimes I foolishly need a reminder of that...
94 · Apr 2021
half-moon bag
efni Apr 2021
it's not lasting or 'natural'
this happiness i feel
it leaves scars, but that's okay
'cuz if it hurts...

that means it's real
world's wide, time's short and choices are limited
i feel what i feel and take what i can from that.

for now, i'm pretty okay with it.
92 · Mar 2021
fair trade
efni Mar 2021
your collection of tiny perfect moments
that are mostly missed or forgotten
costs you all the time in the world
but it's only as fair a trade as you make it

if you're gonna cash in the rest of your time to existence, atleast make it worth it
89 · May 2020
better off
efni May 2020
i'm sorry but
you look so lovely in white
and i would surely leave a stain

if i show you the wound
you'll try to stop the bleeding
and i assure you, you'll fail
88 · Mar 2023
confined southward
efni Mar 2023
let the plates below fall at once

why must you race them
between, afront, behind
crashlandings and crushed hopes
shattered glass cut new paths

why cant you just sit atop them
and let us go way down together

i know nothing of north but the star itself - equally as unatainable
87 · May 2022
i love you so
efni May 2022
my days are spent
trying to forget you

and your nightly echoes
lull me crying to sleep

where i'm haunted by
who i thought you were

until i wake up...and the cycle repeats

please let me go
86 · May 2022
i'd like to be whole
efni May 2022
i'm not sure anymore
if i am falling apart
or falling in place

i'm just tired of being in pieces.

i've been 'under construction' for a long time now
efni Mar 2021
have you found footing on new ground
or am i just falling too fast

either way, all i feel is the
upward whip of wind in my ear

usually outshined by your voice
which distracted me from the fact that

i have no idea where i'm going

i was okay with being lost with you, not with being lost.
84 · Jan 2020
i hate :)
efni Jan 2020
peanut butter,
and worms with lots of legs

i've been silently struggling more than usual lately
82 · Jan 2020
black paint
efni Jan 2020
I'm not going to lie
and say that everything and everyone in my life
is dark and empty

I have red passion for art
Joyful experiences of yellow with loved ones
Green days of peace, and sweet blue rest

But when you add colour to black paint
It's still black
And I am still sad
Please, understand that

i'm smiling, i'm laughing but i'm still sick. sorry for disappointing you. i'm more disappointed than anyone else, i promise
82 · Feb 2022
as cold as hell
efni Feb 2022
heat is pain

bones and skin melted
your nerves destroyed
your body scorched

is just a sick kind of fire
a cruel one because, you see

burn me once and discard of my corpse
but freeze me, warm me up
and freeze me again

heat is pain-
but cold? cold is torture.

i'm freezing...for now.
this poem is a messy but so am i
81 · Dec 2023
efni Dec 2023
for a few, fleeting seconds
i cried like a child

i let the sound of my wailing
take up as much space
as it demanded

i let my gasps fill my lungs
with as much air
as it needed

to continue bawling abashedly

sending out sorrowful groans
that echoed throughout the house.

and then it was silent

i'm more used to crying with both hands smothering my mouth.
80 · Jan 2023
hey, try not to throw up
efni Jan 2023
pour me a tall glass of tiny tasks for the day
just until i get back to my ***** in the nights

more, more, more, another, another, another

keep em coming and dont you dare
let me stay sober long enough
to think
when i cant silence my thoughts
i keep them just loud enough
that everything gets lost in the noise
79 · Mar 10
beautiful afterthought
efni Mar 10
i'm so disappointed that
i can't even find the words
but are there any to find
in the first place?

because I have this familiar feeling

a feeling that comes around
when there really isn't
anything left to say but

you really let me down this time, it's time for me to let you go.
thank you for the memories.
79 · Nov 2023
efni Nov 2023
i seldom find myself
writing about your absence
but your presence remains
my unabating muse

the way my heart is stuck in the mold of your fist
because you squeezed it too tightly, for too long

even with you gone, i'm still writing about you.
you're still in my head.
79 · Feb 2023
cry, please
efni Feb 2023
it inhales as i exhale
expanding in my chest
stretching my heart
shifting my lungs

i feel it
i can't get it out

it's not heavy or overwhelming. it's not burning like usual.
i want to cry - i just can't quite get there. i can't quite get this feeling out
78 · Jul 2021
i see you
efni Jul 2021
i'm sorry it took so long
to realize the difference
between seeing you for you
and watching you watch me

i'm trying to learn to see YOU.
not hyperfixate on how you see me...
efni Jul 2020
move the mountains,
empty the oceans,
flood the deserts
and let me be

i relapsed.

you said it's not impossible
but it feels so pointless and i lost hope a long time ago
77 · Mar 2022
god is not love.
efni Mar 2022
broken wings of angels can
no longer shield me, even if i
didnt already know that your
embrace is but a white prison

your tears feel as real as the
poisoned blood dried black
on my skin that you offer me
to be cleansed of once again

to choose you or to suffer is not love.
you are not love.
77 · Apr 2021
maybe next time
efni Apr 2021
the gates of my reassuring smile
closed before my words could escape
but it's okay, i'll just let them out
through my tears instead, as usual

timing has never been my strong suit
75 · Feb 2023
comfort of a crash
efni Feb 2023
can't stop, won't stop
pressing the gas pedal into the floor
with part of me wishing that a pin
would pop one of my tires or a rock
in the road could send the car flying

sometimes the evil thought of crashing
is my only brief relief. my only comfort.

the crash could **** me
the crash will **** you

but the breaks are no longer an option.

i can't live with knowing this car has stopped
because i dared to touch the breaks
because i was too cowardly to hold the gas

i would take any other way to stop than that.
i would give my life for an opportunity to ******* crash.
75 · Jun 2021
wasted love
efni Jun 2021
shower me in affection
then watch it roll off my slippery skin
a puddle of your wasted love pooling at my feet

you can't protect me from should take your help elsewhere
74 · Dec 2023
don't worry about it
efni Dec 2023
i let the horrors dealt to me
roll off my back like water

for years, slowly eroding
the soft surface of my skin

until it begins to just barely
drip through into my body

i let the horrors dealt to me
hollow me out like acid

each atrocity seeping inside
and dissolving my bones

until my heart and my mind
are drenched and drowned

i let the horrors dealt to me
fill me back up like poison

i don't know how to stop
letting it all roll off my back

i don't know how to stop
letting it all ruin me.

i'm hollow and my back is wide open collecting the cruelty and savagery that the world endlessly offers me.
efni Nov 2021
i'm equally as scared as i am curious to know
what i would do if i ever could see myself

not my reflection nor my shadow
not a photograph, not a memory
but to stand beside and breathe
separately and simultaneously
with the person i am right now

would i see the girl that
my loved ones claim to admire and cherish
or be disappointed by meeting
exactly whom i already perceive myself as


would i see death in her eyes
like i do daily in the mirror
or would i see hope, hatred
pity, strength, guilt...fear

yes, i think i'd see fear

i think i'd take a knife to her head
and pierce the wicked, coward
that sits protected within my skull
until i couldn't swing anymore

or maybe i'd give her a hug


to stab her in the back.
that seems more like it
we've never been one for
confrontation anyways

"Know thy enemy and know yourself" - Sun Tzu

there are many directions i could have taken this poem, i let myself write blindly and it led me here. i wonder if i will always be my own and worst enemy.
73 · Mar 2023
half of a long ladder
efni Mar 2023
pull up a ladder
just a quarter short
and rocky on one side

the wind is strong
but not strong enough

it will put you the rain
but it would never let you fall

73 · Nov 2021
efni Nov 2021
how silly of you,
my precious and massive heart,
to press and push and wedge and ram
crushing yourself against this ribbed cage that
unjustly holds you inside the prison of our body
ruled by this ruthless tyrant of a mind

i sincerely believe you would break
my bones before you stop

and i dont blame you
sometimes i feel like my heart is being pulled out of my chest but maybe nothing is "pulling" maybe it's just trying to escape me...i would too.
72 · Oct 2021
dotin' and dozin'
efni Oct 2021
we fall asleep
so easily as if
our minds
are making
a mockery of
our hearts
that arguably
fell even faster.

sweet dreaming, sweetheart
72 · Jul 2023
party trickster
efni Jul 2023
how much of your love
has been lost that you
look for it in empty space
between your own thieves

you do party tricks when no one's watching
efni Mar 2023
because the difference between
a free fall and a nose dive is

whether i am courageous enough
or foolish enough
to live without watching my life,
to refuse seeing through that life

but through a timeless, tired nothingness

anywhere else, only at the same time
70 · Jul 2021
efni Jul 2021
my darkest desires take point
but my will to live is often spoilt
these savage opposites are joint
never a winner or loser to appoint
a path set from birth you did anoint
i'm always dying to disappoint

i'm not want you want
i'm not what i want either
69 · Feb 2023
die for you, kill for you
efni Feb 2023
the hand that clenches the fist
to crush my heart and grips knives
to stab my abdomen is the same hand

that will soak an innocent life in gasoline,
and drop the lighter without hesitation
while using the other hand to hold yours

i will burn myself to death
i will burn the world to nothing

i would do anything for you
i will do anything for you
i knew i would let you hurt me in any way but i will break innocent hearts and ruin lives in your name. i know that now.
69 · Jul 2021
i only want you
efni Jul 2021
new friends and old flames
aren't nearly enough
to fill the you-shaped hole
in my here and now

it stings
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