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Everybody in Russia loves Vladimir Putin.
In the years since he muscled his way to the top of the tree, he has established himself as the Champion of all Russia!

In the degradation following the collapse of the USSR, national pride in Russia spiralled down to an all-time low, there was little to be proud of. The satellite nations fled to independence abandoning the Rodina,  Agricultural and industrial production fell dramatically, law and order diminished dangerously. The economy shrank and the order of success in business depended largely on connection with Government and/or the Mafia. The Oligarchs became monstrously rich, the average Ivan monstrously poor. Life savings were rendered worthless overnight by the plummet of the value of the rouble. Russian society polarised from the ecstatically happy, filthy rich to the chronically unhappy, beggared poor.

Russian leadership staggered from Gorbechev’s democratisation through Yeltsin’s alcoholism to Andropov’s sudden death…. enter the fray Vladimir Putin.

Putin tightened the reins.
He organised regular payment of wages and salaries to the movers and shakers, the police and the military.
He changed the rules of doing business within the nation and made investment opportunities within Russia available to outside interests.
He took charge and commandeered discipline within the ranks of central Government.
He set about correctional treatment for the terrorists/freedom fighters in the Chechen Republic and elsewhere.
He raised the expectations of the common man and gave the people an element of promise for Russia’s tomorrow.
He invaded and took back the Crimea as legitimate Russian sovereignty.
He garnered the roaring support of the six million ethnic Russians domiciled in the Eastern region of the Ukraine.

Putin now stands, bare chested, astride Russia. He faces a hostile but cowed West with pale, blazing eyes and a ******* bulge in his trousers.
He is widely idolised by Russian women and admired by Russian men. He is their champion; he is believed to be their key to the future.
His nation is currently under severe trade embargo and economic sanction by Europe and the West which is hurting the strained economy right across the board.
The declining price of oil is adversely affecting Siberian oil profits and making further shale oil exploration uneconomic.
He enjoys hugely profitable Siberian natural gas pipeline sales to the Southern neighbour, China, but they watch the unfolding political landscape with careful, calculating tiger eyes.
Putin is regarded by Europe and the West as an unpredictable, serious threat who should not be unduly provoked.
Undeniably, the West, in their sour lipped manner, would be happy to see him and his Russian bear, fade quietly and permanently into the obscurity of the frozen wilds of the far Siberian tundra.

But if Vladimir Putin plays his cards well, he could actually bring the Rodina all of the benefits, glory and rewards that it seeks.
However, should he overplay his hand here, he may well crash and burn….and in doing so, could bring Russia’s dreams and aspirations crashing down with him.

15 November 2014
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
DC raw love
The covenant of our father's
The antiquities from our past
The scrolls with words of wisdom
The lighting in our past

Buried in ancient times
Myths from the past
Artifacts under water
History is our past

Demeaned never to be found
In a world that is still unknown
With their own dreams and delusions
They destroy them in these days

What was once made for a reason
Was meant to stay sacred
What is now stored and old
Will send them to their grave
ISIS is destroying antiquities from ancient times and selling them on the black market, these items can never be replaced.
Okay, so this is supposed to be about poetry.
Not about standards.
There are no rules as to what we can put on here, or who they can be aimed

What I mean is, if you don't like it, don't read it.
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
Virginia S
You forgot that i exist.
That is what i feel
every single ******* night
before i go to sleep*

 Mar 2015 Alan Black
Annabel Lee
Fine no more laughing
It makes me choke
Fine no more singing
The line gets cut short anyway
Fine no more smelling the flowers
My nose is to clogged up
Fine no more breathing
My throat feels like its closing
Fine no more air
I can't breath anyway
The flu *****, my lungs and ribs hurt a lot
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
It's not being sad
Or crying all the time

It's not being lonely
Or staying up at night

It's being numb
And feeling hollow

It's being empty
And drinking endlessly

It's grasping desperately
At what you used to be
And clinging to anything
That gets you through the day

It's depression.
I am in the abode of heaven,
You are on board the earth,
You did not care me,
When I loved you most,
Nor did conceive my value,
When I was alive.

My heart throbbed for you,
Till it ceased in relentless pain,
You were impatient, when I was a patient,
And now you repent and lament,
As my soul is freed heart.

I see you helpless but can’t rescue,
Not even the pretty little children.
Awake, oh my sweet heart!
The kid is wetting and crying,
Take care, adieu, my soul is plunging,
Into another body unknown,
And severing the ultimate link with you,
May God bless you all my love!
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
Anderson M
Does being
Selfless make oneself
More of a human being?
And does being Selfish make oneself
less of a human being?
 Mar 2015 Alan Black
Anderson M
True eternal Greatness
From a fountain
Of abject humility.
Eminence,distinction near look a likes
of the phenomenon that's greatness
a phenomenon that quite distinctly
escapes distinct definite placing.
guess it does a lot of "face saving"
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