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172 · May 2019
thought bubble
YUKTI May 2019
If I could paint my thought bubbles.
They will be full of color no bleaker.

I would use pastels for my dreams
&Some darker strokes of grey for good reality

If I could write my thought bubbles
They will be full of happiness and positivity.

I would write in calligraphy for beautiful destiny
& Highlight things are deserved.

I wish I could built my thought bubble.
171 · Jun 2018
Describe yourself
YUKTI Jun 2018
I never understood the unsaid words.
I slipped while walking on the street and laughed like a fool.
I talked with myself more than people around me.
I made everyone laugh on my silly jokes
And let them believe I am very funny and happy.
That's what I am
170 · Apr 2018
Let's just
YUKTI Apr 2018
Let's just sink into the deep water
With wide arms and fist open
eyes closed and heart with no emotion.

Let's just spill the ink
With no words on it just some tear and drink.

Let's just get stuck in the sand
With no will to live and no need to pretend
163 · Mar 2018
YUKTI Mar 2018
They want to sit in aeroplane and travel the whole world together but their bodies are not in condition to do so.

They want to ride a horse and play polo but their age does not allow them to do so.

They want to be happy and enjoy every moment but their white hair makes every moment tasteless.

They want that as a couple their partner should die first or both of them should die together so that after their death no one can hurt their partner but their destiny does not let them to do so.

The darkest dream of 'I will die soon' haunts their real dreams, desires and themselves.

They are the cutest couple of every family 'GRANDPARENTS'.
159 · Jul 2019
YUKTI Jul 2019
The inertia is killing me

Not only because things didn't turn out as I planned
But I have started losing hope for my peace
Or I shall work more hard before things I hold would get a release.

Will I be ever able to see the road I am walking with this existing fog around me,
Or this blurred vision would decrease all my chance to see?
159 · Feb 2019
gap filler
YUKTI Feb 2019
she is like the word everyone
puts in dotted lines in the fill in the blanks..
That word completes the sentence and gives it a meaning,
but remains a gap filler!
158 · Apr 2018
YUKTI Apr 2018
do not make
too many memories
with someone.

Their absence
will eat you
from inside!!
Your comments are always appreciated.
158 · Mar 2019
YUKTI Mar 2019
I met a broken soul with a happy face
A hint of sadness in her is not easy to trace.
Are there any amends for what we did to her
or maybe any pang of grief just gets blur.

Call her brave or coward is nearly bygones
now she left the place where she used to belong.

she now became the last ray before sunset
nearly drift off, when she feels herself like a threat.
157 · Mar 2018
YUKTI Mar 2018
How dreary is for the butterflies
They do not know their beauty and no one even tries to.

They are known as the symbol of change
But they do not realize it, is it not strange?

Some butterflies do have broken wings
Or some butterflies are tied by strings
156 · Apr 2018
YUKTI Apr 2018
The fate of every tear is to fall
But it was my curse
that every drop could not even crawl!!
149 · Apr 2018
YUKTI Apr 2018
No one gives a **** what is in your heart until
it comes out from your mouth!
148 · Jun 2018
YUKTI Jun 2018
I’m a strong person. But do you know what makes me cry over and over again?

It's when I give my best but life always says
'bad luck,try again'!!
139 · Jul 2020
YUKTI Jul 2020
Walking in the rain, without an umbrella
Such nights can be Therapy or suffering

For my body, this is the remedy
Every drop soaks my skin, helps me feel.
the serenity of dripping water is like chill runs through my spine.
mazarine color of sky relaxed my heavily breathing body.

For my soul, it is the misery
Amplifying even every tiny pain,
The Rain havoc and its thundering noise
annihilates the existence of the surrounding world.
Screams of my tormented spirit are becoming audible to me.
The scars gifted from this world started bleeding again.
136 · Mar 2018
YUKTI Mar 2018
I do not know what kills my excitement of the festival.
I do not know who ends the trust once I used to build on someone.
I do not know when love became a synonym for pain and regrets.
I do not know why I laugh so much when it's hard to even smile.
I do not know how I suddenly forget to talk or to answer anyone.

When I anticipate about myself
I have definitely lost myself somewhere
135 · Aug 2018
YUKTI Aug 2018
My heartfelt the sudden weight when I saw you
seating inside the car and waving goodbye to me.

I knew that this time had to come,
and believed "I am strong, I'll handle it".

but the awkward silence after you leave,
makes me cry.

yeah, I remember I being rude to you.
all the time.
BUT in return
you always guarded me,
protected me,
supported me,
tried to understand me &
even made me laugh.

but I never even tried to be nice to you,
and it is not because you are not good but
because I don't want to be like you.
I am afraid of being one.. "the nice one"

but today I failed my rude behavior. so yes you are going far.
so bye, and I apologize for being worst sister ever.
#letter #hellopoetry
135 · Jul 2018
YUKTI Jul 2018
After many years of togetherness .
They asked ..
You both are suffering
You both are in pain
You both cry in the night
So why are you guys still together???

I replied after taking a deep breath,
Yes we suffer , but they seemed as beautiful moments which kept us closer

Yes , we are in pain but still our hands are entangled

Yes we cry in the night , but morning starts with kisses .
So I think true love is like this only ,
We have our problems , our issues , our tear stains , but it seems meaning less what the matter is , in the end we are together!!
Romantic work
130 · Oct 2018
YUKTI Oct 2018
Today I saw two unknown people dancing together.
to this dancefloor of street..
The atmosphere had something
Somewhat spark or
Love or
Full of enthusiasm
& Purity.
It felt like someone lived a life in few minutes.
The music already died
but the dance didn't.

They seemed crazy and fully away from this world
Their mind was only into the fun they were having.

Guess who are they

Okay! They were an old man and a little child..©yukti
129 · Jul 2018
YUKTI Jul 2018

Though I am afraid of height because.. what if I fall!
But since now I am at the peak of mountain I felt a little tall.

The cold breeze firmly toughened the earring I was flaunting,
Whispered "I guess this is the peace you always wanted!".

At the top of the hill
Sun directly saw in my eyes ,
And said
"Hey, tell me everything that made your heart like ice!".
128 · Dec 2019
YUKTI Dec 2019
Thoughts are running through the mind
Controlling my emotions and actions.

Unexpressed thoughts have a tighter grip over my brain than my own self.

This "not so firm" grip is turning into fire
And is slowly slowly burning my emotions into ashes.

This is exactly what happens when I am not able to write.
125 · Feb 2019
Loneliness sounds like
YUKTI Feb 2019
Loneliness sounds like -

Something soothing,
Or maybe my favorite songs
Or maybe the silence where I found peace
Or maybe the beat on which I can dance my soul out.
Or just the voice of whom who truly care about me.
125 · Jun 2018
YUKTI Jun 2018
My journey towards you
is like a *****.

Everytime I thought to
run away from you
I ended up slipping  
in your arms..❤❤
Random thought..
Your comments are always appreciated.
125 · Apr 2020
YUKTI Apr 2020
I still hear your flirting voice
In that train journey
You filthy stranger with a breathtaking smile.

Sitting on my seat on my cellphone screen
I suddenly notice a sharp gaze
Oh, it was you
A boy with black dusky hair, in beachy shirt and shorts.

You felt like "a little sun" to me in between those "cold wintery" people
When you spoke, finally breaking the silence.
Your sugary words, made the surrounding smells like a marshmallow.

Your way of talking is too smart as well as silly
Opens a door to a different crazy world forme.
always a very poised girl was laughing like a cute drunkard,
Is that you or your appearance or your voice that makes me high.

I looked for you
In every new person, I met
But as the moon in the early morning,
You had disappeared.

now with the hope, it will be you,
Let's meet strangers, in another train journey to worth remembering.
a short writeup on train journey
116 · May 2020
YUKTI May 2020
feeling hiraeth in me,
having a battle every day for
living in a world where I don't belong,
Life was never as easy as they told,
As the first ray of sun
Touches the earth,
The battle begins
Daily we meant to be covered
In another layer of expectations
Molded by the pressure of society
To be the "perfect piece of art"
All the chaos of competition, force us to be
In our comfort zone,
The feeling hiraeth in me,
having a battle every day!
HIRAETH means homesickness or nostalgia
111 · Jul 2018
YUKTI Jul 2018
Sometimes you have
no one to tell what
you are feeling inside;


Sometimes you have
everybody but not words
to share your feeling!!
111 · Aug 2018
happy friendship day
YUKTI Aug 2018
I was not knowing that my shadow can walk along,
hand in hand until you came into my life.

Happy friendship day friend.
YUKTI Oct 2018
In my dream, I wrote a poem on you.

Oh may be

on your perfect smile and the way it simply falls on your pink lips.

Or on your black sparkling eyes, who seem like swimming in water of innocence.

Or on those silent lips whispering some unsaid stories in my ears

Or the way you caught me accidentally staring at you and creating a whole different world in my mind

Or on that perfectly made hair that looks cute on you,
Me running my fingers through.

Or on that only picture of ours we looked super cute, and in all those memories I caught from the only time I get to be as near you as can..

Oh god, In my dream I wrote a poem on you

But I desire to make this dream true, but the ***** for changing this into reality is somewhere missing,
It was only there where the courage to talk to you belongs.
just some romantic stuff:)
105 · Apr 2018
YUKTI Apr 2018
Day to day I am getting confused
The metaphor of future haunts me in my head.

I do not know why I am poised towards the scary future letting my present unseen!
104 · Sep 2018
YUKTI Sep 2018
till when I am gonna remain inside a bud
I know the world's influence forces me to be
but God gave me two options
whether to bloom or to die.

I know it is much pain to decide to survive
but how can you see the beautiful corals without a dive?
103 · Aug 2018
YUKTI Aug 2018
It's Not about you forgot to wish me this Friendship day,
it's about you forgot the importance of our bond.

It hurts, it really does.
so, on the so-called day of friendship, I am ending one!!

It's not about I can't text you first Every time,
It's about I can't beg you to stay

so, on the so-called day of friendship, I am ending one!!


— The End —