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346 · Mar 2014
Carry On
Sunny Snow Mar 2014
Whoever said life is easy doesnt know what life is. We struggle, we are broken, we are little pieces of nothing that somehow put together make up something bigger than ourselves. We are made to be great though; we are created to be majestic creatures. How else do you explain life as we know it? This beautiful world we've learned to grow in...where we fail and we learn and soon we even understand the science behind it all. Why we feel pain, why we feel joy,  and why we feel love and hate. We've created language upon language. We've found ways to describe those feelings of struggle and of triumph, and weave them into words that move you to feel something. We dont pat ourselves on the back enough for just being here, for just being who we are, whatever we are. Whether we are broken or whole, whether we are normal or weird, and so much more, we vary but each of us still carry this gorgeous part of us, we just gotta locate it and run with it. We all deserve to feel love and joy, and nothing and no one should ever take that away, not even the world. Cuz life isnt easy, people try and break us, but we have and will continue on.
344 · Nov 2013
A Poem For Mom
Sunny Snow Nov 2013
Shes always been there, like my defender of the broken. I owe everything to her. I can tell you all my dark secrets and you'll always love me like a mother should. You've always had my back, protected me from myself when no one was there. My silent hero, and without you I truly do believe id be nothing. Id be gone without you keeping me here. Reminding me of the joys of life and family and friends. There truly is nothing like a mothers love.
My mom has seen me through a lot.
339 · Mar 2014
I Want A Love
Sunny Snow Mar 2014
To be hopeful is to dream,
For in dreaming we can see…
See the things we most crave,
The things that our souls
Are dying to obtain.

For me,
Only love.

I want a love so grand
That movies,
Could never fully depict it.

And I want a love so bold,
You can see us from outer space.

I want a love so cliché
It’s as cheesy as the state I reside in

I want this love,
To be like a song you can
Play on repeat…
And yet it never gets old.

Like a vinyl record
I wanna play my love
On a loop.

But most of all,
I want to stop dreaming,
And start believing
That I deserve such a love.

Cause I’ve been down the road,
Around the corner,
Up the block,
And far beyond…

I’ve searched far and wide
For this love I wish to confide in,
And yet only one
I have seen.

He was the type
That would make you
Hold your breath.

The type that
Made you believe in God,
When you aren’t even
Remotely religious.

I want to find a love like him…

Though I keep losing hope,
That there is one like him.
That I could repeat such a love.

But then I must remember,

I won’t find a love LIKE him,
I will find one much GREATER than him!
One much far WISER than him,
Whom loves DEEPER than he,
And one far CUTER than thee.

And as long as I keep hopeing,
I’ll keep dreaming,
And someday,
I’ll be seeing,
My love.

So till then I say “Goodbye”,
Until we say “Hello”
And you sweep me away,
And show me a love,
I’ll forever know.
Talking about love and hope and how you need both to find love, even when it seems unlikely
330 · Dec 2012
This Is How A Heart Breaks
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
I never planned on growing up,
Now it feels impossible sometimes.
I never planned on smoking,
Now I find it hard to quit.
I never planned on being this far gone,
And I know all too well,
I can’t go back…
I know when I’ve ****** up,
Because it seems to be something
I’m naturally good at.
I’ve never been great at
Doing the “right” thing.
I want to do better,
But better never happens…
And even when things do get better,
It’s only temporary.
I know that anytime I’m happiest,
That I will never stay this happy.
I can’t fall in love anymore,
Without questioning the other persons,
Motives, feelings and reasons for loving me.
Who would love,
Such a broken soul,
As myself?
I mostly just beat myself up
326 · Dec 2012
Behind Her Eyes
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
They say her eyes are beautiful, but they dont have to see the pain that hides behind the iris. They dont have to witness the madness and chaos that controls her mind; they dont have to notice the anxiety that holds her back from achieving anything she could possibly want. See behind those ocean eyes, is a world of hurt. So much to the point where she doesnt even know her own true value and worth. She just allows her mind to take over, to beat her down and control her. She tries so hard to fake a smile, but knows they arent convinced. Still they do nothing to help her feel less alone. All she ever desired, was to be held, to be told she means something to someone, and could never be completely alone. But in her eyes she wears a mask to hide the fact that she is desperate for a warm body next to  hers. She just wants to be reminded, of how it feels to be loved, because she so often forgets what its like. So take a look into my eyes, and see I am that girl, just dying for someone to search deeper to see how i really feel.
This is just the first draft fyi
320 · Mar 2014
Have a Voice
Sunny Snow Mar 2014
Once shy and timid,
Afraid to speak,
Thinking they won’t like me.
They won’t hear what I have to say,
They won’t understand,
How can they?
Till one day,
She was forced to speak up,
To raise the voice she had been smothering.
And soon…
She learned to be loud and proud.
She found her voice,
And used it as a weapon
Against everything she saw wrong.
And everything that had been used against her…
Like why do people have to put others down,
Just to feel good about themselves?
And why do we hate each other so?
So, she preached love,
She screamed for hope.
She spun her words so carefully,
She wanted them to sound just right,
So maybe you won’t tune her out,
But listen!
She wanted to change their hearts,
To give them a new place to start.
She had a vision,
That maybe someday,
We would learn to love one another,
Instead of devaluing our brothers and our sisters.
So, she put her pen down to the paper
And never looked back!
She wrote and scribbled down each thought,
Hoping when you read them,
You would feel something.
Tell me,
Do you feel?
Can you get on my level?
You can do the same thing,
You just gotta want to change the world,
One heart, one mind at a time!
speak UP!
301 · Dec 2012
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
I can't sleep alone because of you.    
Cause having you by my side,
Is something I value most right now.
You and I have only been,
For roughly one month...
Still I trust you with,
My heart, my mind, my soul...
My true self.
God, you're making me fall in love.
You're holding my heart in your hands,
I'm letting you inside,
For you I promise not to hide.
But I'm also crossing my fingers 
Hoping I'm not dreaming.
See your pure touch 
Leaves me screaming 
Wanting nothing but more,
Of you...
Just having you,
Even for just a moment,
Is enough...
Cause when I'm with you
I am happiest.
284 · Dec 2014
Like Me I Am
Sunny Snow Dec 2014
Like a freak on a leash,
Like a box that won't fit,
Like a gift you don't want,
Like a curse seeping through...
(I am.)
Like a sun that can scortch or warm,
Like a moon that howls or cries,
Like a tree that can grow or die,
Like a bird learning to fly...
(I am.)
Like a barely living frontal lobe,
Like a drug you can't kick,
Like a love that will stick,
Like a place you will never forget...
(I am.)

Time will tell you my history *****,
Then again in the end,
We're all ******.
Either way I am what I am,
No matter what I do,
I hate who I've been,
But you will love the new.

Like a warm fire, burning
Like a pretty record, turning
Like a loving phone call, lasting
Like a soft touch, moving...
(I am.)
Like places of unseen beauty
Like burried treasure found
Like waves crashing down
Like loves sweet sweet sounds...
(I am.)
Like beauty in words, unheard
Like songs played softly
Like hands intertwined
Like a place in your mind...
(I am.)

Time will tell you my history *****,
Then again in the end,
We're all ******.
Either way I am what I am,
No matter what I do,
I hate who I've been,
But you will love the new.

Just tell me you want me to stay,
Weather for friend or for love,
We'll see.
Just please, tell me...

Its not so bad
I'm not what I was.
Just give me a chance
And I can give you a love.

Time will tell you our history *****,
Then again in the end,
We're all kinda ******.
Either way we are what we are,
No matter what we do,
We all hate who we've been,
But they will love the new.
Originally a song
275 · Feb 2014
Getting me back.
Sunny Snow Feb 2014
I want to stand in the rain,
Arms out stretched and remember
What it is to start over.
I want to wash away all the pain,
All the anger and frustration.
I want to fill all the holes in my heart I punched in,
I want to cure what parts of me I hurt,
Doing drugs and alcohol.
I want to be able to look in the mirror
And be proud of whom ever is staring back at me.
I want to be a somebody, someone could love.
I want to be able to not need to be told
I am great or pretty
Because I'd already know I am.
I want to not be afraid to be happy and grow,
Because I've earned it,
going through hell and back on more than one occasion...
I just want to be me again!

— The End —