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Jordan Mar 2016
I am a lamb in a wulf's body
I am a rabbit in a tigers skin
I am a mouse in a cats life
I am a angel with the devil's wings
I am a dream saw as a nightmare
Get to know me
Because I'm not as I seem
  Dec 2015 Jordan
Jeremy Bean
She's very much alive
But she is dead to me
The decision wasn't mine
She wanted to be
A tombstone in my mind
A grave inside my heart
A perpetual funeral
That has no end or start
There is no wreath to set
No flowers to lay
The only place that this exists
Is buried in my wake
Jordan Oct 2015
It thrashes and tears at all in sight,
the beast inside has lost it's light.
In the darkness it drowns in pain,
bound by hatreds chain.
It is simply crestfallen,
no, maybe I am just broken.
I feel empty;
but no one can see.
The beast inside,
*it's just the dark side of me.
Written by The Dark Side of Jordan

— The End —