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Jun 2020 · 133
Wrought Iron
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
He sang like a mousetrap-
But snapped like a beartrap
Heavy iron cutting,
Into a bite of truth

Never let your heart rust over-
Oxidation is defeat
Sometimes you need an anvil,
With heavy hammer
To temper your soul
Out of wrought iron
I think spiritual and mental fortitude comes from adversity and finding strength within
Jun 2020 · 78
Reality Check Bounced
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Ideology is like the Postal Service,
It always delivers a little late
But keep shoving your morals
Down everyone's throats;
Social media astronauts,
Aimed at the moon
Wish in one hand
And hold a body bag with the other,
I bet I know which one
Will fill up first

Sitting comfortably on couches,
As we ***** about life's convenience
Baring teeth at each stray dog
Who sniffs our monogrammed bowl
"Back up buddy! that one-
Is clearly labeled with my name-
Luce Goose the Spruce Moose II"

Tell me again that everyone is wrong,
And you're the only right
I think you turned left
Parking your van between Delusion Ave-
And the corner of "yeah right"
What we want,
What we don't,
And what we get,
Are three separate roads
And you have to travel each one twice
Before you got a ******* clue
Part of Thomas W. Case's "Tom Waits" poetry challenge.  This poem is inspired by Tom Waits song 'Hell Broke Luce'.  The song entails the long and pain deployment of a Soldier who just wants to get back to being a chef and sitting on his porch.  But like most people that want quiet, he is bombarded (literally) by idiocy and tragic events.  The song makes me think of an old Shinto proverb - Fight justly for just causes.  Combine that with Roosevelt's - Speak softly and carry a big stick.  The end result is make sure you are undertaking an endeavor that is right, that you are limiting collateral damage, and that you are taking actual action.  Stop shouting on Facebook and go hold a sign if you want change.  Memes don't lead to shifts in policy.
Jun 2020 · 76
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
You stand ready against all odds,
Holding true on fictitious front lines,
swearing the enemy is real

Much like the boy-
They all think you're crying wolf,
Searching for phantoms in normal faces

You can feel their ephemeral grasp,
make-believe fingers - tracing lines,
that make your hair stand up straight

Rock yourself to sleep,
Spear gripped tight in all-too-real hands,
They may not believe,
But your mind has seen,
Those unseen phantoms
This is my response to BLT's  "Word of the Day Challenge"
Fictitious: of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction: IMAGINARY
Jun 2020 · 40
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
to get to
the good stuff-

-seeking network
to fix
my spider web
of lies

good benefits,
great travel,
and a free
lollipop or two
...if you smile
for the dentist

flexible hours
that bend
all the rules

your noose-knot
fancy fresh
and fancy-free
with a 13
stanza melody

is forbidden-

put your name
on the dotted line-
time to revel
in constant
and inconsistent

...folded sharp,
like daggers
on your skin
This poem is meant to speak of the never-ending drone of dead-end jobs that we would not otherwise take or put up with if desperation and necessity didn't interfere.  The thought of cubicle farms feels so fickle to me.
Jun 2020 · 47
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
My heart is a gecko,
Turning green and looking lean,
Scampers along my ribs,
Eating butterflies that escape,
Desiring the cool,
So it climbs to my feet,
Until curiosity strikes again,
Ascend and ascend,
It takes over my head
I just thought it was an interesting metaphor.
Jun 2020 · 66
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
A lack,
Off the beaten path,
And without track-
Empty even of hunger,
Hollow of desire,
And slack
A mouth free of teeth,
Growing mushrooms so black
A poison of nothing-
Stretch souls out on rack
Taints vacant vacuous veins
Covered in blanket
Of fact-

Gaze upon empty,
Let eyes focus with strain,
See fallout of mistakes,
And husk left after pain
Gaze up at the sallow,
Pallid and weak,
Of humanities failings,
The topic we speak
Just a simple rhyme that I put together to speak about that feeling when everything seems to be in order but somehow, we still feel empty.
Jun 2020 · 85
The Cause
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Change only comes with action
Not maintenance of the status quo
Causes are punctuated by periods of blood
Better for more
Is truly the best for all
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
One hand gripped some yellow seeds-
The other, seeds stained red
One seed would grow up ****-
The other grows sweet instead

Each fruit would make a lovely juice
That bursts with intense flavor
Despite the ****, to spite the sweet-
Little treats we each would savor

Baked and burned and fricasseed
And placed in ornate wrappings-
Then placed upon a grocery shelf
In boxes of lavish trappings

Don't you see, my sweet-
Finding love is like eating candy?
You open wide and take a bite
To discover lemons **** or cherries dandy
This is my whimsical take on the sweet and sour aspects of love.  Love in full bloom is indulgent and refreshing.  But we all fear the downswing when loving someone leaves us open to the possibility of hurt.  I wanted to craft an almost singsong rhyme about the joys (and sometimes fears) of discovering love.
Jun 2020 · 60
what you need
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
like car horns, raucous evenings
they pick pick pick at your patience
"What you need is a little therapy!"
exclaimed through gritted teeth
and southern witty rejoinders
"What you need is to drink water!"
water heals all wounds,
of the head, of the heart, of the soul
"What you need is a little motivation!"
my seeds of apple and cherry grew-
but no motivation trees left in sight
if only the Lorax could see this forest now
all the motivation, water, and therapy trees-
now extinct
so my blanket of friendship
will simply have to do;
a warm cup of kindness,
a passionate phone call,
and those moments when you reconnect

friendship is what you need
I recently reconnected with a friend who listened to a lot of my woes over the last year and told me about his.  We talked about football, economics, and societal philosophies.  Sometimes it's just that good friend that gives you the pick up you need when everyone else tries to impose their own remedies on you.
Jun 2020 · 51
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
she was made
of tender things;
treads of gold,
and silvered strings,
with little bones
and broken wings,
buttons, pins,
and rusty springs
her mind was filled
with little dreams;
to be a queen,
a crown to gleam,
a rainbow bridge
out into space,
a quiet room
to hide her face
too delicate
for this world;
a tiny bed,
with a tiny girl,
who's window felt
like iron bars,
so she left her body
and went to the stars
no longer small,
no longer frail,
no longer sadness,
and wicked tales,
out in the stars
she burns so bright,
a golden glimmer
lights up the night
I am tearing up writing this.  This is a dedication to a friend who struggled to the very end.  I like to believe she won even though she isn't with us anymore.
Jun 2020 · 55
Watching the Fade
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
The landscape
slips off
in the distance

Steep plummets
of steel stones
and broken shells

Swirling mists
fading into
unnatural light

A touching chill
falling over
rocky beaches

A folded chair
on well-worn path

Facing East
into the mists
and steepest cliff

We all watch
the end
of the world
as chamomile
and honey
draw us
into the fade
I wanted to create something mysterious and dark that spoke of the ephemeral nature of life as we sit and watch the cliffs along a rocky coast.  The imagery for this poem came from a trip I took to Maine and sat on a cliff one morning in the misty fading Autumn.  It was truly spooky and truly beautiful.
Jun 2020 · 44
Two Tales of Love
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Brick it in                                                       Set it free
Burn it down                                           Watch it grow
Hold it tight                                       Release your grip
Bind it                                                                 Find it
Never again                                              Until Forever
Passion and fury sometimes burn just as brightly in the world of love as nurturing and caring.  We all live a duality in both columns from time to time.
Jun 2020 · 108
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
I have been bowlin' semi-colons (for a period of time) as I interject a comma between independent clauses and rhymes.
This is one of my own poems that actually made me chuckle a little.  The joys of punctuation!
Jun 2020 · 56
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Oh, to turn back time
A wish that all have
Standing in empty parking lots
As Chevy Impalas run towards setting suns-

-Bespoke of fetid misery wafting from the bloated corpse

Place fingers to Mickey Mouse arms;
Spinning them on titanium axis,
Praying to watch the sunrise again,
Feeling wrinkles pull taut,
And see those majestic beasts return

But 'ol Mickey keeps on waving-
His smile holds no warmth
One finger upturned and moving clockwise

We're all moving clockwise

...tick tick ticking away
The tides of time are cruel and keep on marching like army ants.
Jun 2020 · 56
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
drifting through walls
and crawling through our ears
we live in empty spaces
as they haunt through our fears
and shade
they're made
with every misstep we've taken
and stupid game that we've played
Sometimes the skeletons in our closet get up and dance.  They're always there just in our peripherals.
Jun 2020 · 83
Heartbeat of Life
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Heart - may lead us down broken paths,
yet allows us to see the true beauty
within each other
I felt inspirational instead of morose today :)
Jun 2020 · 71
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
soft and supple
together we laid
my head on your chest
soft heartbeat
quickens at my touch
my fingers trace
all in shapes of hearts
soft and supple
i could lay on you
as forever
floats away
There is something beautiful and magical about those moments of cuddling as the light gives way to the night.  Two bodies in sync.
Jun 2020 · 82
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
with you
too many broken dreams
too hard to take a step
wrapped­ in strips of leather
thinking you were clever
watch you

snap the neck
on my chicken-bone heart
turning ever into never
will you just snap our tether
Jun 2020 · 41
some people
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
if you were an app,
I'd delete you
at the door?
I won't greet you
you're just a foreign invader-
and I will defeat you
Isn't it awful when your family brings someone toxic into their life and just won't listen to anybody about how awful they are?
Jun 2020 · 46
Hopeless Romantic
Michael Stefan Jun 2020
Dating in your 30s is hard
Everyone wants to be in a hook-up polycule
I just want to be part of a molecule
Two beautiful hydrogen atoms
Bonded eternal and providing oxygen
For the other to breathe
This is what I come up with when I think about dating apps.  Last time I was on one, it was tragic and I looked recently to satisfy my curiosity and discovered that people don't even speak the same language as me anymore.  Le sigh.
May 2020 · 45
Michael Stefan May 2020
I will wear my collar,
Of flesh and skin bound tight
This pop-up meat tuxedo,
Will fall apart eventually

Sometimes the suit itches-
Like it was tailored
Of heavy wool and corduroy

Sometimes the weight is too great-
Dragging my hardened soles
Of human leather

Our bodies are a prison-
Interning the mind and soul
Until our skeletons cease to dance

But every sentence has its end-
I'll hold hands with you
Into the sunset
As we fly the coup
And escape into the ether
I think that most people view death as a terrifying end of the only thing we have known.  I like to believe after we pass on, we find a peace that we have never known and will welcome the chance for some rest.
May 2020 · 44
holding your breath
Michael Stefan May 2020
those days you cannot breathe
and pain seems to flow with ease
are the days we push on through
though our act is never true
better to pretend to fly
instead of laying down to die
Sometimes it's hard to fake the funk and have everyone believe that you are doing alright.
May 2020 · 94
A yard of thread
Michael Stefan May 2020
She will always wear,
threadbare gloves
with jagged tears
gloves her mother
made for her
Unravel with the passing years-
draping back a yard of thread,
the only tether to her past
Just a small poetic monologue.  I thought the idea of some old and dusty piece of clothing representing a lost childhood was an image many of us could relate to.
May 2020 · 59
Michael Stefan May 2020
Each second ticks-
Like a hammer on an anvil in an empty room
Eventually, the darkness suffocates
Each can of beer grows warm
In life's shaking hand

One day we'll peel
One day we'll break-
Away from the leather sofa
In search of greener pastures,
And even greener silken sheets

But that day is not today
As eyes grow bloodshot-
Like the crimson of autumn
Or the twilight of our dying youth
Insomnia and pondering life at it's finest
May 2020 · 51
Emotional Stability
Michael Stefan May 2020
Both feet on the ground
Quiet plains-
     No rustled sound
Empty ballroom floor-
     The last patron walks out the door
Midnight in my car-
     Dreams of leaving, driving far
Both feet on the ground

An arm to grasp
We'll walk around
Staring at eternity;
At what transpired
Between you and me,
With our cadence off
Just skipping beats

Both feet on the ground

I'll hold myself
Like clouded glass
To you, I am opaque
Although I look quite stable
I'm bracing for
The coming quake
I just wanted to put my spin on the theory that we wear the mask that we want other people to see.  Rarely do we understand what's actually happening in someone's brain and how they feel.
May 2020 · 57
Michael Stefan May 2020
A young twig
Bends with breeze
Impervious to force
Unlike the old
Cracked and dry
That breaks at softest touch
Deserving to be
Which shall I be
May 2020 · 179
Scotch & Rocks
Michael Stefan May 2020
I let the sweet poison flow
Through my pickled veins
Growing heavy like curtains-
In your grandmother's house
-Heavy, stained, and dusty

I let the sweet poison burn,
Away with all my inhibitions
As it filled me with inky clouds
That ate my decisions
And spit out sunshine headaches
A drunken werewolf for sure

But now I throw my glasses
Against the wall-
I would rather walk on broken bottles
Than ever be at the bottom of one
So after the death of a friend in Afghanistan, I started drinking a lot.  Then my divorce happened and I was a wreck.  It took a good friend and some harsh realizations to pull me back from the brink.  I'm happy I did, and I'll never go back.
May 2020 · 57
A fist full of diplomacy
Michael Stefan May 2020
We the people, imperfect union
Beaten brutal by the news
Red-white-and-blue we bleed
From misanthropic bruise

Some say stand, others say fall
Some just sit and wonder
It's a ******* miracle
Our country isn't torn asunder
Sorry, I typically avoid political poetry but I have been listening to a solid stream of partisan nonsense from both sides.  A party line is a line in the sand that prevents you from walking to a room full of compromise where everyone gets a little of what they want.
May 2020 · 33
Michael Stefan May 2020
Every now and then
In river flood or flowing wind
It takes teeth to bite
And grip the side
Of emotional skyscraper
As you prepare to fall

I too have been with you
In our shows of tenacity
A breaking sorrow hits our beach
And with strength we both shall reach
Tearing fingernails
As they burrow in concrete
This is my trial to write something visceral with some almost disgustingly vivid imagery with a positive tone.  Hope you enjoy!
May 2020 · 70
Michael Stefan May 2020
You licked honey-tongued lies into my ear-
Drunk on whiskey and mead
I felt you wrap coils around my heart
In your claws, I'll never be freed
To wander this earth with love,
Escape like a moth in the sky-
Your tongue caught me, entranced
I was lost in your honey-colored slit of an eye
Le sigh.  Oh to be trapped like we sometimes are
May 2020 · 49
Michael Stefan May 2020
each day
of dark clouds
and gray rain
darker tidings
and cold pain
as clouds drift
on high
through sleet
and snow
and darkened sky
I clasp my head
in my hands
with wintery sigh
and wonder
through thunder
Dear Lord,
Sometimes there are too many injustices in the world to keep them from seeping in.
May 2020 · 60
Michael Stefan May 2020
be it happy or sad,
filled with anger or despair,
I always think on you awhile

and I can't help but write you in
every written verse of mine-
flourished with your smile
This poem is about my daughter.  Although my poetry seems to skirt the edges of despair and madness more often than not, she is the person that gives me the courage to share these thoughts with the world.
May 2020 · 44
rot and ruin
Michael Stefan May 2020
careful as you tread your path
of thistlewood and vines
for paths are steep, and air is thin
as you reach beyond your time
an empty pack, an empty bottle
no remnants left of wine
we ate the meat and ate the bread
we're left to dine on rinds
from the earth, into the earth
there's an end to every line
a poolside view as you fade away
we're all just doing fine
Existentialist viewpoints are a pain in the ***.  Especially when you can't shake them on a lovely Tuesday morning.
May 2020 · 310
the artist and the thief
Michael Stefan May 2020
you stole my heart with music
playing in the background
while you danced around
flicking paint upon the canvas
as I sat and ate my breakfast
on a warm morning in July
your artwork always made me cry
a beauty I had never seen
while you worked in faded jeans

     then one day you were gone
     no paint, nor sun, nor growing song
     I wondered if I had always been wrong
     or if you had ever been

          so I picked up pen and paper
          and I began to write a caper
          where a thief with rugged charm
          and a smile that would disarm
          robbed every single gallery
          from San Diego to D.C.
          and left a little rose
          which is how I learned my prose
          but soon the wonder faded
          as I grew way past jaded
          but I swear when you return
          my ink will lose its angry burn
          and I'll paint you a bouquet
          and hope this time you'll stay
          my heart won't lose its nerve
          from my mission, I won't swerve
          I'll write a symphony with my words
          ...the kind that you deserve
This is a piece dedicated to the ones that got away.  I'm sure that we have all had that person that we spent so much time with.  Every day our love for them grew and grew without us even recognizing it at first.  Finally, when it hits, it's usually too late or we say the wrong thing and ruin it.  So cheers!  To the ones that got away!
May 2020 · 59
Winter Wolf
Michael Stefan May 2020
I stand alone,
A vagrant
Heavy is the silence
Under boughs of spruce and pine,
I bide my time.

I am the winter wolf.
Fanged lupine visage,
Perched atop-
Arctic ridgeline
With desolate winter backdrop

Muscles taught, I wait,
Noses twitch, a smell,
Ears that perk at sound,
A hunger won't be quelled

I am the winter wolf.
And I wait here for you
We all hunger for flesh,
It's true-
In one way or another;
The warmth of a lover,
The antics of a fool,
A wrath to spread to our fellows-
With howl and yell and bellow

I wait here for you
Desiring my lips
Against your warm skin
I crave for but a kiss-
But be wary of my fanged friends
Who have a darker wolven wish
I wanted to play around with an abrupt rhyme scheme in a piece that felt sensual yet dark.  Seductive but slightly violent.  A small feeling of loneliness with a gray and white backdrop.  I hope you enjoyed this piece.
May 2020 · 89
A sad and simple truth
Michael Stefan May 2020
I've had you
But I will never have you
The door always slammed shut
On your way out in the morning

You will never possess me
But your presence possesses me
Every lonely night
As I stare blankly out the window

You said we'd be together
But we only exist now
In a place called 'never'
"Every rose has its thorns"
Free will always plays a part, for better or worse, in relationships
May 2020 · 61
Michael Stefan May 2020
Pull back the *****
Undo the clasps
Untie the strings
A zipper's rasp
Buttons undone
And hats pulled back
Gloves on the counter
Shoes on the rack
Socks pulled down
Shirts taken off
And underwear
Will soon be doffed
But still I'm not
Quite **** enough
For prying eyes
Are in a huff
Pull back the skin
And shave the hair
And reach your hand
Way up in there
Remove the lungs
Cut out the brain
You'll take my heart
And leave a stain
On the counter
Next to the gloves
We all strip bare
In the name of love
I hoped to make something with some sing-song rhymes, relatable, and just a touch morbid.  It's always hard when you feel you have given everything for a relationship and your partner just wants more and more.  Hope you enjoy the poem!
May 2020 · 77
Michael Stefan May 2020
          In flesh
Haunted tomb                  
                       From which we
Are born            
               Into which
We must            
May 2020 · 94
Michael Stefan May 2020
simple song
of sleep
in hotel

see me off
this cliff

lay me
and remove
my coat
of heavy
winter wool

let me
on clouds
of dreams
to lurk
May 2020 · 72
Michael Stefan May 2020
We are all afflicted
In one way or another
A slice of anxiety
With depression sprinkled in

Why could I not be diseased
With a severe case of good sleep
Or come down with the "smiles"
Only to become terminal
With stage four happiness
It's just been a rough week with a lot of sleepless nights and an unseasonable cough
May 2020 · 37
Michael Stefan May 2020
Glorious sun
Is cut in twain
By distant jagged horizon
Bleeding pink and ochre
Crimson and orange
From its nightly wound

Crickets chirping
In anticipation
For heavy shroud
Of coolest darkness
I love sunsets and feeling the hectic day transition into a calm night
May 2020 · 32
Michael Stefan May 2020
They called her heartbreaker
In hushed tones
As she walked around town

They called her heartbreaker
Not knowing
She was broken-hearted
Sweet image hiding
A boiling ocean
Of breaking waves

They called her heartbreaker
But she only swung the hammer
Trying to shape
Her own foundation
In a way that pleased her
Not you

They called her heartbreaker
But no one ever
Bore their own blame
Surely, she swung a hammer
But each of them in turn
Chose to put their heart
In the way

They called her heartbreaker
And as sure
As any slur
It was spit with force
Around the town
And she smiled
A little smile
Cause she had built a mansion
For her heart on the inside
And she wore the title
Like a gilded badge of pride
This poem is a monologue that is meant to discuss standards of beauty and victim-blaming that are ever so prevalent in our society today.  Take responsibility
May 2020 · 39
Patchwork Hearts
Michael Stefan May 2020
A broken heart
Needs more
Than clever stitches

You can't simply
Turn love on
By flipping some switches

No bandage
Can cover
A throbbing deep sorrow

No candlelight vigil
Can be bright
As the sunrise tomorrow
It's sad but I pray it inspires some hope.
May 2020 · 42
touch me
Michael Stefan May 2020
touch me
where I hurt
I need fingers
to plug the holes
before I fade
out of light
and into dark

touch me
to cool me
and ebb my fever
and my brain
begins to cook
in cast iron
and oil

touch me
in my heart
I fear and I can't
feel the feelings
that used to make me
when you smiled first
I think we have all felt a little manic when we are hurt.
Michael Stefan May 2020
I once saw a man
carry a child
out of a burning building;
and his face was burned
so badly
his village couldn't
recognize him;
I thought him
to be the child's
rescuing his daughter;
he had a blood feud
with the actual father;
each man
swore to **** the other
to maintain their honor;
yet he risked his life
for the child
of a man
he hated
more than anything;
because light
will always
break the dark
Just another war story.  Sometimes it is in the most tragic that people have the courage to be the most honorable
May 2020 · 40
Michael Stefan May 2020
you are a rocket:
and uncaring...
...of who gets hurt
I've always been a friend of measuring my response to any situation.  It appears as if many people don't share this passion I have
May 2020 · 65
Michael Stefan May 2020
I leave trails with tracks
Of ruby and slick
No way to go back
Across rivers of Styx

My mark being left
Through pine forest dale
Each lost drop of blood
With skin growing pale

Your words are like ticks
Your frowns become leeches
Each weakening pulse
On sangria beaches

The needles you carry
Take their own little *****
You've drained all my blood
And left me anemic
Hi everyone!  Sorry I've been out of the loop for the past two weeks.  I have been working on tests and dealing with a lot of family/virus related issues.  But I'm back and plan to keep the ink flowing.  Sorry to come back with some sad poems, but that's how I usually make my entrance, unfortunately.  Cheers, fellow poets!
Apr 2020 · 43
Michael Stefan Apr 2020
Despair and disrepair
Fingers caught
In knotted hair
Anxious worry twirling
Alone in wicker chairs
Longing for a comedy
As we are given tragedy
Sweet words to be
Could bring some levity
And some hope
Would bear great gravity
As it pulled me
back from my dark clouds
Apr 2020 · 52
Rack of Lambs
Michael Stefan Apr 2020
Oh sweet little lamb
Feed happily on Facebook
Instagram delight
Biased news media
Streaming through the night
Chew your Youtube
And accept your fate
As you consume digitally
And get loaded as the freight
No keypad mashing
Will free you from this crate
As you become consumer meal
Adorning corporate plates
Be careful digital generation.  Many of your kin have already fallen to toxic consumerism and fake news mills that are designed to keep you uninformed.  Go to the library once in a while and read a scholarly article to get your facts.  And always remember, you are just a payday to international corporations.  No matter what their advertisements say.
Apr 2020 · 56
Michael Stefan Apr 2020
I was in a state of happiness
While you were in another state
Crossing borderline personalities
As you shattered my reality
Our life in a state of decay
When you stated
You wanted to head
A different way
I added this note to the poem following a question I received.  Why "Convergence" instead of "Divergence".  I thought about that for a long time and decided that the word convergence sets up the entire piece by indicating that the two in the story came together.  It's the gathering of lives that begins the process of love and happiness or sadness and destruction.  That was a good question though and I love feedback.  I always want to get better at expressing what I'm feeling in hopes that someone will take solace in one of my poems and know they aren't alone in their bad situation.  :)
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