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My almost grown grandsons
see only a stooped withered
old man when they look at me,
no clue of the young man I used
to be. Or where I have been, the
things I've done. They've only
known me like this. Even 20
years ago, when they were born
I was already a senior citizen.

In my mirror I also see what they
see and can barely recall that
once upon a time younger me.

Time moves on leaving erosion
behind upon mountains and
people too.
Erosion on mountains is
a slow process, we humans
are not that fortunate.
I think
the world
of us
than we
can offer
write it and give it
was created just like bone
still walking somehow
 Nov 2023 Heidi Franke
I know
It is not enough
to love you deeply
Your terms are very harsh.
I know
It is not enough.
To kiss you daily
My lips are very hungry.
I know
It is not enough.
To pray alone
My soul is empty waiting.
But angels never cry..
For love .

For Love....
You need two souls .
Two shadows.
Two hands .
Two lips.
To Kiss...
But angels never cry
For this.

For life. ...
You need two humans.
Two smiles.
Two hearts.
Two eyes
To miss..
But angels never cry.
For this.

They want your soul
They want your smile..
They want you life
For ever ..
But angels
never cry for love.
 Nov 2023 Heidi Franke
Sonu Tyro
Broken things can be beautiful too,
With cracks and scars, they’re something new.
A broken vase, now fixed with care,
Shines with lines that weren’t there.
Even hearts, once broken, beat strong,
So remember, when things fall apart,
There’s beauty in fixing a broken heart
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